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Everything posted by Chokinzoku81

  1. Nevermind, the Takatoku box confuses me. Apparently the armor is called GBP-1S even when it’s on J or a A....this is the real thing...congrats on who scored the vid!
  2. Hold up, if that’s the box, why does it say “GBP-1S” under the armor ? Unlikely Bandai would make that mistake ? What do you think?
  3. @borgified - I watched the @jenius video on how to transform the 1/48 Yamato and I still can’t see where it’s located. When u get a spare minute, do you mind posting a pic?
  4. Thanks @borgified!!! Now to go pop it back on - appreciate the fast help !
  5. Does anyone happen to know what part of a Yamato 1/48 Valkyrie this part is? I found it in a box and wanted to check w the experts. Thanks.
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