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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. I gotta a green joons and a jetfire.
  2. Blasphamy!!!!!
  3. Well I believe toyfair got did a write up on the 1/48 and they were in awe of it.
  4. Lightsaber! actually I always fancied the rifles from alien too. Can't say I know enough about Real world weapons to have a favorite.
  5. being a toy collector sux cause no one buys you any of the good stuff
  6. Yeah the Gouf looks amazing, but other things call to me 1st.
  7. for me, its the 1J, the Aoshima 1/6th terminator, the BT sideswipe and MPC Prime, the escaflowne, and the PG GP-01.
  8. http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?...p?id=ns99994263 Just do that for a link and ummmmmm wow!
  9. Is that a question you really need to ask?? Aren't we ALL sick of the VF-1 line?. I for one would shell out the cash for this instead, especially if later pics look good, the eyes light up, and if the stomach hatch opens and stuff, oh, I'm there!. BTW (and not trying to hijack the thread, but) - Check out this puppy! Get the ultimate Endoskeleton fix...... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3149634127 not sure about light up eyes, or chest opening, but what is for certain is that all the piston's function.
  10. Hey isn't there a company that makes full 1/1 scale endo's? but they cost like 10,000 each
  11. hopefully better pics will be available from HLJ when they give the toy report from the fair. Also since these are being released soon hopefully Aoshima will have some offical pictures.
  12. don't mistake these large 1/6ths for the smaller 1/12 PVC ones.
  13. True. Here comes the moment of truth. Are you a macross fan willing to pass this up for the 1/48 FP 1J, or a terminator fan willing to pass up on the 1J for this? Or worse, are you just a rich bastard and going to get both? Oh heres the normal paint scheme. http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?AOS09032
  14. antagonists make the world interesting.
  15. I don't know, it looks pretty impressive to me. Still I agree I would like a better picture. I get the impression this is one of those toys that has so much fine detail no picture can do it justice. I have faith in Aoshima to hand me a fine diecast toy,
  16. Take a looksie! http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?AOS09033
  17. I handled one at otakon, and while I was not utterly turned off I was far from impressed. Its very floopy and does not look good in any mode cept gerwalk, and even then the 1/48 blows it out of the water.
  18. Damn, I really wish I took the chance to get one when I did for relativly cheap. If the hands are the only issue then that doesn't bother me. Thats why I was so supprised when I saw it in the pic, it looked really nice in terms of accuracy for a 80's toy.
  19. How would ya rate the Taka scopedog in terms of accuracy, for me accuracy is more important than the material used.
  20. GobotFool

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I know thats the case. I just wonder why they felt the need to do this. Why couldn't the missle pods just attatch to the shoulders all regular like? Why the need for psuedo shoulders to slip over the current ones?
  21. The stampeed valk, is that just an armored up VF-1?
  22. the scopedog, is that the takara one? Or the Kaiyado?
  23. Industrial design is dead <_<
  24. GobotFool

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    yeah cept for those big shoulders, I am liking what I am seeing as well.
  25. GobotFool

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    And you're suprised by this?? This is Macross World, no one here is happy unless we have things to complain about. LOL!!!!! That is beyond true
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