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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. on a related note the gunwalkers are on sale over at HLJ.
  2. I've been pondering trying to pick up a vintage 1/55 Taka, but really for the cash they go for I could get so many other different things that I wanted.
  3. well I'm not really interested in it, but I ran accross it and was really suprised. Though the mini fort max is cool. I may toss in a bid just for that. THe only package varient I am interested in for the sake of the package varient is the farewell Megatron and Starscream set.
  4. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...3&category=4696 What is this? Bootleg?
  5. Well it is only 6 bucks..... 17 factor in shipping. Hmmmmmm should I risk it? Naaaaa there are other things I'd rather save for than taking a chance on a potential POJ. Still if you find one around Drifand a review would be most appreciated.
  6. Jet fire is kinda the bastard son of valks.
  7. yeah..... Looked to good to be true unless the guy is having some kind of clearance sale.
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...9&category=1345 Is this the real thing?!?! or some crappy bootleg?
  9. Interesting..... though.... that transformation looks like a Mechwarror mecha built from spare bike pars WHat was the other Kamen rider bike that transformed into a bot called? I really dug that one but can't find it anywhere.
  10. Studio Halfeyes yf-19. but its expensive as hell.
  11. Since all it is is a different head sculpture and a different paint job, Toynami probably had this thing designed a while back. It is probably being released now in order to have something out for the Christmas season and to help keep interest in the MPC line until the Alphas are released. a smart move if you ask me. I'm still in denial that interest exists in the MPC VF-1 line.
  12. Thats because its a 'Special' Valkyrie
  13. Your crazy, all crazy!!!!!
  14. some once made a custom rat bat CD transformer I think.
  15. In my book thats all the plastic versions are good for. Kit bashing
  16. Yes. Very worth it. Don't sell yourself short and wait for the plastic version. No matter how well they do it, and I have seen pictures and it does look okay, in car mode it will lack that realism that only metal can give.
  17. its not that much considering its almost 2 feet tall.
  18. All of them! and the Virgins! Now onto the realm of realism. In order of the my favorites would be the phalanx, tomohawk, monster, defender and spartan.
  19. I want that toy as well. But damn do they go for a pretty penney.
  20. whats the articulation on the jumbo grades? I heard they had no knee articulation, not that that matters as this would if I got one be a static display piece.
  21. <_< Hehe, well if I had the cash and really had the love for the 1/55 I'd jump for a reissue strike, but for now I'd rather spend the cash on the better looking yamato's IMHO.
  22. this isn't what we are going to get, its just what we want.
  23. its a visual tour de force but not much else. Don't make it more than it is. From what little I read of the manga the story seemed much better there. but hell the manga isn't a graphic novel its a graphic tome!
  24. Was ground breaking. Still looks good. Uber lame story IMHO. You needed to make the thing at least 20 hours long to even come close to capturing what the manga was.
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