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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. Graham since you were just at yamato any word on if the votom line is still being pursued? Any word on when its gonna be out?
  2. Oh crap..... forgot the link....... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=49015
  3. hmmmm personally the EE I found to be flawless in its editing and the stuff added added so much IMHO. So I want all the extended versions.
  4. I feel the same way. So far this is the best looking one to me and that is not saying much. it just reaks of lazy engineering....... <_<
  5. is this the real Japanese takara or the KO?
  6. yeah... Still as long as you seperate armor and rider. (transform the armor seperatly and then snap it on) things should be possible IMHO. While the old one has some odd proportions at times generally its pretty faithful to the look in all modes and I think the off proportions there are more a result of 80's toy engineering more than anything else.
  7. thats why a total reedit is in order to make it seemless. The disk swapping I could care less about.
  8. Sith out of utter curiousity where do you live exactly. I want to know exactly where you live. Just out of complete and total innocent curiousity
  9. my 1st impression was that it wasn't too bad, but as I look at that bot mode more and more, ughhhhhh..... truck mode is okay.
  10. by uber boxed set I was implying that they would be extended, who knows they may even edit it in a way that the end credits of FOTR, the oppening and closing credits of Two towers, and the opening credits of ROTK cut out so it all merges seemlessly into one movie.
  11. US laws aren't gonna give us a neutered version if the esca are they?
  12. Bragging rights, maybe? Dunno about you, but if I had that prototype, I'd be on Cloud 9 If it fell into my lap yes I'd be happy. when I said 2000 that would be the price of both proto's togeather not alone. 1000 each. Still I can wait for the finished product as neither proto looks very nice to me.
  13. Actually, from what I have seen, not as much anime magic goes on in the cyclones as people think. The real issue is that when you see the established line art transformation, you think, sheesh! I'd hate to move the wrong way while going through that process. cause I'd loose a head. Possible yes. Probable no. anyway, I wanna see a picture of it in fighter mode and gerwalk. the Armo mode looks very tight to me but I want to see what it looks like as a fighter.
  14. Its not ugly, its different. Also Kawamori designed it, and it transforms, and not only does it transform it transforms into a dragon That sold me on it
  15. the 1st major mistransformation I have seen so far, can you see what it is? http://www.robot-japan.com/images/Optimus-...ime/1Prime4.jpg
  16. http://www.robot-japan.com/pages/Optimus-P...Masterpiece.htm The guy who shelled out 2000 dollars to get the proto's is showing off his prizes.
  17. a 3rd blade is being made
  18. GobotFool

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    why would you want to?
  19. anyway I understrand that thes come out towards the end of november?
  20. Well, this is the 1st time we have ever seen magnus nakked. Also I think they are really trying to push the idea that Prime and UM are not just brothers in arms, but also brothers in the more literal sense.
  21. One thing though. Where are the pictures of the fighter mode? The Armo Diver looks amazing, but I want to see some other shots of it in Gerwak and fighter.
  22. Its the vanilla one for now. Perhaps later a transforming one. and that one is a bit smaller actually than the normal monster I believe.
  23. Hey that's not the G1 Optimus Prime we love. That's "Powermaster" Optimus Prime. I'll still get the Takara released one just because it's a certainty that the smokestacks won't be neutered. TF:Genesis book. Waiting on my pre-order from Amazon. Hey where was that freaky book that showed prime, and the bots were in a race, the autobots win and it has a freaky pic of prime with his face mask gone?
  24. http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?YMT28002 lookie. Looking good to me. Anyone know how much diecast is gonna be in it?
  25. Kup! There's yet another great idea for a Binaltech! only problem is its small. Its only a one seater vehicle. ...and it looks like it was designed by Fisher*Price. doesn't change the fact it looks like kup
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