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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. That's OK if you don't get it. Most people don't understand greatness. Seriously, all of the original TF's had some sort of proportion problems. I just don't think this is a good interpretation of Hound, and I don't care for 1) how the final product looks, and 2) That hound is now a civilian vehicle instead of a military vehicle. It's like making the new Starscream a civilian Learjet instead of something which is definitely, beyond a doubt, military-based. Now what we really need to see, if they want to update everything, is Soundwave or Blaster as an iPod... Hehe. Was thinking though which G1 series 1 or 2 do you all think looks most like the character did on the screen? I always thought Inferno/grapple had the best bot mode of the lot. Hell stick ball joints at the hips and knees and you could have a sweetly articulated figure as that molds from the waist up was great.
  2. Kill bill is pretty much a live action samurai anime. Want good samurai action? Go watch the Kenshin OVA's or TV series or Ninja Scroll (NS is not my favorite but it is okay). Kill Bill was alright, before I can pass judgment on it I am really going to have to see the 2nd half of this movie.
  3. I like the proportions of the feet for G1 Hound better than the alternator. The G1 is still a bit too big, but I like things to be a little too big than way too small. However, the alternator Hound has good arms. It's like I said before, these guys need a physical trainer so they don't wind up all disproportional. Yeah, the old transformers were rarely proportioned correctly, but the reissues are selling for around $25.00. Don't alternators go for around $40.00 and above? Several things to keep in mind with alternators. Their engineering is vastly superior. articulation is supurb and they are almost 2 to 3 times the size of the old G1s. The feet in proportion to the legs are fine. I think the thing that throws off the proportions is the oversized chest. I don't get this great love for the original hound. I have almost all the series 1 G1's and I always thought he was the worst proportioned of the lot with the over sized feet and practically non existent arms. Looking at the final product as taken form in this hound it really would have been nice if they made it look more like a classic millitary jeep. Cept for those door wings he looks almost exactly like his old toon counterpart. from the abdomen up.
  4. Yeah that rumor has been going around alot. I am not really sure how much of that is just wishful thinking though.
  5. The same found in the new 1S Hikaru. Better flaps, less obvious face plate seem, better radon cover. Easier to open front landing gear. and Hopefully few to no QC issues. Also the seat's head rest is being altered to have a deeper depression for the head, which looks really dumb IMHO. The pilot is now made out of a rubbery substance not the hard ABS plastic, so it has a softer more natural look.
  6. Where to people come up with this stuff?
  7. Wonder how they got it past the FDA Oh its plot holes like that that show my lack of faith in the movie industry is well justified. Course one could argue the FDA is disgustingly lax too
  8. paper?
  9. Hehe. Yes it is very bad, but it is sooooooo much fun to make fun of thus it still posesses entertainment value. There are other movies out there that are just so bad the leave me utterly speachless.
  10. The bot mode on the Dinobot is also seriously messed up.
  11. TM, you the man!
  12. My sentiment is the exact oposite. The more I see the more I am impressed. The sheer love of the engineering that went into these is astounding. No transforming toy I have ever seen has had its proportions perfect to what it was supposed to look like on the screen. Actually if you want to see some messed up proportions you should go look at the original hound toy Over all these small proportion issues do not bother me. They have balanced the bots and the cars very well.
  13. I see what you are saying DR. Still I think the reason behind the naming was more because Bonaparte the tank was small but mighty as was its namesake, Napoleon. Though it could also be a homage to Napoleon and the little FT-17 at the same time.
  14. Is that the actual box or is that an image of the intruction manual on HLJ?
  15. Military vehicle or not, this is very true to Hounds original appearance and I really love it. Any word on release date?
  16. Brilliant! I don't dig that dino to much though.
  17. The packaging looks like something you would expect to find a cheap bootleg in not a highquality toy That trailer is awsome. Anyone read japanese? Perhaps translate what it says on that page?
  18. Hmmmm Twin moons still has yet to get in its shipment.
  19. What is so sad about the WC movie is that the FMV in the games were better looking and better performed <_<
  20. Hey mechlo where did ya get the emocon?
  21. You know.... I'm not sure if that means it's a good thing or a bad thing..... Haven't seen it... but I want to.... I'd have to chime in with the 2001 crowd, as well as bump elbows with the Battlefield Earth people.... No matter how highly acclaimed 2001 may be, it still bores the hell out of me and I'd rather watch... well, Battlefield Earth.... I've seen Moon Trap. Certain movies while really really bad like The Core and Armageddon I still was entertained by the glitz (no I am not a person who only cares about glitz but I don't let lack of content prevent me from being entertained from time to time ). Moon trap, not only is it poorly written, poorly acted, has really crappy FX. even for its time, it was also severly boring.
  22. Its really funny about blackhole. In many ways the older non-restorted versions are better cause there you can't see the strings holding up all the robots that well. On the DVD the strings are oh so obvious
  23. I have similar sentiments. I have a long list of dirty pleasure movies There are alot of not so great movies that I watch again and again because I find them entertaining, and there are many great movies that even though I thought they were fantastic I have no desire to see again as once was enough.
  24. Whoa! That would be a easy and kick-as$ scratch-build! hmmmm.... I haven't thought of those droids in a long time. What was the evil robots name? Maxwell or something? Anymore?!? How 'bout Number 5 from Short Circuit *gag*.... "Number 5 alive Stephanie!" Maxamillion
  25. There are so many bad entries, and there are so many degrees of bad. Most bad movies I forget. However there are several that stick out in my mind, now that my thought train has skipped over to bad movies. I really hated "This Island Earth" Even with MS3K's commentary I can't bear to ever watch that movie again. Highlander 2 is also one of worst movies I have ever seen The acting, dialogue, visuals and plot were all beyond sub par. Mars Attack also comes to mind. Yes I know it was supposed to be a spoof, but I did not laugh once while watching this POS. Starship Trooper I am surprised no one has mentioned yet. When I 1st saw this movie I thought its 90210 in space! With guns! And aliens! And Bleh!! Never has such an adaptation managed to rip out all the worthwhile content of a book as SST did and replace it with steaming piles of poo.
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