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Everything posted by Radioguy

  1. I'm curious what prompted it. Even if not screen-accurate I kinda like it, and even wish it was a head option for DX or HMR. (Maybe a 3D print possibility?)
  2. For those who have this kit, I was first exposed to it in the USA as distributed by Revell, and noticed the head has no "rim" to the visor; it's one smooth surface to the "lens". My question: Is that 1J head design unique to this mold?
  3. Well, the BB reissue of Jetwing Prime was also a PO, and ended up in many Target stores afterward. Motormaster wasn't as in stores, but ended up in some stores too. So, I think there's definitely a chance of getting Jazz in-store if you miss a Target PO. I just knew another Guardian repaint was coming. As for Towline, I'm starting to get sick of the repaints being so close together. He's one of like three or four variants of the same mold out at one time. At least with Skids, his variants were spread out more; even the MP versions.
  4. Thanks! Interesting. Looks like this is/was a KO run of the original finish to sell at a lower entry-price. The price dropped even more since, so I'm not complaining they went back to KO'ing the original finish if you know and accept that going in. That this one doesn't have strike parts included, and both it and the strike parts are sold separately in custom "retail" boxes now seem to be the indicator of this different production run. I looked more closely at the more pricey offerings ($180s+) of the Hunter, Fokker, Max and Mirya KO's which include the strike parts, and they ARE all depicting a PF finish. I think those might still just come in basic brown boxes alone as past video reviews depicted, so I'm not sure if they are still produced as the custom boxes seem to be a newer development. Non-PF and strike parts for $148 vs. $180+? Maybe it's enough reason to keep producing both runs.
  5. Maybe the Fokker does and the Hunter never did?
  6. The brown box is the actual shipper (hence the label and tape I peeled away), and the white is the "retail" box. The super parts were the same way, although the shipper has no printing on that. Like I said. Light on tampos. Looks based on the original non-PF release.
  7. Said it before, but the "wood land" camo 1A. Frankly, I really would love an armed 1D in camouflage, as that was one of the Revell's 1D kit boxart paint schemes from way back when.
  8. My hands are not as capable these days of kit building and such skills. Hence, my wondering if Bandai would make god on this being a HMR.
  9. Don't think there was. Probably a deal set up before the film tanked. Maybe they think they will still get some sales of Herman & co despite the new actors. I wonder if they'll do Igor.
  10. Same problem here! Think Bandai would send out new swap-out stabilizers for this?
  11. Not the PF. KO of the original finish. I succumbed, and grabbed one myself, and the super parts too. Got them all today, and it was as solid as the Max and Mirya Arcadia's I possess. Valkyrie Factory actually pulled off a great copy. Further up this page. Super parts here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/295198707560 Light on tampos. Non-PF finish. I'll post some crappy pics in a minute.
  12. Well, according to @Slave IV, they offered a CF and an Angel Bird that never materialized. I don't know what got them to that point, or what changed their mind. I shouldn't encourage more KOs, I know, but I'm only human with natural variable fighter weaknesses. 😄
  13. I'm not endorsing them! I've read how they are viewed here. I've only ever had the one order from them (via their "premium" url) for a DX VF-1D, and it arrived well-packed. Maybe I was lucky in hindisght. Anyhow, this is a WWM release, so I doubt many need to go to them for this one.
  14. Radioguy

    Hi-Metal R

    They don't give you a chance to relax, do they? I haven't had an Orguss since I got a diecast KO as a kid. Looks like that will change.
  15. Now I won't be relaxed until I get home. Checking that I locked the door was bad enough.
  16. Sometimes, I think KOs have such errors on purpose. Actually, I wonder if they really do, especially in this modern age when its more likely to be caught, just to make those they copy less enraged. As for VF, I'm for them going all Joon on us and doing colors Arcadia wouldn't conceive of. That might make these go down easier with folks feeling guilty for not always being able to afford Arcadia. *cough*
  17. I'm the opposite way, as I've made my peace with the 0S design and think I could enjoy variation of color for its own sake.
  18. Radioguy

    Hi-Metal R

    This kind of release news is like a gut punch followed by a right cross. All to the wallet, of course.
  19. Still wish they did a DX missile set.
  20. I kinda wonder if the event version will still somehow be different. Maybe a slipcase, or a free gift with it. If not, the draw is not as intense. I'd say the same for the Gundam or other releases they'll have there.
  21. Just the link I posted (that I've seen for POs so far). I'll be there in person to (likely) buy one though.
  22. Aside from Luna Park jumping in with their PO already, I haven't seen any yet.
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