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Everything posted by Radioguy

  1. What if a typhoon came through there??? Me, I know I'd be tying those together into a raft.
  2. Damn. Some of us, me especially, are looking for things at reasonable prices and really not looking to lowball anyone. Are you still looking to be rid of any valks? Hush now. I don't know what he has left yet.
  3. I think you're the only one who actually got it, and I'm sorry for that.
  4. You just teed up a joke I'm not brave enough to make.
  5. I've toyed with the idea of what I'd do if I had to do that. I still can't come to a conclusion.
  6. I know you're joking, but imagine someone going down this road? I mean, they deserved the vitriol over extending runs after saying they were limited in number, and I guess a "case" could have been made over that, but them giving you "too" much after placing an order?
  7. Nope, not private. Just region-limited. Let's see if I can attach a version here... マクロスがとまらない@SHOWROOM 第181回_3.mp4
  8. Noticed today that the https://www.amazon.com/amexoffer link was active again. Might be useful for those considering Amazon purchases.
  9. Yeah, I use a VPN. Not that I understand what they are saying, of course. They talk about it, and have it on the desk in gerwalk and fighter modes with closeups of the open canopies and they do a little peek-a-boo by lifting the tent off Lisa and Rick. Naughty!
  10. There it is. They cover it 30 minutes in.
  11. I still can't wrap my mind around the idea of that. I still wish I had more Yamatos.
  12. This is the guy who did the amazing Jetfire DX custom awhile back: https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/the-macross-thread.101574/page-3055#post-17870063 If there's news on labels, he'd know.
  13. Yeah, I don't know much about it, but it appealed to me to have a larger size, and I assumed it was on par with Valk Factory KOs. Speaking of which, do people think it's the Valk Factory folks doing this on the side?
  14. That's very specific. I'm genuinely interested if others here notice a difference too.
  15. There's no die-cast in that, so I was gonna say KO, but it says Macross, so counterfeit?
  16. This is the first I've heard the God Of Flame version feels noticeably worse than other color versions since. Do others agree? Are you talking about the Fugu one from ShowZ? Yeah, I was interested in that too. Not sure when it's coming though, or if.
  17. Depends on whether HG gets the buyout they are dying for. I'm loathe to think of them being rewarded for holding out this long, but it could happen any day.
  18. $168.99 before tax and shipping isn't so tempting.
  19. They didn't always. Their Macross stuff looks average to high priced. They have had legit clearance though. I got a SH MonsterArts figure for under $100 from them once that wasn't that price elsewhere. I guess this was a deal, until it sold out: https://store.crunchyroll.com/products/robotech-kitzconcept-veritech-172-scale-fast-pack-armor-842197100305.html This is still stocked, assuming folks have the deformed KC Valk: https://store.crunchyroll.com/products/robotech-kitzconcept-superdeformed-veritech-armor-842197100053.html Probably a good site to keep an eye on for clearance, but nothing special.
  20. Funny how worlds collide on here. I too am, or was (RIP), an Eaglemoss fan. I'm guessing you went the DeAgostini route being in Japan. Did you get their Borg Cube? It was SO much better than the EM ones. I hear DeAgostini is finishing the Build-The-1701-D line now, while Master Replicas is selling off EM's stock. I just recently grabbed the Scorpion fighter and the Stargazer XL from them that didn't get out before EM folded.
  21. I'd want to arm my Angel Bird too. Even if not continuously.
  22. That scales to the Matchbox figures though, yeah? That's what I meant. Yeah, a DX valk that size would cost a a couple grand and weigh as much as a toddler. Yes, I'd want one.
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