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Everything posted by Radioguy

  1. Argh. Seeing it in the store makes me angry with HG again as my store is like a dozen blocks away from me. Let's have a side-by-side pic somebody!
  2. I only respect bipartisan opinions. 😆
  3. That, I could go for. 😉
  4. Let's wait for the side-by-side.
  5. I guess we'll see if the color is different tomorrow. Not that it undermines the argument, though. Thing is, if the market is there for reissues, go for it. Just don't hold back the things we would have gotten otherwise if you hadn't done it. That's true for other Bandai lines too.
  6. I'm still surprised that Sailor Cosmos hasn't been done when they are making these. Did sales for the Sailor Moon franchise just suddenly drop off? I know it's older, but Cosmos is like the only iteration of the character, forget the updates to others, that hasn't been done in the main line. Surprising to say the least.
  7. Brow? It's the eyes. Elijah Wood has BIG eyes, and it looks as if that was something they didn't know how to do. They also didn't get Viggo right. Orlando is the best sculpt so far, but only like 80% there. Something's still off, but that one is miles ahead than the others. Plus, they need to get the heroes right before they can get to the baddies. Baddies are often simpler to sculpt than a human face.
  8. We love variants when Bandai gets them right.
  9. DX 1/60?
  10. Damn. They missed the mark on the LOTR sculpts. I was intrigued, but no longer. Always wonder why some keep getting the eyes wrong on sculpts when some companies get it right.
  11. Seconded.
  12. Get in line. I mean seriously...at the Tamashii store when it comes. Bring a fake moustache and try to get me two.
  13. They don't limit that to this line. In S.H. MonsterArts, they finally announced an Anguirus (Godzilla's first opponent/later best friend) after over a decade of folks wanting one. People do die waiting for these things to happen.
  14. Unsure. They have the same logo, and continue in the same vein. They may have restructured, but I would approach them and have them tell me that again instead of assume they still have no liability. (Although you're likely right.)
  15. I hope you know they resurrected, and were granted the license to sell off the remainder of the Eaglemoss Star Trek ships line, and have continued with the Trek license, as well as Doctor Who, Stargate and others, to produce more merchandise. If you are seeking recompense and couldn't reach them before, they are reestablished and easier to contact now. I actually kinda still want those metallic VF-1As. Did anyone here get them? I don't think I've ever seen pics of them other than those from KC.
  16. Hold your horses, I'd still want a Max and Milia DX VF-1J.
  17. I think the FOMO on the 50th was the belief that fewer might be produced. I would assume there is more if this one, but who knows.
  18. Was that the Indiegogo from Master Replicas?
  19. Was Brasso one of the solutions? I know that works on buffing out scratches on some types of surfaces. Not saying it'll work here though.
  20. Oof. I thought it was a Core class figure at first glance.
  21. Agreed. I wish they could also do deals with CBS and BBC for Star Trek and Doctor Who collabs.
  22. For some reason, I had thought they folded. Good to see I was wrong. The shipping costs rival KitzConcept's though. Like almost 70% of the cost of one kit.
  23. Radioguy

    Hi-Metal R

    He needs a 1/100 SDF-1 for that first.
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