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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. Hush! Don't say that! You'll jinx it!!!!
  2. Classics prowl hopefully means we'll get classics bluestreak and smokescreen. I really want a trailbreaker.
  3. The reason some younger folk love last crusade so much, myself for example, is because it was the 1st indianna jones movie they watched. Nostalgia's a powerful thing.
  4. The arcee is cool, but the arms have wierd joints that make posing them a little hard.
  5. Well, BB was a 2008 camero, and primes design I don't think can change that much for the next movie. Hopefully the next round of toys for the 2nd movie will be more accurate. I don't see why takara is wasting their time on those protoform things. I'd rather them make more accurate movie toys.
  6. I have all of CMS's patlabor figures and they are very solid toys. There were some very minore paintflaws on the diecast of one of my ingrams, but nothing worth crying bloody murder over. I don't know much about megahouse. I do think some people complained about the quality of their L-gaim figures though.
  7. On a similar note, I heard there was going to be a manga version of the bible.
  8. That kicks ass. One step closer to Heinlein's dream.
  9. As long as this line produces a hell diver i'll be happy. Non diecast would be preferable as well, as I'd really like the thing to be molded in a flat green, not glossy.
  10. transforming mecha that have some evidence of their alternate vehicle mode are cool. As long as they make an honest effort to look like a robot I don't mind if some vehicle parts are showing. It kinda reminds me the thing is supposed to be a transforming design. Mecha whose vehicle modes looks like the robot mode laying on its belly are not cool. The zeta is sort of cool. Of all the transforming gundam designs out there it is the one that makes the greatest effort to look like some sort of space craft. But in the end its a spread my legs and lay on my sheild design.
  11. I look at how perfectly round DV and Primus are, and I wonder if now that Hasbro has everything worked out, if they could go back and give us a perfectly round unicron.
  12. While the transformations are real fast, we do get two zoomed out shots of BB transforming in the movie, 1st in his vintage mode right after his fight with Barricade, and in his 08 mode right after Prime rescues Sam from Simmons. There are two things I want done in the sequel,in addition to what Dave said above, is no command room scenes. Good old regular joe human soldiers fighting the bots is fine, but dammit, I don't need 300 shots of the camera whirling around a command room while technicians stare intensely at their screens. Second, stop showing us transformers from the human perspective, all those through a car, or store window shots got on my nerves.
  13. The HD DVD also has a feature where they provide CG models of prime, megs, blackout and bumblebee that you can rotate 360, and zoom in fore closer detail shots. They don't transform though
  14. Looks like you have to remove the suspension bars on the bike to transform it oh well, its a minor thing and not a deal breaker...
  15. Thats pretty nifty. I'd love to see a video of the various machines in action.
  16. Space sets are expensive. Its probably set in a normal every day middle america town because its cheaper...
  17. As of this moment I only have 2, an x-box360 and a PS3. I can't imagine ever needing more than 3 ports.
  18. Yeah, its not that big of a deal, my TV can do HDMIp through the DVI to HDMI cables, I'd just like more HDMI ports. Oh well, guess I'll just have to keep swaping my cables out. Sure its inconvenient but its not an inconvenience I'm willing to slap down 200 dollars to fix.
  19. I'm looking for a multichannel HDMI to DVI switchbox. I've looked around and the only ones I've seen cost 200 plus. At that price I probably will just deal with swaping all my cables out everytime I switch platforms. I just want to know A, if there are ones that are cheaper than 200, and B who makes the best.
  20. I'm fairly new to the HD scene myself and I have a question for the more experienced members, what is the best HDMI to DVI switch box out there? I know they exist, and they cost a damn fortune, I'd like to get one but I have no idea which company I should go with. Can anyone help me?
  21. His face looks like an old man's face to me.
  22. On the otherhand forget the blackjack!
  23. That sir is 1/6th scale. Hot toys is also making a 1/6th scale powerloader and it comes with a 1/6th ripley with a decent (not great) headsculpt. If there is any weakness in the hot toys aliens figures I'd say its the headsculpts, they really don't look anything like the actors. But the work on their outfits really makes up for it.
  24. I have an aliens hot toy figure along with the ripley and marines. I highly recommend the Alien figure. Just make sure you store it in a place that is friendly to rubber, as the parts around the jaw, and the whole torso is covered with rubber.
  25. If they fix the shoulders, gunpod ect, anyone think there will be a 2nd reissue of the 19?
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