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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. looks fine to me. Very organic.
  2. Looks like another teen slasher, just with aliens and predators, unless I get a free ticket, I am seriously passing.
  3. I really hope your not taking this debate seriously. This is all in good fun.
  4. Also let us not forget that the Jedi employ mind control techniques. I bet Obiwan brainwashed that stormtooper garrison, tricking them into killing the jawas and Owen and Buru. Think about it, Owen saw Obiwan for what he was, a crazy old wizard, wouldn't let luke go anywhere near him to follow him on some damn foolish crusade like his father did.
  5. Oh damn, that is the funniest thing I've heard all afternoon!!!
  6. Lets not forget that Han was a smuggler, who delt in something called spice that the hutts were selling. The dude was a drug dealer, so not only do the rebels employ Jedihadist bent on some kind of holy war against the Empire, they also employ Drug dealers!!! Also, while the emperor and vader art siths, they had no interest in forcing anyone else into their religion, there were no government funded sith indoctrination centers, while the jedi had an entire jedi brainwashin... I... erm mean academy, which they forced kids to attend, taking them from their familes whether they wanted to or not.
  7. Darn those rebels! always in the way of progress!!! Look who makes up their ranks, backwater ignorant water farmers who wants to convert everyone to Jedism.
  8. Alderan was the victim of a random meteorite storm. The Death Star is just a dooms day myth cooked up by anti-empire hippies. And there was no Jedi holocaust, they just moved to another Galaxy far far away….
  9. Well if the empire wasn't a bunch of specist prigs, they could deal with aliens too and have sheilds.
  10. And can you really support an army that got its butt kicked by teddy bears, and builds giant robotic elephants that can be stopped with fishingline? And hey now, It's the Hutts who supported slavery and mysogeny. Remember in the prequels the Hutt planets were not Old Republic controlled, and in the new trilogy it seems they ran the mob. So if you want slave lea in the metal bikini, you gotta vote for the Hutts.
  11. This whole conversation vaguely reminds me of a scene from monty python and the holy grail. "We the rebel Alliance demand the full dismantalment of the Galactic Empire, except for the roads, schools and all other vital infrastructure built and maintained by the Galactic Empire." Also, can you really support a supposedly seasoned military organization that brings a bright shiney reflective robot on a covert ops mission? Oh yeah, that missions gonna stay covert for a long time.
  12. You post on a forum dedicated to an obscure 1980's anime, and its taken you this long to realize your a fanboy?
  13. Well, under a totalitarian gov't, they could tell you to respect everyone elses beleifs :-p Why vote totalitarianism when you can have anarachy. No one tells you anything and you can kill whoever you want without a gov't breathing down your back. Of course then you have to deal with the decease's family and friends, who could also kill you, and so on and on. Ahhh. good old pre-special edition episode IV Han Solo. (no I don't support anarchy, but I'm bored and feel like typing stupid things.)
  14. Yah, on the one hand you have the sith who like to beat up puppies and kill children, on the otherhand you have jedi who tell you to be nice, peaceful and friendly, and then go break all the trade federations toys. Jerks. I dunno, I think I'd vote for the hutts myself. Good old free trade, at least we'd have plenty of half naked dancers running around that way. Ahhh Hedonism, what good is morality if it makes you poor, powerless and never gets you layed.
  15. In many ways the rebels are terrorists whose top hero is really a fanatical follower of an ancient obscure religion.
  16. If they reissued all the big TFormers in the next year I'd have to cry, as I just shelled out a massive amount of money to obtain most of the big ones MIB.
  17. Did the company that originally made skylynx also make omega supreme and shockwave?
  18. Take em apart and stick a little nail polish in em.
  19. I want to know where the handle bars go. Do you just remove them, or do they tuck away somewhere?
  20. pretty old news.
  21. This is Robotech! Robotech? THIS IS MACROSS!!!!!! Sorry, that just screamed for a 300 reference.
  22. At least you can bludgeon an intruder to death with the titanium war within prime if forced to.
  23. I nabbed an ultimate bumblebee. If the chest still bothers you, you should pass. It doesn't bother me to much. Its a big transformer. That sold it for me. I love my transformers huge. Anyway, here is a photo of it with a properly transformed chest.
  24. I think people are fixated on it because it occures just before a very memorable scene. Would it really change the look of the fighter that much? as I could never see myself displaying it without its arms in battroid mode.
  25. It's written by Gaiman, so I bet the script will be awesome.
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