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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. Don't forget to mention the landing gear and the shoulder's that won't sit flush and leave big gaps while in fighter mode.
  2. are they gonna offer repair parts for the garland as well?
  3. I asked HLJ about the cap. they told me they'd do what ever they had to do to stay legal with US law. I don't know if this was a BS answer, or if they were serious.
  4. I want transforming underwear.
  5. Maybe it's Machine Robo! *runs away from the angry mob with pitchforks*
  6. GobotFool

    1/60 YF19 rant

    This YF-19 makes me want to cry. On the one hand it looks beutiful. The design is great, as in many ways I find it to be the easist of all my valks to transform. But all the factory flaws right out the gate have me really put off. Yamato was on the upswing in terms of QC with the later releases of the VF-1 1/48 and Scopdog, but seemed to have really plumetted again with the Garland and 19. I omit the zero because other than some bad experience with a broken tail fin spike (which I was able to get replaced) I have not had a single problem with my VF-0S.
  7. Can some one snap a few pics of how the landing gear should look?
  8. Part of me hopes a larger better looking screamer toy gets released.
  9. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail Hell yeah!
  10. Right behind the head there are 4 vernier/circles in a square pattern. shipped these have tape over them, and I lost some paint removing it.
  11. Not a big deal. Though I have some questions for people out there. Does everyone seem to have the problem that the shoulders won't sit flush when in fighter? It seems both of my landing gears don't swing out compleatly. Is this common or have I gotten a serious lemon. Also has anyone had their joints gummed up with glue? I'm tempted to return this one and get a replacement, but I want to make sure I'm not going to go through with this and pretty much get a toy with all the same flaws back. To GRAHAM: Has yamato been made aware of the gunpod problem? Will they fix it in future releases?
  12. which is ironic considering it actually pulled some of the paint off when I took it off.
  13. Okay, I've owned several yamatos myself, VF-1S, VF-1A and J Hikaru's, and a VF-0, ect. I've only had the 11 and garland break on me. Yet I hear people always talk about how they break the backpack or some other random part. Am I just really lucky? Are other people just not handling them right? I mean Yamatos may not be as sturdy as an MP prime, but I've never felt the need to handle them that carefully for fear of breakage.
  14. Hrm, I can see a scene, where the humans of the movie just bought their new car, go to make out ridge and suddenly realize they aint alone
  15. Ratchet looks pretty good. I like how they used a fairly non traditional transformation scheme for him. I am absolutly baffled by screamer. Since when did he transform into a pregnant whale?
  16. I've never found the 1/48s to be that fiddily. Personally, I think most TFormer fans have the, if I can't make it transform in 4 moves I lose interest mentality, considering how negativly some reacted to binaltech and the MPs. I'm definitly in the more complex the TFormation the more interested I am kind of guy. Though complexity doesn't matter as long as all the modes look good, and I still say jetfires plane mode is one of the ugliest airplane alt modes of the newer tformers.
  17. Just curious, wasn't the faulty arm joint being addressed for a 2.0 release? I have my broken one right here and I'm kind of waiting for the 2.0 version to be released before I send mine back.
  18. By making the face to anthropomorphic they made it look more cute than cool. Draco from dragonheart was probably the best compromise to get a large dragon to emot and still look pretty cool.
  19. actually, after he gets thrown out of unicron at the end of the movie, he lands in a giant lava pit which drives him insane.
  20. I really love the SV's fighter and Gerwalk modes, the battroid is kinda meh.
  21. I really don't get why everyone is so excited over the jetfire. The bot mode is nice enough, but as a jet I really can't get over the fact that the nose looks like a brick glued onto a sleak f-14's body. Are we just that starved for a toy that vaguely resembles skyfire? Now if a MP skyfire was made that really was accurate to the toon design, that is something I'd be willing to slap down money for.
  22. Self transforming toys... that takes all the fun out of it :-p
  23. I think it's rather clever how they made the trigger flip down and the rear handle flip out and forward to fatten up his lower legs. to bad nothing can be done for his upperlegs.
  24. I own the revoltech, and while it can pull of some cool extreme poses the way the shoulders and legs are jointed are annoying. Generally speaking I hate small, and i hate things made out of crappy plastic, and the revoltechs are both. This thing is metal, has a detailed cockpit and lights up.
  25. I think someone said it was 1/48. I've wanted a decent toy version of an ingram for ages, and no revoltechs don't count!
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