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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. Actually rating plumited for some unknown reason during the last few eps.
  2. HC, the series is dated so don't expect super quality animation. heck its also american However if you want a cool series that is character and story centered, and wasn't just a 30 minute exscus to sell toys then give it a peak. While I liked the character design, how faces were drawn and stuff, the costume design was kinda stinky in its technocolor way. Made them look more like super hero's than soldiers. Also one of the things I loved about this series, NO Friggin Kids!!!!! They were all 21 up the charactors, there was no of this, well okay your 12 years old, but your just so cool and good we'll gives you a big robot though you have no training.
  3. What is this frank and son's everyone speaks of, just out of pure curiousity.
  4. Bronski was da bomb, Not only was he a kick as character his frame kicked major butt too!
  5. yes it is coming, HLJ stopped taking pre-orders for this item because it was in such hot demand they felt they were maxed out to capacity for their current pre-orders. try bbs, or action figure express.
  6. No, no it must have been the pickachu plushy!!!!
  7. I have almost the whole collection of these toys, and man, Best american toys ever! Detail for something that was intended for little kids is astounding. The show was very well done, I go back and watch it and while the animation has lost its luster the characters and stories are as I remembered them. Its the only show from my youth that still is for me, as good now as it was then. Unlike transformers, voltron, transzor/mazinger Z. I see now and have to ask myself, WTF was I thinking when I dug these shows.
  8. Gah! for some reason all the glue decided to give out on my 1/48s, the landing lights and the small lil fins at the bottom of the nosecone fusilage all decided to give out at once what kind of glue does yamato use to secure these in place?
  9. duuuude, you really need to read the boards and instructions, number 1, the white part helps secure things in place and number 2 you have to press the back hatch in a little so two tabs hold it securely.
  10. hmmm. there's an interesting idea. yeah an unrealistically large alt mode would be less appealing, but lets face it, the masterpiece prime is designed to give a perfected robot mode, and the truck very much suffers (granted not too badly, but it's not all that pretty). a super sized handgun would probably get around the censors, and give us a megatron capable of standing toe to toe with prime. i don't know, i'd be ok with a decent tank mode, especially if it gave us a robot mode on a level with the anniversery prime, and looked like an actual tank (maybe a german leopard tank?). Hmmmmm true, while the cab I think looks not to much better or worse than the original, they really should have made the edges on his arms cleaner instead of rounding them off at the edges, would have made the seems less obvious in truck mode, but thats my only major grip about the truck. Who knows, its still 2 to 3 months till it is released, perhaps they will fix it, or perhaps not, either way this is one awsome toy I am getting. Soft edges at the arms, must be the hasbro version, as we all know, americans think edges of any kind are bad Yet anither reason to get a jap version
  11. i dont think anyone is going to be fighting their toys with each other at this age. well, i would at least hope so... I was speaking only in terms of size comparison and wouldn't you love to recreate the river damn scene with prime and megs duking it out
  12. an MPC megs wouldn't work mainly for legal issues and in terms of size. if you wanted him to be an accurate hand gun, his bot mode would be teeny, if you wanted one to fight with the MPC prime in bot mode then his gun mode would improportionatly huge.
  13. I on the other hand think pat lee's optimus is awsome looking best rendtion of prime since the movie. I love the dark painted war propaganda look of the ww2 art work as well, it really adds a sense of art to the transformer realm.
  14. Bah! Greenguy we are all gonna be wasting our dough on primes, alternators, escaflowne's and valks in the upcoming months, hell I'm even passing on Homeworld 2 so I can afford my escaflowne. When it comes to toys vs video games toys win out big time for me.
  15. Hey all, I am wondering, I have seen bunch of resin kits and really I don't see how it is a better material than say injection molds. I have seen G-systems stuff which is astounding however I always atributed that to the sheer scale, 1/35 of course its going to have even more detail than a 1/60th. Is this just another issue where some people swear by it, others swear at it? Looking at alot of the 1/100 resin kits out there compared to a MG I personally find them lacking, am I missing something vital?
  16. I love these comics. Good art, good stories. Lots of fun. A slightly matured approach to the transformers story line, and I like it. The WW2 transformers GI Joe comic has awsome art. Starscream as a old school prop plane, wow! One of the better alternate reality stories.
  17. This prime is shaping up to be the 1st highend art toy ever to be released to the american general public.
  18. Is that what its gonna look like? I expected a darker blue..... <_
  19. the whole over all look between the DYRL and Show are different, from look to issues of shape, and expecially color. It would have to be two different realeases to have a show and a DYRL macross.
  20. nice work. through it looks like the resin wings are drooping
  21. was looking at the small part that helps cover up the gap for the fast packs and thinking thats not just a great part for added support astheticiy that covers up the big gap behind the neck. Who would like to see yamato produce a special parts set, extra hands, improved side panels and such as add on parts, not needed parts but parts to aid in the look of the over all apearence in battroid.
  22. Well I was on transfandom, and toybox, and this is a popular debate so I decided to drop a poll on it in MW. Let it be known where macross worlders stand on the issue! Anyway, I voted the 3rd its all good when used right.
  23. no the greatest 1/48 is the low viz
  24. Sorry, I am waaay on the eastern coast. Still if you can help in anyway it would be apreciated.
  25. Hey all, was wondering if anyone know about how to contact a japanese distributers in terms of toys, getting japanese versions of bandai, takara, yamato ect, ya know all the stuff you pay big bucks to import. Anyway all I really found so far was HLJ wholesale, and I am not sure I like their numbers. if anyone knows of any other decent wholesalers please let me know, mods if this is a bad place feel free to move it.
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