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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. As long as it has a diecast content to make up for the size I'm sold. However I don't trust toynami after the MPC disapointment. I was looking forward to the MPC, I am no macross purest I go where the best toy takes me and that lead me to yamato in terms of macross products.(I don't worship the company, I realize it has its flaws but I still like what they give me) If the MPC proves to be a sub par toy, then I shall shell out and get a gakken. Hell even if it proves to be a great toy I still may shell out for a gakken. Heres what I hope. The MPC turns out very nicely, people buy it and love it. Gakken's drop to more affordable prices and I get to have all three mospeada Gakken Leigosses. and probably a blue and shadow robotech toynami Alpha, as well as a tread. Make note I said hope! Its still a long ways off.
  2. Kup! There's yet another great idea for a Binaltech! only problem is its small. Its only a one seater vehicle.
  3. thats megazone 23 isn't it?
  4. here is an example of a time we see primes mouth. Geeze He looks fugged up.
  5. LOL. Yeah over at TBDX and some other trans fans say this ruins the toy. Well I'm not sure how much this detail adds, but considering you don't have to ever remove it then I don't see how it takes away. Only way it would be bad is if it keeps falling off like the 1/48 nose cone and flaps.
  6. so only the american version has the mouth?
  7. GobotFool

    1/48 Line

    i'd buy it, but only if i could drive it to work and live out of it at the same time. Na...... you wimps can keep your 1/48 SDF-1. I want my 1/1 scale, its being built in orbit right now. You can all see it on a clear night sky;) NASA didn't tell you? The plans were changed a little. It's called the ISS now. *looks into his telescope* WTF!!!! What are they painting over the UN Spacy with? ISS? NASA?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  8. though not MP prime related I just had to post this http://www.cardesignnews.com/autoshows/200...w/nissan-nails/ Looks like a certain cranky TF we all love doesn't it?
  9. GobotFool

    1/48 Line

    was thinking, should I skip the Hikaru 1J? I mean do I really need 2 Hikaru's? I think I should wait for the max and Milla 1J that way I can have 1 of each major character but keep my 1/48 collection lean. 1 of each character, at least each head type being represented. do you need much more in a valk collection?
  10. Looks great as a fighter and Gerwalk, batroid on the transformable one is kinda crappy. but thats what the non transformable ones for
  11. GobotFool

    1/48 Line

    i'd buy it, but only if i could drive it to work and live out of it at the same time. Na...... you wimps can keep your 1/48 SDF-1. I want my 1/1 scale, its being built in orbit right now. You can all see it on a clear night sky;)
  12. I'm not turned on or turned off by this. its just a small detail that you don't even have to pay attention to if you chose you don''t like it.
  13. Oh thats too funny
  14. Holy crap look at this! http://tformers.com/article.php?sid=2070&mode=flat Freaky!
  15. I don't care if the movie sucks, as long as McFarlen makes cool toys out of these APU's also damn thinking about this I wish he would make a power loader.
  16. that blows about the god gundam. I guess If I get this kit I'd just get the normal version. The master gundam I still would consder though.
  17. I was joking about posting a definition......... No one needs to know what it is who doesn't know already damn I wish that puke emoticon was still around.
  18. Yeah, I noticed that too. Hmmmm. I still think that when Neo went through the other door after talking to the Architect, he went into a "tweaked" version of the Matrix (which is why he can "feel" the sentinels). I think that in the third one, they will parley that into somehow beating the machines. I don't know, though. I really feel like that if the Bros. W end the series with mankind remaining enslaved, they will get folded, dropped, and spindled. I'd like to see them go along the lines of "history repeating itself", where mankind defeats the machines, as the machines defeated mankind before. Who knows? Oh, what was the rumored ending? I hadn't heard that one. Considering how interdependant man and machine are some kinda truce is the only thing that seems realistic, but hell this is the matrix, its all about aburdity. Billions of people wake up from their little tubes. Ummmmm who's gonna feed me? where am I going to get clothes? Zion was small, producing enough food and clothes from a single city with a work force of only 250,000 to feed billions how they plan on doing that? Thats like getting 250 men, no matter how strong to try and stop a tidel wave with their bare hands. anyway my two cents.
  19. How are these? The MG kits I mean. Do they use that undergate tech to avoid leaving blemishes on the chrome parts when you remove them from the sprue?
  20. GobotFool

    1/48 Line

    Okay heres my only beef. yamato announces ultimate 1/60th M+ line. I buy it. Yamato after they have milked that line announces more expensive 1/48th line. If your going to make two scales at least announce that you plan on making 2 scales. If both were announced I probably would skip to the 1/48th. As much as I have stated 1/60th is the best scale for detail and cost, 1/48th would be nice, but still I feel over the top. but the macross + valks being the coolest of the lot I'd certainly bite. and to be honest I don't think it would hurt the sales of the smaller scale as it is a more accessible toy for the masses. I just don't want a bunch of double scales. Also how easily could they milk the M+ line? surely not as muchs as the VF-1 line.
  21. Oh you know its gonna happen, come on this is hollywood, they will sqeeze ever ounce of milk and then some out if the franchise.
  22. GobotFool

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I don't get why they couldn't attatch to the shoulders like on the bandai. Perhaps this is some attempt at trying to give it anime proportions?
  23. shell out and get a HCM valk if you don't like the toynami. or get a 1/48 valk and get those 1/48 scale alpha kits.
  24. I'm weak, I'm gonna get the extended versions individually and probably cave and get the uber boxed set of all 3 when its finally released
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