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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. Alot of the problems with this tread linkup, minus some strange design choices, seems caused by the fact that the scale between the two seems off. IMHO I think if they downsize the alpha a little and scaled up the tread a little, the close together arms in link up mode might have been resolved. I can forgive a lot. I don't mind how it looks linked up, but sticking out arm fins are just flat out ugly. I don't know who thought no one would care about that, but unless these go on clearance I don't think I'll be picking any of them up myself.
  2. Tempting if they were 3 different color schemes. But out would have to be a 50% discount on all of them to get me to buy a 3 pack of the same color scheme.
  3. Space is a big issue for me as well. For example, while expensive, I'm glad the new ride armor figures that are being released are on the small side. Detail and quality is more important than size. Though I still like large figures, I will no longer get a figure just because its large, and avoid a figure just because its small.
  4. Any seen the new movie version ingrams? It looks like they redid the shoulders so they now use revoltechs joints, and it has an opening hatch for the gun on the leg now. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail
  5. I like the fact that all the straps on the takara version are real, as opposed to molded, like on the hot toys version. I find that odd as I would have expected it the other way around. Takara having molded on detail, and hot toys with all the real straps. Just look at the aliens marines they made to get what I mean. Good thing I don't like appleseed that much, and I don't but character figures unless I actually like the anime. For those who collect toys and loved this anime, my condolences, I think I just heard your wallet commit suicide.
  6. I've been buying alot of smaller cheaper things lately. Like Revoltech and US release transformers, some I keep, others I end up offering on TFtrade boards. I still buy high end stuff as well, whats really getting cut out of my collection is alot of the mid-range stuff.
  7. I've been wondering that too. Because I'm so disapointed with both CMS's and Toynami's Legioss and Tread offerings (in the case of toynami the complete lack of an offering) I am hoping that megahouse or beagle will make some legioss and tread set that can link up.
  8. So they fixed all the major QC issues with Nora's release? I really want an SV-51. I love the look of the fighter and Gerwalk.
  9. To be honest I flat out hate most super robot shows, but I like enough of the designs to collect a few representations of the really classic ones, mostly because I remember a lot of these die-cast toys as a kid when they were being imported under the Godaikin name. I lusted after these toys as a kid, even though I had never seen any of the shows. While I never watched any of the shows, there certainly is a bit of a nostalgia factor for me as well. My g1 collection is probably all nostalgia. I love em to death, I really do. I even like the designs, but I know how dippy most of them look compared to modern transformers. I suppose my criteria for a robot whose show I am not familiar with is, 1. I have to really like the design 2. It has to be really well built. 3. If it transforms, it has to be perfect, (or near perfect, I can live with the removal of one or two very minor parts.)
  10. The hell is up with the arm fins? I mean I could live with sorta small arm fins, but ones that just stick out? ugh.... Looks like the only money that CMS will be getting from me regarding mospeada is their ride armor which I am digging alot. I now hope megahouse or even the mysterious beagle decide to try and tackle the legioss tread link up.
  11. I was wondering what compels members on this board to buy a particular toy or figure. Are you the sort of person that needs to love the TV show to collect a figure, or do you do it purely on the appeal of the design, or is it a bit of both? I can collect most mecha/robot toys without any real knowledge of the show. I love robot designs and I tend to buy robot toys based on how much I like the design, and less so on how much of a fan of the show I am. On the other hand I have to really love a show to buy a character figure, it doesn't matter how awesome the toy is. How is it for the rest of you?
  12. I think it had really loose wing joints and in some cases two right wing joints.
  13. Okay, I know I should just rtff, but the SV-thread is huge now. So let me get this straight and confirmed, all the problems that the Ivanov had were fixed with Nora's release?
  14. If it was not for the trend of giving us stands, all the FPs and missile packs that started with the SV-51 and seems to be continuing with the YF-21 I'd agree with you. But with all the accessories they've been loading those two bad boys down with on their 1st release I am hoping that the next VF-1 will come with all its goodies the 1st time out as well. I'd be willing to pay a little over 100 to get all the missiles, FPs, and a really nice stand in one release.
  15. I'd stay with the 1/60th line. Buy one 1/48 VF-1S for the size and detail, but if you want to collect a whole line stick with the 1/60th series. It'll be easier on your wallet. I also recommend you grab the 1/55 super reissue. The 1/55 might not be the fanciest VF toy made, but it still looks good and is a lot of fun to play around with. Oh and on the subject of the very dead horse known as Toynami, I don't think the alpha's are all that bad, but I was disappointed by their really awful friction joints. Within a day my alpha's arms were sagging, their pathetic friction joints unable to bear the weight of the diecast Toynami put in them. I think the legs sort of have something resembling ratchet joints as I get something that feels like ratcheted resistance when I move them, but I don't hear the satisfying click click that a really good ratchet joint should make. I collect alot of high end Japanese toys, from Bandai's SOCs, Takatomy's MP's and BTs, Yamato's Valks, and Hot Toy's 1/6th figures. True all have problems, but the wow factor that these toys have, in regards to their detail and the quality and flat out audacity of their engineering, allows me to over look some of their short comings. I have yet to encounter a Toynami toy that absolutely floors me in the same manner.
  16. definitly didn't go through step 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 or nine. I've been wanting a updated 1/60th VF-1 for a while now. My only problem is what to do with my crappy 1/60ths. Of all the things to survive the fire that wiped out most of my collection 2 years ago.
  17. It's not beast wars, but its definitly an upward turn from the downward trajectory of the previous 3 shows.
  18. So far the only thing that strikes me as off about the sculpt is that the shoulders in battroid mode look a tad small.
  19. Anyone catch Transformers Animated? Thoughts?
  20. As long a we get detailed destroids I don't care about much else.
  21. Yes. I like being able to display a whole series togeather in the same scale. I still intend to keep my Skull Leader 1/48 along with my 1J. I like the large size and detail, but I really am happy a new 1/60th version of the VF-1 is being made.
  22. I'm really digging the high gloss finish.
  23. The fuselage collapses like a telescope, making the nose cone not as long in battroid mode.
  24. So... what does that make all the combiners?
  25. I had a chance to see one today, the case isn't metal, its plastic. oh well.
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