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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. i think Tony is in charge of intel, and Jack is in charge of field ops. Yeah I got the impression that there was a duel leadership structure going on.
  2. I wonder what went wrong with Jack and Kate (when they dated during the three years between Season 2 and 3). Sherry is probably locked up in solitary confinement because of her actions in Season 2. Director Almeda looks like he's ready to kick some ass and take names....... I just finished watching the 2nd episode........SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANOTHER CTU mole!!!!!!! I can't believe it. You think that after the whole Nina Meyers mish mash this wouldn't happen again. It was probably his drug addiction, from his time undercover. I got the feeling during the opening scene Kate wanted to make ammends as well as jack, but they were both to prideful or embarrassed to just say it. Nothing like disaster scenaro's brings families back togeather though question. What is Jacks position at CTU? Chief field agent or something like that?
  3. I'm glad someone else out there likes them.... I like them too!
  4. Isamu, I am sure they will find some impossible way to drag Kate back into the loop Like Jacks leather jacket has encoded in its stitch pattern some valuable data
  5. Personally I love this show. Best US show done in a long time.
  6. Nah... that's only found on studly mecha like the 1/55 Armored Valk. "Next Objective" sticker anyone? ;-) Yeah poor girly man US hasbro prime
  7. I wonder if he will have mudflaps with profiles of naked women on them
  8. I display my 1/48 low viz with all its panels off, and opened up the flaps posed, and the airbreak open.
  9. My God! even with the fast packs on prime is still almost taller than the 1/48th
  10. Yeah. If you want a Jetfire Buy and convert the super bandai reissued, or shell out and get a vintage, cause never will a toy licenced as jetfire using the taka mold will never be produced again. Or, perhaps Yamato would be willing to make a red nosed Hikaru 1S Autobot symbols not included Cool if it happened. Unlikely too.
  11. Oh man, words can not explain how much I want that x-wing. are they on pre-order anywhere?
  12. Well I know for certain a 1S is on the way. with all the problems fixed. Don't know bout the 1A though.
  13. Also before we compleatly pass judgment on them, lets see what they can do!
  14. Very well said MR March. Also keep in mind mecha at least in japanese terminology encompasses all machines of a mobile nature. Also Mr. March don't forget the Zaku. Alot of Zeon mecha was inspired by german plate armor.
  15. I want a naboo fighter! *ducks for cover as tomatoes are tossed* Hey I was just kidding!
  16. I still love these things no matter if they defy all reason. Hmmmm most mecha does actually I love the rugged industrial look. Its cool cause its so fugly. But this is coming from a guy who love battletech mecha as well as anime mecha, so go figure
  17. There are plans for a new macross TV series?!?!?!?! You didn't see the "IF" there, I take it? I certainly hope Yamato can get to 1/60 Regult and Glaug. The destroids I can live without, though I woudln't be unhappy to see them, either. I saw the IF Uxi, but still, I wasn't sure of Graham was implying that rumors for a new series were floating around.
  18. Sounds to me like Yamato is going to ride the Macross train to the end of the line. I don't see Macross being all that popular 2 years from now. It has seen a very nice resurgance, along with a number of other 80's properties, but I don't think that there is a strong enough core fan base to keep it going at this level forever. Many of the people who jumped on the Macross band wagon have gotten their fill and have moved on to other things. I'm grateful for everything that Yamato has produced. They have given me a great Macross collection that I will be able to admire in the Macross-lean years to come. I think Yamato will definitely stay with Macross for a at least another 2-3 more years. I mean it will take that long just to release all the upcoming Macross Zero toys and other SDF TV, DYRL & M+ goodies currently planned for production. And of course if Big West decides to release a new Macross TV series then the skies the limit and we could be looking at 5+ more years of toys Graham There are plans for a new macross TV series?!?!?!?!
  19. Well to be a complete rip off that would require it to be more suit like. As small as it is its not a suite mecha. Its controled with sticks and peddles like a patlabor ingram is. It would be nice if they explained it as a converted construction mecha. As that would explain why it doesn't look entirely suited for combat.
  20. Impractical yes. Cool looking sure. Alot of mecha design streaches the confines of reality by well alot. Personally I love the bare bones Industrial look of this machine. It kinda has that we are freedom fighters on sever budget restraints look. While I really like this I will point out a few negative points. Legs are way to short, looks like this thing would waddle not walk. Also yeah the open cockpit is kinda stupid. I didn't realize before seeing this that the whole pilot was exposed, from what little I saw previously I always thought perhaps the head was exposed but their bodies were encased. To a degree I get the impression that these may have been construction mechs before they were combat machines.
  21. Wow! I hope he makes more stuff like this. An alien Power Loader would be sweet and now that he's making this thats not such a far off idea.
  22. Personally I find most alien theories lame. I gotta go with kites
  23. Terminator Vs Robocop <_<
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