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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. Your 1st adult toy... is this the right forum for that sort of talk?
  2. Oh yeah! It's about damn time!!!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/Gol...Ingram1and3.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/Gol...Ingram1and2.jpg I am so buying 3 of these things!
  4. Hell, to be honest I don't even like the macross TV series that much, I just think the VF series are among the most beutiful mecha designs to exist. Though I really like DYRL and M+.
  5. In regards to looking nicely metalic, the 1st run of Alternator tracks was also really nice
  6. I think as long as the mold is not an exact VW replica. I remember by making a few very small changes they were able to sell the RID cars, which resembled real world cars without getting them licensed because they made a few small alterations.
  7. Well, for a compleatly new mold, I'd like to see another autobot get the treatment. Maybe Ironhide? Since we have a SS, who was megs ummm sorta right hand man, even though he always was trying to stab megs in the back, It seems only right that prime also get his right hand man as well.
  8. Yeah, I was hoping to see alpha's as well, and maybe a beta for this line... Damnit.
  9. that and engineering wise the 11 is simpler
  10. GobotFool

    Takatoku VF1's

    I'm a big fan of the 1/55. Sure it's not as accurate as the 1/48, but as just a straight toy it's really nice. Shiny ABS plastic, polished diecast for the non pained metal parts, and if you got a reissue, tampo printed up the wazoo. As a toy, I'd have to say it stands up well next to most other non-colector targeted robot toys, and is just alot of fun as a piece of hand candy.
  11. GobotFool

    Takatoku VF1's

    not to rub it in, but I am so glad I bought the reissues for my VF-1 1/55 reps in my collection instead of shelling out big time for a classic. On the otherhand, the Super O, Elint, and Strike still demand a decent price don't they?
  12. looks good, a definit must have. Still, I'd rather see compromises made to the alt mode for a better bot mode than than the other way around.
  13. I wonder if HLJ will pull some similar bull.
  14. awesome, so when does all this stuff make it into the super mega ultimate edition?
  15. The way I figure it, they should add a small ammount of orange paint to the tip which can be easily stripped off with paint thinner.
  16. well MP-05 is up for preorder with a nasty suprise http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail
  17. Buh? One second, you actually think the toynami masterpieces look better than yamato's 1/48s?
  18. You should go ask over at ToyboxDX, those guys have crazy knowledge about obscure toys.
  19. I'd prefer a walther p38 for nostalgia, however, the most important thing for me is that megatron be chromed plated up the wazoo. Screw a realistic color scheme. I want my megs to be all chrome, just like the original toy!
  20. Well in defense of the MP line, they are a well engineered toy line, made from relativly high quality materials. In terms of price point, when put next to other japanese high end toys, the MP line actually comes off as cheaply priced to me. IMHO
  21. those are just reissues of the old kits
  22. I'm no gun expert, but I always understood that the walther-p38 was always considered a small gun. If the size is increased by 25% would it really be that much larger than medium to large sized handguns?
  23. Are the special elbow joints made out of POM as well?
  24. Not to be to cruel, but long neck or not, the SHE looks like a flying brick
  25. yeah, I don't get people who are down on the classics screamer but are so impressed by astrotrain who looks like crap in all modes except bot.
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