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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. I know perfect grades are not frail, I own every one. I was refering to one of the customizers who made one of the hasagawa customs mentiioned that the joint systems required to make the transformation possible and keep everything in proportion are frail as alot of double jointing goes into these hasegawa variable customs. Also the Zeta is a very sturdy PG, the main problem with it is that its a handful to transform (cause the thing is so damn large and heavy). Also because it is a transformable kit has the least ammoint of internal detail of all the PG's. This is mostly due to the way the chest has to transform. Still the internal detail is impressive in it, though just not as extensive as the others.
  2. Its an issue of duribility, one of the people who made one of those perfect transformations commented on this board, it looks great after you make it, but you can't play with it. to make a valk toy like that one would have the same problems that allegidly exist with studio halfeyes Getta robo toys. Look really nice, so frail all you have to do is look at them and they break.
  3. Hey you looking to sell any of your PG's if your not building them
  4. How the Hell do you ride that thing!?!?!!
  5. I am pretty sure the hands will come for both versions as I think its gonna be one of the main selling points other than the new head sculpt. Also I am gonna skip on the Hikaru 1S and get a new focker re-issue as long as it has all the updates.
  6. lets seeeeeee......... I'd say the Kenshin prequel OVA, ya need no background on kenshin and it has nice action, nice sound, lovely animation, and a very serious and sad story Either of the 2 patlabor movies. great animation and two of the best sci-fi plots ever Metropolis is great visually, the story unless you have a good atention span is hard to follow, and requires people who enjoy interpretating lots of symbolic themes, so for the average person it goes out the door. Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust - Just a well rounded movie, Great animation, decent english dubbing (thats all that ya can get in the states) and a nice but simple story (simple but elegent). Probably the greatest vampire anime ever. I really don't think you need much background to understand DYRL or Macross plus, So I say show these cause these are just great Don't show Gundam Wing endless waltz, while the mecha action is awsome, that is one where you need to have seen the whole series. and those who have watched the whole series who are coming to your party will most likely have seen it. Jinroh. Like the Kenshin OVA, a serious and somber story with great animation TriGun!!!!! Come one ya love it ya know ya do an episode or two is a must There are lots of others but those are the ones that come to mind the most right now. PS: HOW CAN YOU HAVE AN ANIME NIGHT WITHOUT AKIRA!!!!!!! IT IS A MUST!!!!!! Okay just kidding, great animation, incomprehensible plot unless you have read the whole comic.
  7. Forgot to mention Gerwalk Drif. Which is also the best one out there, again the only flaw here is the hands. Also It should be mentioned that the fast packs, as long as when you get them you intend to keep them on perminantly solve the skinny arm issue as the arm armor bulks up the lower arms nicely. I say it pulls off fighter and Gerwalk mode as flawlessly as a variable toy can, the batroid mode certainly is where most things are compromised. But it still looks very nice, the arms kinda get to me, but the chest, I really don't see how its any worse than the grossly undersized MPC's and the bulky 1/55's.
  8. how do you explain bumblebee generation 1 being the classic style beetle Or any of the other various Bumblebee incarnations, especially the Takara MyClones, the Smallest Transformers Bumblebee and the PVC version which I might add was also released here by Hasbro. Or what about Goldbug, or even that big VW Beetle Go-Bot (which was actually pretty cool). I know VW is fully embracing the whole hippie stereotype that's been associated with VW Bugs since, well, the 60's, but it seems very unlikely that they would be so gung-ho about it that they'd turn down an advertising opportunity like a licensed Transformers toy. And seeing as how VW and Apple have teamed-up with their Beetles and Ipods, maybe there could be a three-way deal where Soundwave is an Apple I-Pod (that actually works), Bumblebee is a new VW Beetle and they could be packaged together and thrown in as a deal-sweetener when someone buys a VW. Of course they would also be sold separately for those who aren't in the market for a car. Or maybe I just need to go get sauced. OK, off to the bar! Soundwave an Ipod <_< Thats freaky and wrong. and bout making BB a VW with car purchase exclusive, DON"T GIVE THEM IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Cool! thanks!
  10. Yamato's are very pretty. Thats all I'll say
  11. We need to do trades ins, I'll wait and see how the reissues are in terms of quality, if the VF-1S turns out to be that much better than I'll jump and buy a new one, sell my old one to a friend for a reduced price. My Hikaru cept for the loose flaps is fine. Hell I may take advantage of this reissue craze and just buy replacement parts for my 1S, a new head, tailfin, and canopy.
  12. A car transforming into a robot is a very, very loose association with war. Especially since the Alternators don't even have a story to go with them yet. So far they are just cool looking cars that turn into cool looking robots, and I'd hope VW would see it that way. I wouldn't want Bumblebee to end up as a freaking BMW Mini or something. that would be funny.
  13. Hey in the parts list for the yamato 1/48 manual. is it part BD-6 that would give me a new fusilage, canopy, and landing gear covers and those little annoying fins whose glue has a tendancy to give out? also is this part identicle throughout the max 1A, Hikaru 1A and the focker 1S? Mods please don't lock this until someone gives me a definitive answer as this is a question about this specific piece.
  14. Cool. final bot is mistransformed but still very cool pics
  15. Well if it is ever confirmed please post a link to where I can order it. Prime looks naked with out his cab, as the valks look nakked without thier FPs
  16. I believe what throws the proportions off are the arms, way too long for the robot. Still it looks magnificent, that one slight problem is not keeping me from getting probably one of the most sophisticated transformers ever.
  17. I think we will see a limited release of a trailor to follow, filled with gimmicks and sold for 50 bucks..... hmmmmm does that sound familiar?
  18. well the gun is produced from an engine part The only thing that kinda bugs me about this transformer is the arm elbow joints I just keep wondering if there was to make the double joint more subtle.
  19. Shin will do one I am sure and yeah I see now its already been posted.
  20. Well it looks like it is confirmed, we will be getting a 1J bundled with fastpacks and a 1J bundled without fastpacks. I'll be getting mine with, if ya don't believe me go look over at the macross section of HLJ.
  21. Graham get the sample review it and then send it to me
  22. I am pretty sure this is either a proto or a american sample. I guess we will have to wait and see. If it proves not to have high diecast, and be only slightly more than the US counterpart, which I doubt I would then get the american one. I'd only shell out an extra 20 if it had extreme diecast content over its american version.
  23. lets see for my focker I need a BD-1 or BD-6, the part that includes the canopy hing as I have a super loose one, I need one for my Focker, though as I think these parts are identical for all the valks it doesn't really matter. does BD-1 or BD-6 as I am not sure also come with the landing gear covers as well? my Fockers are all chipped up. that and new wings as my flaps are ubber loose on my Hikaru 1A so also L-W1 and R-W2. So thats 2 sets of Canopy hatches, and gear covers / I think thats either BD-1 or BD-6/ for my Focker 1S and Hikaru 1A Wings/L-W1 and R-W2/ Hikaru 1A
  24. Car Detail http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=54073&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=54075&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=54076&utag= This gives us an nice view on how the steering is gonna work. also from all those joints I see, it looks like some major origami goes on to make his transformation possible http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=54078&utag= Bot mode pics http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=54079&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=54080&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=54081&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=54082&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=54083&utag= I am pretty sure no one has posted these pics yet.
  25. If this is the case than why a destroid monster? I think people would be more willing to shell out for a SDF-1 than a monster. I don't remember any monster varients, but at least with the SDF-1 they can make a TV and DYRL version. And that helmet, damn, what crack is the market stratagist on if they think a monster should preceend a SDF-1?
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