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Everything posted by Radioguy

  1. Radioguy

    Hi-Metal R

    Not extolling its virtues, but I like a good variant that is aesthetically pleasing beyond canonicity. I know that wasn't the reason this was made, but I do like blue. I'd even have liked green.
  2. Radioguy

    Hi-Metal R

    Luna Park is quick. https://www.lunapark.store/product-page/hi-metal-r-vf-0s-phoenix-genius-blue-ver-japan-version FEB2023 for ¥1,000 off too.
  3. Luna Park is quick. https://www.lunapark.store/product-page/hi-metal-r-vf-0s-phoenix-genius-blue-ver-japan-version FEB2023 for ¥1,000 off too.
  4. Luna Park is quick. https://www.lunapark.store/product-page/hi-metal-r-vf-0s-phoenix-genius-blue-ver-japan-version FEB2023 for ¥1,000 off too.
  5. Retcon it all you like, this is a toy meant to scratch a Max VF-1 itch they can't otherwise here in the USA. As a toy, forget everything else, I like it for a VF-0 variant. I'd even prefer green.
  6. Same! Any translucent variants, like 3P figures often do after a standard run, are right up my alley.
  7. I don't mind if they go down the Yamato repaint road. I'd like some camo and low-vis stuff in HMR or DX.
  8. Radioguy

    Hi-Metal R

    Legit, I'd say, as it's tied to a New York Tamashii event at Grand Central.
  9. Hobby-Genki looks to be $29.52 for an HM-R to the USA. So, the same? They had the item for ¥11,495.00 though. A tad more than HLJ.
  10. Better views, but I still don't think they captured him.
  11. I thought about that, but Valkyrie Factory doesn't match 1:1 with Arcadia (According to this thread and others); not even the strike parts when they KO them. Close though. Might work, but I wouldn't bet on it.
  12. Not to push them, but I'm wondering if this is the lowest price on Valkyrie Factory Arcadia KOs ever: https://www.ebay.com/itm/154941534964
  13. Glorious. 😃 Not to beat a dead horse, but I'd guess if anyone was to do a custom VF-1J in ROBOTECH DEFENDERS "Axoid" colors (Blood Red/Black), @Kicker773 would be the guy. Hell, if I can't do it, I sure as hell will tempt someone else to. 😄
  14. No, you give me too much credit. As I said in other posts, I was there in the beginning when the kits came into the USA before Jetfire and Chunky Monkeys. I was a kid, sure, but I was hooked on the designs more than TFs and even before I even caught Robotech on daily TV. As for the premium stuff in later years like Yamato and Arcadia, I vaguely knew the stuff existed. I saw the Toynami 1/55 MPs when they came out and thought collecting those or better would be beyond my means, and it usually has been. However, I had no clue PO window price differences, or the Yamato clearances, were happening and putting these more within my grasp. Those are my most painful regrets. Sans a Powerball win, I think we're talking more than a few months @borgified, but I've my ear to the ground from now on, and appreciate this place and all of you for keeping me informed...and still hooked.
  15. I had to sit down, break out the O2, and take a few pills after seeing these pictures. This is quite literally my Macross collecting heaven. Green VF-1S, Wood Land Camos, Stealths...I need to be in Kicker's will and would streetfight any of you for the spot. 😆
  16. I wish I had that sense or awareness at the time.
  17. I finally obtained a HESS Holiday Optimus Prime, and (at least the bot and not the repurposed Earthrise trailer) he is fantastic. Maybe the best design at the deluxe or leader class I've acquired in some time. For me, the last with such good tolerances at this scale was JP93 from the Jurassic Park collab set. Designs like these make Tracks/Road Rage seem like dollar store KOs for being so poorly designed. More is to come from this Volvo cab design, and I can't wait for the repaints.
  18. OT, for a sec... Have there been any alternative manufacturing sources for 1/48 DX compatible missiles? I'd guess someone probably did 3D-printed copies (any for sale?), but was there any KO sets like Valkyrie Factory has done for 1/60 strike parts? Like I mentioned before, non-canon it may be, but I feel like my Angel Bird should have the option. The official set is pricey, though, and something I think I'd only lay out for if I actually lost original missiles from a valk or obtained a loose valk 2nd hand. Anyhow, was curious.
  19. Love the "wood land" camouflage one more, though! (Looking for that one)
  20. I wish the next were a VE-1 or VT-1.
  21. I'd love to see you catch up on reviews! Whatever I can't afford to collect, I collect the video you do of it. 😄
  22. You skipped over SHMA, which is on par with HMR pricing now, so yeah, it makes sense since they have already gotten product in stores. I get that Macross is not Godzilla, or Transformers, but I'd argue Gundam folks would know, or at least try, Macross items in a big box store like that. I'm sure Bandai sold past buyers with such pitches to even get the Gundam stuff in there.
  23. I have a very warm and spacious mailbox.
  24. That's just great. I love the angle of the picture obscuring the number of the surplus plane. 😆 Smart move buying a case though! What's he gonna do with his Yamato's?
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