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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. I was wondering why it was so fat again. If the removal of the smuggling compartment feature would give us a leaner bird, I'd be all for dumping it.
  2. why? because I can. Heavy armor legioss
  3. I thought there was a classics Jazz planned?
  4. With the current crop, it depends what you want. If you want a well designed but fragile toy, go for the CMS, if you want a toy with a realistic finish and unhelmeted heads go for the MH. I own both versions and here is my break down of the two. CMS Pros. -probably as close to PT as a ride armor toy will get. (at least in this scale, beagle may suprise, but currently CMS holds the crown.) -has some diecast -Good rider proportions -in scale with all other 1/18th figures, Gi-joe, Star wars, ect... -Lots and lots of tampo printing, it really brings these guys to life. -foot pedals. The only transforming ride armor toy that has this. Cons -Parts fall off that shouldn't (most can be easily placed right back on but still its annoying) -Windscreen is very fragile and breaks off easily (easily reglued and if you use the right adhessive this fix should be invisible. I used epoxy which drys very clear and doesn't mar the material itself.) -Dumb stick stand Depends on personal preferences -Small. personallly I like the small size, again its in scale with everything, and the amazing design makes up for it IMHO -Glossy plastic. Some people think glossy plastic looks cheap. It doesn't bother me that much but I'll agree a slightly duller plastic like what was used on the legioss tread toy would have looked better. MH Pros. -Nice dull more realistic finish -Swapable non helmeted heads -clear chest lights in armor mode -Much nicer stand. -Swapable character head sculpts Cons. -I know this is a parts former, but parts that are not even supposed to come off like the rear seat section fall off easily, as well as the arm guards of the rider. -Really small wheels in proportion to the bike. The CMS has properly proportioned wheels at 1/18th. At 1/15th the MH's wheels are only slightly larger than CM's wheels. -Weird Rider proportions. When riding his bike he's gonna look really funny, he looks a tad to big for his bike. Also his upper body proportions make him are very exagerrated making him look like a body builder, and and he has a giraffe neck. -Can't stand without the stand. Thank god this thing came with a great stand because unlike the CMS counterpart it can't stand without its stand. this is partially due to the backheavy nature of the figure, but the waist is very floppy as well, and there is nothing that tightly links the ride armor toy to the lowe portion of the toy. all the locking mechanisms are in the chest. All of CM's locking mechanisms are in the groin armor, which actually allows for a more stable toy. -Less tampo printing than the CMS, I wouldn't have mentioned this as a con, if the sticker sheet that is supposed to come with this wasn't randomly placed in in the toy boxes, so toy may or may not get a sticker sheet to add in all your favorite markings. Personal Preference -Larger scale. -Partsformation. Front forks, handlebars have to be compleatly removed to transform. The handguards/shoulder guards have to be removed and replace to transform the toy, and the riders head has to be removed and placed back on to transform the toy. I hate partformers, and the fact that a smaller toy managed to pull of PT (as close as you can have to PT in a ride armor toy that is) makes this aspect of the MH even less impressive. Well, there is my two cents.
  5. I would. I've looked far and wide, and I have yet to find a decent 1/60th scale F-14, F-15 ect model to display with my macross fighters. I'm not really a big military jet fan or anything, but I love my macross variable fighters and they look so real world in fighter mode that I'd love to have some in scale real world jets to display alongside the whole line up, but I can't seem to find any. Can yamato save the day? Make us some real world fighters with the markings seen in macross zero? The closest F-15 replica I can use that is 1/60th right now is MP Star Scream.... This makes me sad.
  6. With the exception of the blitzwing, I think these new figures are great, really close to the animation with smooth innovative transformations. Blitzwing is the only one I consider a total dud.
  7. Its probably possible to have the bike itself transform without any parts removal, the CMS came damn near close with only the gauntlets having to be removed and replaced. I don't think perfect mounting action is possible though.
  8. Wonder if these will have the larger wheels as shown on the lancer proto.
  9. So, who saw the latest episode? I really liked it, and I want to know what other people think the soothsayer's line to Donna "There is something on your back" means.
  10. I hope you havn't been avoiding the 1/60th VF-0 through 19 just because it's 1/60th. You are aware that all other valks dwarf the old VF-1. All the other 1/60ths are about the same size, or even a little larger than the 1/48 VF-1.
