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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. Hey how good are the hongkong releases of these?
  2. Hey Drifand if you ever get a Zillion armor you must rumble it
  3. How many total episodes exist currently for GITS SAC?
  4. Interesting factoid about He-Man. IMDB.COM That gives He-Man a whole new meaning!!. Thats really funny. Now adays look at all the toys with scimpy G-strings and loincloths. Granted most of that is Mc-Farlene's stuff but still
  5. Actually Hurin I am gonna apologize to you now. I wrote what I wrote under heated circumstances. I made a broad generalization about you, when I was critisizing broad generalizations. For that I am sorry and honestly very ashamed. I stepped away and let my head cool and said to myself, I was talking about civility and such and I responded in a rather non civil manner. Is it not odd how we become so heated over such trivial matters, It goes to show how much some of these movies really mean to us. Look hard enough and one will find something that they finds important or meaningful that they are willing to fight over.
  6. Personally I find the need to use such language very childish. Discussion is one thing. But that is belligerant. So I like a movie you think is bad. Does that mean I only like bad movies or I like all bad movies? No. Making such general remarks are highly rude and offensive. I think you need to rework your ways of thinking into a more balanced perspective of the world and the people that live in it.
  7. I agree 110% with you! Fans in general are the worst thing to happen to the entire genre. Personally, I blame the internet. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who feels this way.
  8. SW is a great SF epic, nuff said. I captured my imagination as a young boy, and no matter what the critics say, the original trillogy is fine cinema.
  9. I think I can say I am disapointed with the SE's and the new movies, though I don't really hate them. At 1st I did. but I said to my self. These are movies. Perhaps we can lament over what seems to be the trend of hollywood these days to place glitz over content but it a degree thats how it has always been. As time wears on the bad movies are forgotten, and lost, till most people only remember the good stuff from that era (or what the masses decide was the good stuff). I think my enjoyment of SW has been soured more by the fanatic community than anything Lucas himself has done. To a degree I am embarrased to say I like SW not because of the movies but because of the followers, the same goes for Star Trek, Transformers, and most other sci-fi fandoms these days. Even the tolken's community can't accept they are getting a wonderful if not perfect adaptation of LOTR's and the run around villifying it, calling everyone who likes it illiterate heathens of below room temperature IQ. Critisize the movies all you want thats your right. that doesn't bother me that much anymore, but stop making statments like, oh you like this! thus you suck. I don't know where the civility has gone in this world, but I really want it back.
  10. Where did the term froating head come from?
  11. Well I certainly do not like Temple of Doom. But the 1st and 3rd I like about the same. Then again I am not a hardcore Indi-fan. As for SW I hope the original trilogy will be offered on DVD not only the SE, though knowing lucas this will not happen. And if the SE really upsets you that much I probably should not mention the uber SE SW that is rumored to be in the works. Also in breakthrough works hurin you forgot American Graffiti.
  12. that's pretty much close to the real reason. There's more to just a receded chilhood memory (althought the main reason) to collecting not only macross but any item in particular...It goes way back to primeval man and the need to sort and collect things around us. The collector gene 100 years from now this is identified and cured much to the elation of wallets everywhere
  13. When's the Focker re-release coming out?
  14. I collect most transforming mecha, Macross, Zeta Gundam, Mospeada, Orguss, and on and on. I always marveled at toys that could transform. Generally speaking though I just love robot toys. many of the toys I collect I have never seen any of the shows for, nor do I have a great desire to see them. Its funny. Alot of the toys I collect I have not seen many of the series that go along with them (or at time I flat out despise the series but love the mecha in it). and alot of the shows I do like, either have no merchandise, or what merchandise exists I think stinks. Go fig its a messed up world
  15. Man that Zillion armor is too cool. I have seen these pop up in ebay, always way out of my price range though.
  16. Personally I love mechanical Design DR. Votoms I love how they look, but that may be because I love heavy gear, and HG kinda ripped votoms off. Also I love anything that transforms, as that is my favorite toy gimmick. Personally collecting toys is very kiddy. I am under no illusion of that. But to have to love the show or know the show to love the visual design? Naaaaaa. I love Mecha design in the same way some people collect toy cars or aircraft they have never flown or driven, they enjoy the aesthetic design. Votoms look very realistic to me. And that’s why I love them, same goes for Dorvac. I saw the design and said, that’s really cool! Valkyries are the ultimate example of this. I was drawn to macross not for the plot or characters, but by the valks. I was drawn to gundam for the same reason I love MS design. I know almost nothing about the series, at least to the degree a lot of other gundam fans do. To love a toy, and to love a show, you can do this separately. As there are terrible shows that have great toys, and there are great shows whose merchandise absolutely stinks (new SW toys come to mind when I think of this) Though I can see your frustration DR. People who collect toys calling you kiddy for watching an old TV show. There is something wrong about that in a major way. I run into similar things when people call me a poser for collecting the toys and not watching the show. Hey I like toys, I don't pretend to be a fan of the shows, I am a fan of well made toys that look cool, is that being a poser? I don't think so.
  17. Ummmm drifand I wasn't the one ranting about collecting the toys and not watching the shows. that was destroid rage. I collect alot of toys whose shows I have never seen or don't really like. All I said was I thought the best looking toy out of the Xambungle line was the Walker Gallier. In response to detroid rage. I buy a mecha toy because I like the design. For example valks. While I don't hate the original saga, actually I am very fond if it in a retro way, I don't buy my valks out of love for the series. I buy them out of love for the Valkyrie design. The same goes for my transformers. The same also goes for my Dancougar. I love the toy. I have never seen the show. Thats also the same for my Aoshima Shin Getter. I love the design I look at it as a work of art, not as a representation of my favorite charactor. If your beef is say with the people who buy a toy simply because it is expensive then I agree destroid rage. However if you are ranting against people who collect toys because they genuinly like the design, despite the show. Well over at toybox, its about not a love for the shows the toys were based on, but an apreciation for any toy that was well built, and fun.
  18. While not from the 80's another american line worth looking at is exo-squad. That and vintage SW are the only purely american lines I collect. I don't cont transformers G1 series 1-3 as entirely american, as many are repackaged Japanese Diclone and micromen.
  19. The walker galliar is the best looking of the lot
  20. thinking of Shirow how many eps are in Stand alone complex?
  21. well isn't bandai re-issueing several SOC's?
  22. I think this guy needs to shop around better, 200 dollars? Please. try a average of 140 that including the shipping.
  23. I think it has been confirned they were not able to get over the oh so frustrating american toy laws. You know, we don't see japanese kids laying around maimed by their toys. I guess American kids are just to stupid, or american parents are just to over protective.
  24. The Japanese version of Optimus will not be battle damaged, nor will his stacks be neutered. I'd suggest Big Bad Toys for a preorder.
  25. I am really holding out for a max type VF-1J
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