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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. While I am not a car or gun enthusiast, I do understand. There have been a few movies that seriously miss portray different cultures and history, and while I'm no expert, having a passing familiarity with both, I do want hunt down the writers and knock their ignorant teeth out. When you know your movie might interest a particular crowd of enthusiasts it is polite to make sure you at least have your basic facts right while writing the script. That said, as far as way off facts go, it really wasn't that important to the script. The whole checking under BB's hood was just an excuse for character development through the use of gratuitous sexual humor. (and hey, if I were a transformer Mikela could say whatever wants while molesting my engine parts ) After watching it again there were two parts this movie needed, one was ratchet running up to BB, looking at his legs and trying to fix them but having to leave to protect Sam. And another would have been Ratchet trying to save a dying jazz. More ratchet is always good for me. I generally agree. The reason why the other transformers had less of a presence was, 1. they needed to get them to earth. and 2. I think they were testing the waters. Seeing if people could connect with these robots.
  2. He, Shia, and the parents were the comic core of the move.
  3. I was thinking about this comment and I have to agree and disagree. For me Pirates 3 was a little uneven with its story to action distribution. To much story and character development with not enough swashbuckling action, which is all I went to see POTC3 for. Pirates 3 seemed more like a political pirate thriller and less like a swashbuckler adventure by the time the credits rolled, which left me feeling meh. I suppose it had to happen this way considering how badly the story to action ratio was off for the second one, meaning the third had to play catch up. Transformers has the opposite problem, a lot of action but not enough character development, yet it never seems to forget that at its heart beats the soul of a movie about mayhem and chaos. (okay okay, I'm not looking for anything deep, I'm just still stewing over my only big beef with the movie, the transformers as far as being characters go, minus Optimus and BB, got seriously shafted. Maybe if the two hacker characters were cut, two completely useless fleshlings, I wouldn't be so pissed.) In terms of the way the action was filmed once again we're looking at two almost separate philosophies. Pirates really let you sit back and appreciate everything that was going on in an action sequence. Sure it was fast paced and a lot was going on in the background, but you could see it. The camera was steady and nothing obscured the view. In transformers it’s almost like the camera man was having a seizure while trying to film the movie. I know they were trying to create a war camera like feel to the movie, but the shaky camera and often obscured views of the robots was not the best way to showcase these FX marvels. It's fine in a WW2 movie, because most of us have an idea of what combat vehicles look like, and how they move, so even if the eye doesn't catch all of the detail, the mind can fill in a lot of the gaps. This is harder to do with giant robots, something most people, even mecha fans, are not that familiar with on the big screen. One positive though is that by giving a human eye view it really did give you a sense of how big and dangerous the transformers were. The action was amazing in both movie, but Pirates filmed its mayhem in a way that made it a more enjoyable experience for the viewer. Just my 50 cents.
  4. I'm kind of hoping the extended features have more transformer/human and transformer/transformer interaction. While I had a blast watching this movie and its the only one that has come out so far this summer that I want to see again and again in the theater, I can't help but feel they chickened out and were afraid to let the transformers be the true stars of the movie. Strip out the computer geek parts, add a few scenes that showcase the transformers as character and I'd go from being very pleased with this movie to being absolutly estatic. As far as the human roles go Shia, the army men and the sector 7 dudes really save the movie.
  5. I can't give this movie a high star rating. But with that out of the way, wow. I don't think my inner child has ever been this satisfied. I truly felt 8 years old again, my eyes were glued to the screen for every scene containing transformers. Though my mind wandered a lot during the scenes involving the computer scientist chick and Anderson's computer hacker character. I am hoping the sequels are heavier on the transformers, and much lighter on the comic relief sidekicks. (The flick's sense of humor really saved it; I just found everything involving Anderson's character painfully unfunny.)
  6. I don't think it will be a problem as long as the body is diecast and the wings are plastic.
  7. I heard that it was on a earth where humans and cybertronians live togeather, and sit down for afternoon energon snacks.
  8. I really liked the clone wars. I thought the art style worked well for that series. I just don't know about it for transformers. Still, lets remember that the old cartoon characters were super blocky as well.
  9. Nah. Just to be super cheap they'll make the toys paper craft stuff that you have to DL for 20 bucks a piece.
  10. Ummmmm..... Why is every cartoon being done in that powerpuff/Dexterslab/samurai jack, style these days? I mean it was cool and it worked for those cartoons, but seriously, this is getting out of hand.
  11. I'm just glad I'm not a F4 fan. It does drive me nuts when people defend a really bad movie with the line, well what do you expect, it was just a popcorn flick. I love a good popcorn flick as much as the next guy, and there are some people out there who will hate anything thats not an art film. But to let movies like Underworld, AvP, and F4 off the hook as just popcorn flicks does good popcorn flicks a disservice. It puts them on the same level as Batman Begins, the first Pirates of the Carribean ect. (Yes, what people consider a good movies is subjective, but thats not the main focus of this argument.) So yeah... end of mini rant.
  12. I really hope leader brawl comes out in July. I don't want to have to wait til September.
  13. That thought occured to me a few times, would be awesome if they did that as a major tease. I honestly think megs would look alot better if the wings were at least 6 inches longer.
  14. The launcher arm is a fast fix. Just crack open the gun arm, take out the spring, place it in the launcher arm and voila. A gun arm that stays in place and a launcher arm that fires. What mold changes did they make? I didn't really notice any. The main difference I noticed was a crappier paintjob than what is shown on the box.
  15. Has anyone gotten a blackout whose automorphing feature allows for the cockpit in vehicle mode to line up properly?
  16. If the movie is a big hit I'm sure we will have plenty of varient figures like that. Is anyone else optimistic like me and almost sure that Ultimate Bumblebee's chest is mistransformed in all the pics we've seen of him?
  17. I want the Ultimate Bumblebee because he's big and cool looking. I don't care about owning all the merchanidise, and I generally loath anamatronic toys. Cease this Ultimate Bumblebee lovers prejudice.
  18. http://www.nma-fallout.com/article.php?id=36877 Link to an article scan. Looks promising.
  19. I'm not exactly certain those are supposed to come off. The guy who was transforming that toy didn't seem to know what he was doing. I suspect they might be designed to pop off to avoid breakage beacause they are in an awkward spot, but only time will tell.
  20. Whoops my bad, I guess the class size would be supreme. Like the Omega they made a few years back.
  21. The 1st terminator movie was a very low budget peice of work. So if they keep the vibe of the 1st movie this could work. If they try and make it terminator 2 every week they are going to have trouble. But yeah, chase movies work because they only last around 2 hours. A whole series based on a chase movie theme runs into the problem of feeling like a high octane tom and jerry. Hey, "havn't we passed that door 20 times?" or "Hey, didn't we just slam a tank into you? shouldn't you be like, dead?" (course, being a terminator does help with that 2nd issue)
  22. If there was some way to combine voyager and leader class prime I would. I think leader class prime has a better upper body, while voyager has a better lower body. I hope the movie does really well, justifying the creation of a ultra class prime that simulates the movie transformation a little better than the voyager and leader class primes.
  23. I will match your Paw Paw Bears and up you, Dinosaucers.
  24. The fx look decent (I really love the scene where the building explodes blowing off the terminators flesh), but the way the lines are delivered reminds me of a fan film.
  25. As long as he isn't given the same treatment Galactus is given in rise of the Silversurfer.
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