  11. I love my CM's I havn't had any problem with the fraility. My scotts windscreen came broken, but was easily fixed with some epoxy and you really can't tell the thing was reglued anyway, and my Rand's windscreen has yet to break at all. The proportions are so much better than the MH and the tampo really adds a finished feel to the toy that the MH doesn't have. Also It's a fully transformable Gi-joe sized ride armor. how awesome is that? PT is very important to me because thats part of the art of a transforming mecha. I don't want a ride armor toy just because it looks cool. To be honest, if it didn't transform from a bike to a suit of armor, and without that knowledge, in some ways the thing just looks goofy. Its the fact that these things are motorcycle that transform into suits of armor that makes the ride armor so awesome, and I want a toy that can mostly simulate that action. While true every ride armor toy requires some removal/rearranging of parts, even the gakken didn't require part swapping, or parts that were removed and tossed into a pile of random parts never to be used again. Different strokes for different blokes though. I think we can all agree that we're all drooling over the Beagle, and praying that it turns out to be awesome and affordable.
  12. If they make a 7 foot long blockade runner, and a 3 foot tall AT AT, oh hell and throw in a properly scaled AT-ST capable of carrying two pilots I can die a happy man.
  13. Ahh. Gotcha. I agree with you then. A few small tabs on the arm, and on the wings to make things lock into place would have turned this into a great legioss toy, minus the aesthetic issues that exist. As it stands its a pretty good toy, alot better than the toynami in terms of durability. My biggest problem is the wings. The arms don't bother me so much, but you just have to touch a wing and it gets a tad floppy. If you spread the arms out, and trap the wings between the arms and the legs they straighten out well enough, but the fact it requires so much fiddling in this area of the toy is a major annoyance that could have been fixed pretty easily. Which might be the most annoying thing about the CMS legioss. A better or two connection bars, and a few more locking tabs, and this could have been the best legioss toy made. This isn't a, I just spent 200+ on a toy thus I gotta love it reaction. I really do like this toy. Its alot of fun, and as a toy, something you can handle without fear of destroying it, its a huge sucess. I think what bother people is its not the display peice that they had hoped for, with the toy looking exceptionally tight in all modes.
  14. The only problem i have with the legioss's stability are the wings and the arms. The chest peices, legs and nose cone all lock in better than the toynami. My nose cone locks in place fine. I have no idea what other people are complaining about. You just have to slide the two hooks under the hing bar in fighter mode and voila. it locks in rather tightly. The only down side is that this seems to push the face into the chest, causing the red paint to scrape off. This shouldn't be an issue for the red or greeny though.
  15. Do you know if overdrive is going to carry the red?
  16. No, in 2 months the price will triple and you'll never be able to own one. J/K
  17. The cody battle tank is also pretty good. Though the legs articulation is weird.
  18. I wonder if they'll give J5 lips.
  19. You think you can ask if they'll get any red ones in? And for how much? BTW guys, be careful with the red paint on the Legioss's head, it wears easily. Nothing a little touch up with crimson paint won't fix, but it is an irritating little bit of friction.
  20. Is there anyone here that can get to a TRU in Japan? I really want all 3 of these guys. I just ordered the greeny. I must have a red to finish the family.
  21. Okay, sue me, I know I said no more pics, but I didn't expect to love the armosoldier tread link up so much.
  22. Both have their ups and downs, but in the end the CMS wins because, despite its light weight construction it doesn't feel like its going to fall apart in my hands. The MPC, despite its diecast (its randomly placed diecast) always feels frail. I do intend to pick up the MPC tread, at least one of them, probably a lancer. That said, I am seriously pondering ordering the green set right now.
  23. Probably the last set of pics I'll upload unless anyone wants anthing else in particular. A shot of the wheels down for the people who asked. Yes the rear wheels have a cover, unlike what some other people claimed. Shot of the fighter with the arms squeezed togeather, which helps cover the rear gap but isn't really an official config for the legioss Shot of the fighter with the missile pod and gun attached, which also helps cover the leg gap. Official, but damn, is it an ugly look for the legioss. Pictures of the tread alone without the ugly under carriage Battroid shot with all missile bays open Linked and ready to take on the world CMS family shot
  24. BTW, here is a picture of it compared with other toys for scale, and a line up of the pilots. As you can see the CMS seems more 1/72 than 1/48 or even 1/60. Also lynx, as you can see I can fold the arms in and tuck them sort of into the chest pit.
  25. To get the legs to stay closed you really have to be willing to fiddle around with the toy, and be satisfied with the fact that your pretty much going to have to leave it alone on display and can't whoosh it around the house.
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