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Everything posted by Radioguy

  1. Price aside, if you love the DX VF-1 design, you'd probably want this for the variant like a sofubi in a different colorway. Folks did grab Yammie repaints once upon a time, so it's not like this is unprecedented. It certainly looks better than the 30th Anniversary Arcadia. I just hope the availability is correct, and it's successful. If that door is opened, who knows what may come.
  2. I can't understand it otherwise so far. I hope it doesn't change. To buy a brand new DX VF-1 in a New York City shop is the stuff of dreams.
  3. Am I nuts or does the site say it CAN be sold in the USA, and not only that, but will be at the Tamashii store in Times Square??? I am hyperventilating here over the implications of this.
  4. Am I nuts or does the site say it CAN be sold in the USA, and not only that, but will be at the Tamashii store in Times Square??? I am hyperventilating here over the implications of this.
  5. That's the third or fourth reissue, yeah? I mean it's great that they got so much right for him in Earthrise, but is he so rare or expensive on the secondary market with so many reissues? If anything, I'm surprised they haven't done more variants beyond AU and SG if he's so popular. I kinda wish they did Nemesis for the mold, or AU again, actually.
  6. Not the metallic 1As, though. Surprising. Well, it's still a preorder, so maybe not.
  7. I have one of those tools! I always suspected they had more uses...
  8. I wonder if they'll just do an origins set of reissues after this. Who else could they have in it?
  9. If that's gonna be a TV SDF-1...damn. They would be tempting me again.
  10. Sucks either way.
  11. Someone on TFW confirmed this was the reason they were skipped. It was Target.
  12. I could understand without keyword recognition one could end up with a lemon, but having recognition for words like "Unopened" or "Main item only" or just "Damaged" would seem easy to code for the description field. Still, I think many would roll the dice knowing it may not be perfect when setting a max price to buy that's not so high. Yes, I'd be running it right now for a couple items I think I could only find there. At least at a price I can afford, anyhow. I hope someone is still working on such an app, or can tell me where one exists, that would at least work with Mandarake.
  13. While one could argue that the cassette bot inclusion justified the lack of weapons as a cost-cutting measure, I can't help but think it was a politically correct decision made by someone at Target. Even if Leadfoot or Redwing had weapons, maybe Target felt the atmosphere had changed...or someone at Target did...and that having a Target branded character with weapons was a bad idea now.
  14. Yes, I remember. Where had you PO'd them?
  15. Has anyone continued in this vein? I sure would love such a bot for Mandarake, and suspect one exists in Japan somewhere considering how fast some things sell.
  16. Did the Valkyrie Factory CF and Angel Bird have extensive photos like the FuGu does?
  17. It's the stand that is the only difference, I thought. Plus, weren't some complaining that the KO Yamato stand might not hold this Arcadia-based valk correctly? I took a chance, but, right now, I wonder if should have played it safe with the standard issue.
  18. Yes. Only the "deluxe" though. The standard page stills says 1Q. As I said elsewhere, if it's the damned KO Yammie stand that's holding things up...
  19. Hey, bring on more early era valks if the quality surpasses KC. Still, those J goggles just are too small on their heads for my liking; forget about the heads being too big already.
  20. Well, I hope it has. Anything to spur Bandai to up output! That desire was not expressed by my wallet, however.
  21. Hmm, I would think they would want to change things up in-between. Maybe another VF-1A/J/S.
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