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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. Yes the director for 3 was contracted to make a 4.
  2. I saw a commercial for this DVD set in which I saw Arnold in an Army or Air Force uniform wearing a berret (I saw only a split second of this). My guess is that the original endoskeleton designs where based around a real officer... who just happened to look like Arnold. CRI promo?
  3. This whole thread is gonna cause some peoples blood to boil. This is another one of those topics that has been soooo beaten to death. Let us now show some respect for the dead and let this topic fade.
  4. Oh but 24 has no respect for life so it is possible Tony could die Still even if he does not die, him getting this serously wounded this early on does not bode well for him being a major player this season
  5. Well, every single time I walk into TRU I see lots of Armada and Universe figures that are bigger than the G1 reissues and cost less, so what's so different about the Alternators? The reissues are great, and I happily pay for them (well, the Japanese versions...) but they are specifically priced to take advantage of fanboys like me who will complain but still pay it anyway. The Alternators are a new product so Hasbro can't work the nostalgia/collectors edition factor like they can with the reissues, so $20 - $25 sounds just about right. Are you seriously comparing the Armada line to the Alternator line??? How dare you!!? I would really hope that Alternators would beat the stiff Armada bots!! And since the alternators are already going for $20-$25 in HK then they must be more expensive in the US, right?? ~Tico tic, he wasn't comparing quality, he was stating that the average transformer fan (5 year olds and the parents that have to pay for the toys)would probably not shell out 50$ for these alternators. So a 20 dollar price tag is better at appealing to the mass market.
  6. Palmer has no luck with advisors and women.
  7. The 1/55 is all about nostalga and duribility. For alot of people long long ago the taka's and bandai's were the only game in town, now with the lower prices alot of people can obtain the toys they dreamed about during their youth but was so unobtainable before.
  8. I can't stand the TF'er TV-show but I loved the comics and the toys. The new DW comics are also really good. Bout the size change thing, thats just one of many holes we must all live with There was in a TFer profile guide an explanation once about the ability to change size but it made about as much sense as trecky technobabble
  9. GobotFool

    Hikaru VF-1S

    My heat shield falls off my 1A all the time. It's just the nature of the slide joint. I have had this problem with every 1/48th I have ever had even the supposedly fixed Low Viz. To a degree I'd rather have it loose and fall out, instead of so tight if it gets twisted the wrong way it breaks.
  10. When Hell freezes over . Do you really think Hasbro or Takara are that stupid? Takara? no. hasbro? Certainly.
  11. I don't see why its all that important to be honest.
  12. Word! I have heard the same good reviews of RahXephon. So I may check it out.
  13. Long story, people got burned, people left/banned themselves. That's the long and short of it which toy did info get leaked on? It was not a single toy it was the entire line up that got leaked.
  14. While I still want my VF-19 I think I shall want my q-rau 1st.
  15. Macross will do that to you. Yamato will do that to you. Join our legions of damned feeding off the smallest fragment of a picture that might offer us a glimpse of the latest macross product!
  16. http://egosoft.com/ Try here for info on X2: the threat. FYI the screenshots don't do it justice, DL the roling Graphic demo. It non interactive but if your system can handle it crank it up to full and enjoy. The only thing I didn't like graphicaly from what I saw was the explosions looked to flat and not nearly as good as the rest of the game. but thats my only complaint.
  17. Cool I may have to check Weapons over Normandy out. I guess its kinda a Crimson skies style shooter? Also Mcbride, I played a few hardcore flight sims in my time and difficulty aside I found them kinda boring. WW2 sims like Sturmovik are the ones I have the best time with as far as flight sims go nice and simple. I still have high hopes for X2: The threat.
  18. The esca is coming out this november right?
  19. Anyone know when the 1S Roy is being re-issued? I thought it was supposed to be this month.
  20. I have high hopes for X2: the threat, but I fear it may suffer from being to ambitous and trying to do to much.
  21. Heh, got both of my VF-1S Hikaru set up with Strike packs and most beautiful they loook too. However, too lazy to take any photos this weekend Graham Graham get off your lazy bum and give us some pics!
  22. with his mask off he looks like ultra magnus
  23. GobotFool

    New here!

    Run KYO run!! You buy one valk, then, then you must have another and another and another!!!! Escape before the madness before it takes you!!!!!! Anyway that said welcome to MW.
  24. Oh I agree. It certainly won't make me cancel my preorder! I guess I just assumed that there would be circuitry behind that mask..not a mouth.... Well in the comics he gets his face ripped off a few times and he has this funky skelital mouth under it.
  25. Sososo true.
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