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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. I was handling my toynami scott the other day and its hand crumbled into dust. I am definitly pondering getting the CM. While its not perfect, no incarnation of the alpha has been so far. Even the old gakken with its incorrect paint scheme, and lack of wrist joints, ect. (yes its and 80's toy, so I easily forgive it for its faults but still, its not as great as people looking through rose colored glasses think it is. I just want a fairly decent looking legioss/tread set, and I'll be displaying these figures in battroid most of the time anyway, where a good chunk of the things that bother me are not apparant.
  2. I love disgustingly over designed transforming toys. But then again, I like playing with rubix cubes. I think there are people that just want a toy to stick on a shelf, make it look the way they want it to look, and then there are people that truly take great joy in the mechanical complexity of a transforming toy. I am definitly one of the latter.
  3. Alex, those are the old matchbox toys released states side.
  4. When does this thing come out?
  5. I like the CMS. The only complaint I have is that a toy this complicated can be a little frustrating to transform when its in 1/18th scale. Scale it up to 1/10 or gasp! 1/6th scale and we'd have a sure fire winner. Why won't someone make a 1/6th scale Mospeada bike? Please someone, anyone, hottoys? Your crazy enough to make one, right?
  6. The Megahouse seems to have a little to much of the seat cover revealed when in ride armor mode. Not that I intend to display them showing their rears off anyway, but it's kind of annoying. I'm still waiting on my Megahouse to arrive. Once it does, I plan on doing a review compareing both.
  7. Voyager? What is this show you mention? I don't remember this show. Viewing must have been so traumatic I blocked it out. The last ST series I remember watching was DS9.
  8. I'd side with the Q continuum. But the food! Its worst in the universe! Okay, maybe klingon is worse. I'd go with the federation solely based on the fact that their food seems the most edible.
  9. The reactive armor looks about on par with the MG Labor they did. Not great unless your willing to go in and do some painting, but not aweful. I really wish they decided to use some kind of cloth for the arms and legs
  10. Thanks for the advice all. I had visited a few model web sites that offer safety tips, but most still were geared toward people who had garages or a single room they could wholly dedicate to their hobby. I'll probably be sticking primarily just with acrylic paint. I know some of the more expensive off the shelf spray booth have decent fan and filter set ups, though probably will just make one myself. So, as long as I have a decently ventilated room and or have a booth with a filter system I can safely use an airbrush with acrylic paint? (yes I'd wear a mask as well.) So even with the thinner mixed in, its not the fumes that are dangerous it's just the paint particles? (for acyrlic paint that is where an actual compressor is used not those compressed air cans.)
  11. Hrm... The Megahouse also has the hand guards/shoulder armor situated pretty far forward. To accommodate for this it seems CM’s attached the Handlebars farther back. Eh… I prefer CM’s bike mode, and I prefer Megahouse’s armor mode, and I certainly prefer CM’s engineering choices and overall proportions, but Megahouse is a better size for the price. Oh if only I could throw both into a blender and get the ideal mix. Oh well. I think I'll collect lines both if I can afford it. The CM is probably about as perfect transformation as a ride armor toy can ever get, so it satisfies me on that level. The does Megahouse looks pretty slick in armor mode, even if its bike mode is funny and it really pushes the limit on how much part forming I’m willing to tolerate in a transforming toy. I doubt I'll display any of them in bike mode, well if CMS and MH lancer both turn out well that might be the one I get a double of to display in both modes, his bike was always my favorite anyway..
  12. I thought that was featured in the original mospeada line art, its just that the animators never bothered adding that detail.
  13. Hello all, I'm new to making plastic models. While I've always wanted to try out an airbrush but I currently live in an apartment. I'm told as long as I build, or buy, a spray booth with a fan and filter set up that can vent all the dangerous fumes outside, that I can safely use an airbrush in my apartment. Is this true?
  14. I need to change my pants. I will marry this toy.
  15. These do look nice. I got my perfect transformation CMS which satisfies me on that level. I'll definitly grab these as display peices. Damn, I now feel the urg to grab every type of ride armor toy out there so I can display them all togeather for the hell of it.
  16. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...mp;picture=aux1 The motoslave's been booted! and it hasn't even been released yet! Underneath all that crap is a motoslave. I'm certain of it.
  17. what I want to know is the 1/48 gonna be tampo printed up the wazoo?
  18. Some destroids would be really nice as well.
  19. Oh! no I wasn't I payed through the nose to get one after market. So yeah, I'm actually going to be a classics completionist, so if this shoots up to an absurd price I'm gonna be hurtin bad.
  20. Ah. I thought he meant the alt hotrod. I was really hoping for a movie skywarp or something.
  21. How was hotrod a fiasco?
  22. A rumor of a licensing issue, and then it shows up at the toynami booth. I some how doubt its a matter of it being blocked by toynami, it seems more likely to me that toynami might be trying to inport these. Maybe even market them at the same price range they sold their 1/100 VF-1 for, as a cheaper alternative to the MP? Thats my speculation on the whole deal.
  23. Grab one, buy a tube of superglue, and be prepared to fix the windscreen. It should be a fairly invisible fix if you apply the glue conservativly.
  24. I'd say just keep it all here. We don't need more than one transformers thread. Over all I think if they keep the character development on track, this could be as good as Beast Wars. I'd like to see a few episodes dedicated to developing bumblebee. Right now he's just some cocky kid who gets on my nerves. I'd like to see something happen that allows him to develop a little beyond that.
  25. I finally got around to watching a few episodes of animated beyond the pilot. Its weird. I really don't want to like this show. But for some reason, I find it all sorts of fun. Have I gone insane? Parts of it reminds me of Beast Wars and a few of the human villians remind me of Batman Beyond. I don't even mind the Teen Titan influence that much. its probably the only show made primarily for kids I've willingly watched more than a few episodes of and intend to keep tuning in for.
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