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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. There is a distinct difference between something being 'good' and something being 'popular'. Just beacuse the masses like something, does not make it good. The Spice Girls & Britney Spears are two examples that spring to mind. But anyway, I digress, that is a discussion for another time. Graham (not a Harry Potter fan). I agree. I enjoy Hary Potter, but Graham is right the formula popular = good is a false one. Look at pokemon for a even better example.
  2. I used it alot. never had any problems with it.
  3. well one thing, make the stand used to keep her stable in bot mode removable so it doesn't interfere with the car mode when transformed. for me looking at it thats the major detractor to her car mode on this model
  4. Ok Rowling! We know your here show your 500 million dollar face to us! and buy us all valks!
  5. gotta agree. those bonus scenes should have been in the movie. also anyone able to confirm the rumor Lucas is gonna take the original 3 movies rip out all the old FX and compleatly revamp, like a V2.0 of the special editions? If I trusted lucas I would be excited. but I don't and thus I am frightened.
  6. if your gonna mode a smokescreen in anyway, get the creap american version
  7. Heh. Sounds like fun. Let me know. B) As far as if MC's were NEEDED or not... well if we go by comments of the Great Plaid One... and his lackey Rick McClallum, supposedly there WAS a point to the midichlorians as well as well as Anakin's dubious origins. McClallum said specifically that Darth Sidious was involved, though he wouldn't specify. Whether that "involvement" has been revived at all... or will be explored in Episode III (or even the EU) remains to be seen. But it could well be possible the Midichlorians are a part of this... or something seperate (maybe with cloning?) is all speculation. So it could be technobabble (which would part of Lucas' homage to 50's serials) or it could have an intent that may or may not be explored. In either case, it's not fatal to the "fantasy" aspect of the Force or a Jedi's wielding of it. SW is so many mixed genres, anyways, from Japanese Samurai to more European fantasy to the Old West and Han Solo's gunslinging. And I won't even get into the Nazi Germany parallels of the Empire. Oh come on Uxi, the WW2 parrallel is so obvious Everyone knows about that. Though I don't get why the members of the empire all have british accents. German accents would have been so much more fitting
  8. and Colin Farrel with Blue Hair as Max Jenius. err....i mean sterling. <_< Kevin bacon as gloval... kevin has to be in there somewhere ally mcbeal [calista flockheart] as lisa the professor from back to the future as the professor spice girls as the bridge girls??? bobcat "goldthwait" as a deranged citizen oh well, at least I would get to see ben affleck die just so we can see him die like a B@#tch Decaprio as Kakazaki and Flockhart as Lisa O.o thats wrong....
  9. whooops! note to self, proofread
  10. Personally I am all about the original trilogy and while I don't despise the new ones (I just feel they are lacking in execution), it does not captivate me. Midichlorians were a plot device, and IMHO not a very good one. I would have been more comfortable with Qui Gon just placeing his hand on Annikan's head and saying, strong, very strong.... Stronger than even master yoda. I lalways considered SW more fantasy than SF. Midichlorian's while I know they are not the force, still just added a bit of gratoutios techno babble that really IMHO was not needed and detracted, do we need to explain wizards use of magic in fantasy? na we just leave it that some are born stronger than others.
  11. Just cause he likes something you don't?
  12. Yes a PG GP-01 is coming, convertible between normal and FB configuration. and Twin Moons is Twin Moons anime, an OL shop that alot of people order from.
  13. will TM carry this?
  14. a universe Arcee is being made, she turns into a bike. Looks like the junkions got their grubby hands on her and corrupted her
  15. Very nice though this is still the best Arcee mod made IMHO best compromise between bot and care and balance in bot mode.
  16. Keen! post the pics of that repaint
  17. you guys are insane you should be saving money and space for destroids and enemy mecha
  18. At least they're relatively clean. Ever wonder what the cast of LOTR must smell like? With all of these scenic lakes and streams in middle earth, you'd think they could find the time to take a bath. Rather have the dirty, gritty real look than the squeaky clean look of the new SW movies. Sheesh one of the things that made the original trilogy so cool was its gritty grimy look. I can't stand the clean I just roled off the factory line look, even if that is the case. Dirty world.... Looks cool and real, clean world, fake fake fake.
  19. Okay. Gundam Fix Figuration or GFF. is a line of high end action figures. They are made out of hard PVC. The same material MSIA's are made of but of a harder consistancy. They are in aproximatly 1/44 scale. They have the appearence of hand painted models very often. Generally the paint job is good but at times it can be spoty. I recomend you try picking up one the cheaper ones before blowing your cash on one of the more expensive ones like the deep striker. These are display toys primaraly. You take it out of the package, chose a configuration and let it sit, as they can be floppy and loose. In the end they make great shelf warmers but lousy toys. if you want a more specific review of this toy I will provide one later.
  20. I have the blue one, I think its only a color varient.
  21. It looks like either, bandai was being cheap or I got a factory error, On the back pack unit I got two left sided booster on both sides O.o when my camera is charged I'll take a picture and post it.
  22. Bordom with the VF-1 line. I got all the 1/60ths, and with the 1/48's most of the head varients. The 1J is probably gonna be my last unless they release an elint of super O in 1/48 scale. But no 1A or 1J max or Milla for me. What I am waiting on are destroids, improved macross plus, and enemy mecha. I am also looking forward to Yamato's Votom and Escaflowne. Toys that have yet to have a DECENT modern rendition. oh and anyone know what the new transformable line is that yamato picked up? I think it would be funny if it was Mospeada, only to once again out do HG B)
  23. Crud!!!!!!!
  24. I'm sorry if I cause anyone missfortune about this particular poll. This is my 2nd poll in probaly 2 years, and it is a personal decision on my collection. Since is hard for me to decide, I asked for your help. If you feel unconfortable about voting, or about the existance of this poll, please contact the nearest moderator and have it deleted. J/K You shall not erase my poll, I'll go on your @$$! J/K again vic. sorry wasn't critisizing you. Its just that this poll/thread seems tobe a common one, we should pin it as it is a good question.
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