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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. If they did that we wouldn't have any gundam repaints!!!!
  2. By PT I mean the bike itself remains mostly intact. and actually linart wise the for arms still technically remain attached to the bike during transformation through the front shocks though this fact is rarely represented. The amount of part removal and re arrangment the MH has is a turn off considering it requires even more part rearranging and removal than the old gakken to make the transformation work.
  3. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If the Megahouse was perfect transformation I certainly would be taking it over the CM. But the way the toy has to practically be taken apart and put back togeather is a different type of cheap in my eyes. Considering a much smaller toy managed to make it perfect transformation, and didn't have to sacrifice to much regarding the final proportions of the toy I'm rather torn. I think MH's engineering is lazy and I wouldn't normally pay more than 20 for a toy like that, at the same time, the CM is really small and has that ugly seem down the chest. Oh well. Lets hope Beagle blows them both out of the water and makes us a legioss and tread link up in 1/35 as an encore.
  4. Those are some great customs!!!
  5. They did? Was this for the Garland or the VF-0? I got my garlands arm replaced for free.
  6. While I wholly agree about Yamato deserving alot of the criticism that people throw at it, I was fairly certain if you lived in Japan you could just call the company up and ask for a new part for any of their toys. The big problem Macross collectors that live outside Japan face is the fact that there are legal barriers that disallow Yamato from directly shipping anything macross related to the US because of legal barriors put in place by HG and Toynami. The only reason they could send out Garland replacement shoulds to people through YAMATOTOYSUSA.com was because no such barriors existed regarding megazone products. I got my replacement Garland shoulder by the way. Everything works fine on it now. Still, shame on you Yamato for makeing beutiful toys that break on the 1st run. BTW, I heard they got a new QC manager. Why did the old QC manager still have a job after the Garland and VF-0A CF? Was s/he sleeping with Yamato's CEO? I guess the two left wing joints on the ivanov finally did him in.
  7. I agree, stands are nice and all, but they certainly don't make the toy.
  8. The megahouse base figure should be about the same size as the shogo figure that came with the garland, the garland being 1/15 and all. With the boots it might be a little larger.
  9. Thats not bad at all. Did you do the line art as well, or was this just a coloring job?
  10. Are certain people still fighting? Man, if people get this pissed off over toys, what chance is there for peace in the middle east? I think some people need girlfriends.
  11. Not just a well respected member, it was the owner of the board this dude attacked. You really can't expect people to feel all warm and fuzzy when a newbee, who is not established in the community, starts throwing a temper tantrum in town square.
  12. Anyone who has owned a YF-19 toy is aware of this minor issue, and its not even an issue, its a matter of figuring out how to correctly lock a part into place. If he was complaining about the poor spelling, or the two right wing hinges, or a broken shoulder, or a fragile back pack hing, or many of the other perfectly legitimate complaints about previous macross toys from yamato, that's fine. I'd be grabbing a pitch fork and storming yamato's gates right along side him. (I'm still pretty bitter over my Garland) This guy is complaining because he can't figure out how to properly lock his 19's nose cone into place, and he;s blaming it on the toy and Graham. This would be like someone signing onto a board and saying, "OMG alt grimlocks a POS, I can't figure out how to transform him, you people who worship alternators, you're all liars, you must be on Hasblows payrole!". And actually I'd be more forgiving with alt grimlock considering he is impossible to transform, but thats not a problem with the toys quality, it's a problem with an overly complex transformation mechanism. And lets be honest, while the 19's nose cone might require a little fiddling, its not a particularly complex part of the toy. I am sorry if for some reason this 19 really does have a dud nose cone, but considering I, like many other board members here have delt with this same issue, which is just a matter of figuring out how to get the mechanism to lock properly, I find it hard to attribute this complaint as a flaw with the toy. It seems like more an issue of user error. The 19's 1st release had its problems, bad landing gear, shoulder gaps, and the misaligned gunpod. I complained and cursed yamato, and kicked myself for not grabing the 2nd release. I've been a long time toy collector, I've had my share of duds, alot of them have come from yamato. Non of us worship yamato. We constantly drag the company over the coals for everything they do wrong. The problem is Yamato's the only game in town for macross toys, so this poses a problem for the Macross fan. If bandai started making a nicely detailed, perfect transformation macross line that encompased every series, I'd gladly jump ship and get my Nacross fix from them. (but they are still in love with gundam, dear lord, how many gundam repaints do we need!?!) Still, for the people who have big problems with their Yamato Macross toys, a broken part, or flawed piece, there is one primary villian here. Toynami. If Toynami didn't put an embargo on all non Toynami Macross products you could very easily get, for free, replacement parts for your busted/flawed yamato macross toys through YamatotoysUSA.com. Just like the Garland's shoulder.
  13. Eh, I guess its a difference of opinion on what elements of the design are signature bits. To me the only unique thing about powerglide was his shoulders and head. They can noodle everything else to hell and I don't really care, as long as the cone head and wings that form the side of his body and shoulders are there I'd probably recognize it as powerglide. Prime has a very distinct body. the windows that form his pecs, and the grill that forms his abs. In some ways I'd argue thats even more unique than his head considering there are plenty of transformers out there with the whole sheild over the mouth thing going on. For me at least, if someone showed me that proto and said, guess who this is supposed to be! I'd probably would, without even the A10 pics, have said, "I sure hope your going to name that powerglide and not skylynx or some thing crazy like that." For me the only one of these toys that compleatly fails to capture anything about the original character is onslaught.
  14. But you know deep in your heart you will love them. Finally ride armor that is in scale with your GI-Joes.
  15. Stick is back in stock at LAFtoys. at least last time I looked.
  16. I know the feeling, LAFtoys has some great prices, but you have to wait.
  17. Yes you should. Go look at the cartoon art of power glide. He has a rather unimpressive, not particularly distinct red block for a chest, as well as not particularly distinct block legs. I have no problem with the fact they made his chest transformation a little more interesting. The most distinct thing about power glide is the shape of his head, which is there in this revisioning, and the wing shoulders. Course I do sympathize, if they noodled with prowl's signature look, like they did with the alternator version of him, I'd probably cry bloody murder too. This new classics prowl is the look I wanted for the BT/alt line. The only one I'm disapointed with is onslaught. Other than having his name, and maybe the cannons on his back, I see nothing in the design that evokes the original character. But then again, I really don't care about onslaught. As a straight up transformer, regardless of the name, it looks really cool.
  18. Gotta disagree, the shape of the head, the way the wings form his shoulders, I see lots of homages to the old toy in this new update.
  19. I demand pictures! also are they perfect transformation?
  20. Still, I can't disagree that the labor's heads look like 1S heads.
  21. Gasp! Dave I think you just hit on the truth behind Starscream. He is really an autobot agent in place to destabalize the decepticon power structure. Seems screamer is even more devious than any one ever realized!
  22. This movie is probably going to take itself too seriously for it to be any fun to mock.
  23. It would have been nice if the neck was made to extend and telescope back in.
  24. The moment I heard "You have a destiny" or something along those lines, I fell asleep. Why do all the protagonists have to have a destiny? Why does everything have to be LOTRs? The idea of a prehistory movie is something I think would be cool, but alas, they seem to feel the need to make this into Gladiator, mixed with LOTRs, staring cavemen. As a anthropology student I'd have to be seriously drunk to have even a remotely good time watching this movie. Maybe even a little stoned... Actually, you'd probably have to club me over the head and drag my limp body into the theater.
  25. Well, I'm grabing both CM's from LAFToys. I might do a review later on.
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