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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. Whoo hoo!!! http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/s...oystore-165997/
  2. As much as I'd love to have this figure, the CMS is good enough for me right now. I'd rather spend my money on the new ride armor beagle. Any flaws that toys has in final apearance I can forgive because of the impossible nature of the actual design. But really its not that hard to not make a toy that never was intended to transform at least line art accurate. And I don't remember the animation being that inconsistent, but I am more a fan of the movies than the actual show, so I could be wrong.
  3. Yeah, I really just wish toynami would give up on diecast. Honestly, I wish most transforming toys would give up on die-cast and make the toys out of better plastics and give us really nice paint jobs instead. I love the feel of a good heavy gokin as much as the next guy, but I buy transforming toys for the transforming gimmick, and worrying about chipping, and chips are inevitable no matter how careful you are with some of these things, really detracts from the fun of the toy.
  4. *sniff* I'm just happy to get such a beautiful, as perfect as it can get transformation ride armor that looks heads and bounds better than anything we've gotten in both modes.
  5. I wonder if there are any chances of scots alpha being rereleased. To appease collectors they could make it all plastic like they did with their much cheaper version of voltron. Considering all the chipping caused by their choice of diecast placement I'd rather have an all plastic alpha than one with diecast.
  6. Oh how can anyone forget the greatest TFer character ever, Hauler?
  7. Hey mikesyzekely, where are you in the world? Just curious because I have not seen any evidence of the latest waves of TFers in my region.
  8. You rock. The Iron Giant is the greatest US 2d film ever made. Great story that doesn't insult it's audiences intelligence.
  9. dang. A couple of good entertainment icons have left us this year...
  10. Sadly mechwarrior has slipped pretty far from most people's memory... I think I could enjoy a Halflife movie.
  11. Amen brother, amen.
  12. you all forget that bandai's 2001 1/55's marking are all tampo printed.
  13. I might have to get my sister that set, as she is a big SW and Muppets fan.
  14. Yeah, its not like he's particularly busy.
  15. Wow. Obidiah Stane escaped from Iron Man and took over a video game company. That was my 1st thought when I saw a bearded Jeff Bridges.
  16. Wow. Toynami finally got wise and decided to act as a distributor for high end, high quality Mecha toys instead of trying to compete with them. This makes me very happy and hopeful they also might be willing to cut a deal with Yamato and start importing the 1/60th line as well. They already did a deal where they distributed the Garland. Is the MP cyclone dead? I didn't see pictures of it. Is it being replaced by the Beagle? If so good. That thing was pretty much a gakken with slightly better tooling.
  17. Nolan has said many times he has no interest in introducing Robin in his vision of Batman. Once he makes #3 and probably decides to retire from the franchise I can imagine that the studio will rehire Shumacher or someone equally horrible to take over. Studio exec: Nolan, Batman #3 was great, after winning every Golden Globe, Oscar, and the Nobel Peace Prize and sinking Titanic's box office record, you just have to make a 4th one. But we want you to sex things up a little with the bat suit, I dunno, I guess you can't show any skin so maybe you can mold some anatomical detail right into the suit. Oh and Gotham is to dark at night. I can't see a thing, I want you to put neon lights up everywhere. Oh and we got a deal with Shia Labeouf to co-star in the next movie to play batman's spunky sidekick. Whats his name? Ummm Sparrow right? Nolan: That would be Robin, sir. Studio exec: Whatever, oh and we've fired Morgan Freeman and Micheal Cain, sheesh why are these guys so expensive? Its not like they're all that sexy or anything. Anyway, we couldn't afford them with all the new special effects we're going to be adding. After the space walk scene where batman saves the earth from a giant meteor. We blew 1/2 our budget, so all we could afford was Chris Tucker and William Austin. Nolan: William Austin? didn't he play Alfred in the 60s batman series? But he's dead! Studio exec: Yeah, we blew the other half of the FX budget trying to digitally recreate him. Nolan: Wait wouldn't it have been cheaper to just rehire Morgan and Caine?! Studio exec: I suppose, anyway, we've had some problems with getting him right, so until we get things perfected we've rented another digital actor to stand in for him. He's on loan from George Lucas. Nolan: Oh god no... you don't mean. *enter jar jar* Studio exec: well, whatcha think? Nolan: *shoots self* Studio exec: Oh well, I I think Micheal Bay is available, and he does have those transforming robots, maybe we could make the batmobile......
  18. Ah Hollywood, I guess if it doesn't have a square jawed hero who only knows how to KILL aliens, then they are not interested.
  19. I don't mind sci-fi alt modes as long as the altmode doesn't look like a robot laying down on its belly with its legs folded over its body like most of the pretenders.
  20. Considering the claw thingy, needs to be removed and replaced for all 3 mods, I wish they made it rounder, so it actually looked like a legit fuel storage tank or a legitimate plane belly. I think that would have solved a lot of the problems with how this guys alt mods turned out. I could care less if the weapon it was supposed to transform into looked a little odd because of it.
  21. Yeah, I can see the previews now, "From the director of "charlie's angels: full throttle" and "we are marshall" comes, another crappy movie with a really long title! Ugh... Hearing Bale was in this made me very happy, reading who the director was made me very very very sad. Maybe the script won't suck? Damn, I'm feeling optimistic today.
  22. Hrm, interesting, I think that might actually work. I heard rumors they might be considering the Riddler as the villain for the 3rd movie.
  23. Hey! The Rocketeer is actually a fun movie, it doesn't deserve to be clumped with those other two duds.
  24. Hey, grabbed the new classics 2.0s. Sunstreaker is my my fav of the bunch. He channels the character he was based off of so well, though I would have preferred a hood foot design, but with the angle they are taking with the two brothers being the same mold transformed differently its a compromise I'm willing to live with.
  25. WOW, he is horribly mistransformed in the package pics. Damn you. Now I must own one.
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