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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. You must tell them they are the greatest toy company to ever exist. JK Sorry to hear about your bad luck, I really don't get whats wrong. I got a response 2 days after I complained....
  2. Well thats how the original toy looked. This megs is definitly more a homage to the old G1 toy than it is to the cartoon. megs = updated replica of old toy prime = homage to cartoon Starscream = Kawamori on crack
  3. so what do you people think the next MP will be?
  4. maybe it got lost in the giant pile of emails he must be getting regarding the part? E-mail him directly again.
  5. all toys can go gerwalk. Even megs. I thought, gee he'd kinda look like a mobil cannon in a gerwalk mode. I couldn't resist.
  6. I beleive the law has more to do with helping law enforcement to distinguish toy guns from real guns. I think there were problems where an officer shot a kid who pointed a very realistic toy gun at him or something like that.
  7. my 1st macross toy was a green joons bootleg.
  8. Mr. Garner got to me 3 days after I e-mailed him. Yamato may not be fast, but every time I have issued a complaint they have usually gotten back to me in a weeks time.
  9. It's weird how that mess of a scheme makes the VF-1 almost look like a compleatly different bird. Like the angel bird, PASS.
  10. You know, regarding the garland, now, if you just email them complaining about the shoulders they will mail you a set of the improved shoulder joints.
  11. Great work, but duuuuude! You customized a Liquid stone? didn't they only make 100 of those?
  12. Saw it. It was a fun movie, but I wasn't blown away. The battles were beutiful, and I don't really care that much about historical accuracy in a movie that makes no real pretense in presenting itself realistically. Anyone who takes the depictions of persians seriously, either offended by it or thinking its an honest representation of them needs to get their heads examined. I just found it took itself to seriously in parts, and found it a little distracting from the real reason I went the see the movie, to watch 300 greek men fight while almost totally naked.
  13. Mine just arrived. Awesome awsome toy. A tad small but the detail and quality is great! I'm really looking forward to the Alpha and Betas
  14. Sorry to hear you got a dud.
  15. These are just proto types. I'll reserve final judgment until we see them painted up and in all modes. CMS is a good company. I'm not a fan of alot of the mecha they produce but over all I've heard positive things about the final products. The only complaint I hear is that the price can be steep for toys that don't have much diecast content.
  16. Well this proves it. There is a devil. Because I told him I'd sell my soul for some non-toynami produced mospeada products. Okay CMS bring on the ride armor!
  17. They at least could have tried to make them 1/6th scale.
  18. I'm actually looking forward to this. It looks like the Tformers in the movie might still have personalities and not just be portrayed as massive killer robots. My only question is, if they wanted to make a realistic approach to the robot design, why do some of the tformers have mouths?
  19. I certainly don't hate my 19. Overall it is a very pretty toy, but it is a bit of a let down when a 200 dollar toy has noticable factory issues that should have been noticed during the manufacturing process. BTW, Graham can you ask yamato to stop puting tape on the 4 vernier on the 19's back. I took mine off and a significant ammount of paint came off with it.
  20. There I gotta disagree with. The classics prime looks great in both alt modes and has a well thought out transformation. I suppose when I judge a transformer it's less play value and more does it visually appeal to me. Prime does, classics Jetfire, not really.
  21. To be fair I'll admit classics Jetfire looks nice in bot mode. It certainly works as Skyfire without having to streach the imagination to far. But the jet mode makes it a hard toy to love for me.
  22. I actually liked armada's jetfire. at least he didn't have huge arms hanging off the side. Classics Jetfire is to me a complete and total disapointment. Hasbro really fumbled it here. We had a chance to get a true skyfire toy. Instead they tried to merge a VF-1 and Skyfire. So instead of getting a slick F-15 replica, or a chunky but anime accurate skyfire, we got some unholy mixture of the two. And I have to say, regarding comparing highpriced toys to lowcost economy toys I'm probably in the minority here, but I do actually think classics starscream is a way better homage than the MP.
  23. Any chance we might get a fully armored gerwalk, I think I remember seeing something in one of the old concept books, where there was a VF-1 in special armor similar to the GBP, but designed for it to work in Gerwalk mode.
  24. I fiddle with my shoulders over and over and I still can't get them to sit flat. Even if I could get them to sit flat there is still the matter of that ugly gap where the should joint meets.
  25. damn, looks like I'm going to have to buy mine from ebil bay off of a hong kong seller.
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