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Everything posted by Radioguy

  1. Love the Miryia maroon, but the 1S head is a whole new topic of discussion now.
  2. Well, duh. It was implied. 😄
  3. Hope this happens with DX too...
  4. I don't get keeping the visor green across these variants. Sometimes it clashes with the livery. I really thought GoF set a precedent of changing it, but no.
  5. Yeah, it's so confusing I just can't wrap my...well, you know...around it. 😄
  6. If either of those illustrations were the basis for this sculpt, I understand the head even less. If the tradeoff is really going to be that significant, then this shouldn't have been a transforming model.
  7. I saw it theorized that the stickers for MP-44S weren't to be cheap, or to recreate the 80s experience (which I initially thought), but a holdback to have this appeal to those who never got MP-44 in the first place and want to skew that way in appearance. I think that's it, and it may be why we didn't get the toy head, although my initial inkling was cost myself especially for the head. I wish it were cheaper, but I think I will get him as I only snagged a 44 KO up to now. Sadly, to me, he won't have the voice chip backpack which I would have enjoyed; especially if he had new clips. (Ah well, maybe I'll find that original 44 someday.)
  8. Thanks for posting that, as it's kinda making my case. Chibi joke aside, I think you misunderstood my critique. You'll see I was specific about scale of the visor/goggle (and also dimensions when posting elsewhere), but specifically didn't mention overall size. Yes, it's bigger, but it's also inaccurate in comparison to the line art even from the forward view when you look at the visor/goggle and the lens/window compared to overall head size. If the proportions in the line art or other toys were maintained at this overall larger size, I wouldn't have the problem I do. I might have a different problem then, but not this one. 😉
  9. No, it's not that for me. It looks wrong in scale even with the visor. Using the Big West line art you have, can you actually say the TZ head is accurate?
  10. If they don't fix that, I'm out. It looks too weird with a chibi head.
  11. I feel like pushing for even more "ROBOTECH" colors I want. I know BANDAI won't ever do them...
  12. Oh, Yamato was asked to hold KCs beer at this point. Green, KC. Go greeeeen now...
  13. Recall where?
  14. Have eBay call you. They might open a case regardless once you explain the situation verbally. Plus, your calling is documented and can help you win that case.
  15. Do I need more? Don't answer that question! Still, I asked the seller if he had more to sell, and his reply was this: It seems he's still selling them, but I don't know if I'd deal with what is essentially a Chinese Yahoo email address as the only contact.
  16. I thought mooks came from Brooklyn?
  17. I'd care about the price paid, at least. If you pay for new and undamaged boxes and get less, you should be offered a choice of a refund to some extent, an postage-paid exchange, or a full return.
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