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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. I'm somewhat tempted to try and contact the guy that Exo got to build his Thunder Hummer and see if he can make a better link carriage. I'm really pissed at CMS because they gave us a link up carriage that was designed to allow the Legioss to be transformed into armosoldier mode while being linked to the tread. While a cool feature, this compromised the link up arm so it sits to low, and is very very ugly because it needed a two bar system to allow for the cockpit to slide through. They should have made two different undercarriages that would have allowed for a really nice link up in fighter config and given us the one they gave us to be used only for the Armosoldier tread link up. This would have solved the spread legs of the legioss, and the ugly official link up mode. I still don't know what they were thinking when they made the fins too long in the rear, but you can fold them to the side like I did and it looks pretty good. Over all I'm divided about this two. Part of me loves it. Its a seriously fun, well made toy, and alone the parts look really nice, I even like the fighter mode of the legioss even with the stupid gap. The only thing that really makes me mad about this sets individual parts is how floppy the legioss is in fighter. But the part of me that wanted an accurate problem free tread legioss link up is a tad disapointed. A good link up is the feature this set should have revolved around, not some lame half mode with the armo soldier using the tread as a booster. (sorry to fans of this mode but except for that one bit of art that keeps getting reposted, I think this mode looks really lame)
  2. The QC is rock solid. Most of this toys flaws are a result of odd design choices.
  3. The QC is rock solid. Most of this toys flaws are a result of odd design choices.
  4. Here are some photos. Sorry about the quality, I am in no way a professional photographer. Armo Soldier Armo Diver Linkup. I was able to improve the link up a good bit. If you bend the link arm upward and have the edge of it catch the crotch vent (you have to fold it down so there is a gap) this allows for the legioss to sit higher and the feet to slide into their proper position on the tread. Sadly because of the poor design of the link arm you have to just let the legioss rest there, and need to angle the whole unit downward to keep the legioss from flopping back, but for those of you who just want to display it in a case a decent link up configuration is possible.
  5. The worst part are the wings. Followed by the arms. I really don't see anyway to improves these as they are held togeather by pins. The cockpit locks in place fine, there are two pegs that plug into the top intakes that allow for a secure connection. Sorry to say that the cockpit is molded blue.
  6. Okay Mine arrived today and I am playing with the legioss right now. 1st impressions. Wow. This toy is light. I mean light light. Lighter than the macbook air light. So light I think I can suspend it in the air, take my hand away and expect it to float there light. Okay that was an exageration. But it is light. However the toy feels solidly built in armo-soldier mode. I won't comment on the apearance of the toy, as it has been talked to death. The only thing I will say is the finish is good. Its not as plasticky as some photos make it out to look. Why wasn't the ride armor molded with a similar finish? The legs joints are all racheted, as are the chest intakes. Sadly its true that the this toy is a bit of a floppy mess in fighter mode. Oh it looks alright once you get it there, minus the large leg gap and the knees that stick out a little to far, but keeping it that way can be frustrating. I'll have some pics up this afternoon. Oh, and these toys are tampo'd up the wazoo. Nice touch and certainly adds to the final look of the toy.
  7. Overall I like them as stand alone toys. The Legioss looks leaner and meaner in battroid, and I can forgive the leg gap. The Tread also looks rather nice. However combined the toys looks very meh. The ugly connection peice and the way the fins stick out when they should fold in completely I find unforgivable. I find it wierd they didn't make the boom arm higher, allowing the feet to slide properly into place. Still I like how they look alone so I'm not to upset I didn't cancel my order, and I figure I can try to make a custom connection arm so the legioss can sit higher when combined with the tread. Looking at the pictures, It looks like alot of the link up compromises were made so the legioss could perform the link up while in battroid mode. Which is why they have the ugly split design link up carriage. If they really wanted that type of link up, I'd rather they made two specialized link up sets instead of one ugly one that doesn't seem to work that well in either mode.
  8. No covers for the rear wheels? Looking at the pics I don't see what people are talking about. In battroid mode there seems to be covers for the rear wheels.
  9. From what I understand, even with the less than thrilled response to both the MH and CMS ride armor they are both still hard to find, I figure the Legioss/Tread link up will be the same way because of the tread. If I like this toy, even with the weird proportions I'll definitly be grabbing the green and the red, mostly because I figure they will be fairly rare figures in the future.
  10. Evil. Just flat out evil.
  11. I got my shipping notice from overdrive today It better not be an april fools joke They also said they might be getting some green ones in, so I am definitely signing up for that.
  12. anyone know where you can nab a red?
  13. I used epoxy to put my windshield back on. I wasn't to worried about fogging my screen considering it was already badly fogged right out of the factory Epoxy tends to dry clear, and is very very strong stuff.
  14. My revoltech alphonse seems a good head taller to me. I'm not counting the height of the wheels, just the rider.
  15. This movie looks awesomely stupid Can't wait to catch it.
  16. Aren't the megahouse's already the same size as a revoltech?
  17. Maybe they did do it to attract business. I'm not the owner of the shop. But this is just one pre-order among hundreds on the same website. Mistakes are made, and they sent all people who preordered it a very clear e-mail about the change in price. False advertising to me would be charging me 150 for a toy that was advertised at 80 dollars. BBTS very clearly corrected this error, and no one was charged any money, and all people who made their pre-orders based on the information that it was 80 dollars can easily back out no strings attached. No ones been screwed here. No one lost any money. Mistakes happen, but if you expect them to sell you a 150 dollar toy because they made an error in its pre-order price I don't know what to say. Other than you being disapointed that the Beta's not as cheap as you hoped it would be, I don't see how anyone has actually been cheated because of this.
  18. I really don't know what everyone is on BBTS's case about. if you pre-ordered the figure and don't like the revised price just cancel your damn pre-order. No one's been ripped off, and they sent you a notice telling you about a significant price change. If they had waited til the thing was released and then dumped the suprise increase on you, then you'd have a case. Sheesh. The people saying BBTS should honor that price are just moaning because they want a 150 dollar toy for 80.
  19. When the toynami guys said that their ride armor was similar to the beagle they must have been drunk, or maybe they're just stupid. In terms of final apearance the beagle compleatly destroys the toynami. I hope the deal beagle is making with toynami is only a distribution deal....
  20. I think toynami/HG should just stop wasting their time developing toys and just cut deals with better japanese companies to import or design their toys.
  21. The super gobot version had retractable landing gear, and lacks the hidious chest intakes.
  22. Whose is that?
  23. I'd sell my soul for some trigun figures. And did I hear they were doing alien and predator figures somewhere? how bout some SW revoltech?
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