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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. Yeah I think I'll keep them, though the ones that I have as 1/48ths are getting packed up and placed into deep storage. Still I'd like to hear others thoughts on this.
  2. Well, with the Elint and Super O coming out it looks as if my 1/60th collection will be coming to a close. Still should I keep it? I was all wild bout this series and am still fond of it but now with yamato making a Vf-1J, and a VF-1S Hikaru in 1/48 scale I really do see them going for making every valk in 1/48th scale a possiblilty, and perhaps even beyond what they have done for the 1/60th scale as we never got a 1/60th scale Hikaru VF-1S. I think I will keep my 1/60th line as the collector in me finds it hard to let them go. and since I have no intention of getting every 1/48th I think I want to have a complete line of VF's in one scale at least, still I am unsure......
  3. part of my theory is that transformer fans of the new generation, those who buy armada and energon are not used to shelling out. Unlike most of us who are full aware that quality costs money. When a transfan see's a quality toy he will say oooooooh but be turned off by the price and his view shall be colored negativly. Look at the response to the alternators toys, the japanese Vs American. Its all about price for them, they don't understand, its not just a matter of price it is quality. Transformers new fanbase is a group from 8 to 15 who are not mature enough to truly understand the good stuff IMHO. (for all those who are also macross fans and transfans, no insult to you as you probably know a quality toy when you see one) Price never came up, though. Not once. We were simply comparing the looks of the toys. Some of the arguments I heard went something like this. "Well, because the rest of the toy looks so realistic, the screws and joints really stand out, making it look very toy-ish. While since Jetstorm looks more toyish overall, those don't stand out nearly so much so that makes him look more realistic than this YF-19 thing." "Hotshot looks more realistic than the Car Brothers because he has a gas cap, and they didn't!" while the jetstorm vs VF-19 one I can kinda understand as the yamato VF-19 looks kinda bad, the Hotshot vs bros is just dumb <_<
  4. Truly impressive/
  5. hey all I found this on STM http://starshipmodeler.org/gallery7/bo_rifleman.htm. What I find kinda cool is the guy who did it made a updated rifleman for battle tech from an AC figure also a Kawamri design. Almost looks like it could fit into the new macross zero OVA IMHO
  6. Well, they are making a new live-action T28 show in Japan now. So, I think Bandai might produce some toys of it although not SOC - I heard from somewhere that Mitsuteru Yokoyama and Go Nagai are not very willing to put their creations under the same toyline. Here's a picture of the live-action T28... well lets see a one toy line the soul of Tetsujin line
  7. The fact this guy is out in the cold while they make Eva SOC's is disgracful I tell you!!! How can you not make a SOC of the 1st mecha, while you make things whose status as Chogokin are dubious at best
  8. oh and lets get a lynch mob for the two people who voted its a waste of money J/K
  9. Yeah thats him, I just don't get why this guy hasn't recieved the SOC treatment. He and his newer incarnation would look great and perfectly in place with the rest of the SOC unlike the eva's
  10. well as long as he doesn't have a large gaping hole in the back I am happy
  11. was thinking, why hasn't the big guy gotten the SOC treatment? Why why why? I mean if eva just got it Why not the 1st mecha ever? Did I spell and get the number right, I am sorry folks I grew up knowing him as gigantor.
  12. how much diecast? I shudder to think with all the sliding parts how easy it will be to chip stuff.
  13. Well the reason the story of arwin and aragorn is played up in the movies is because some people just feel movies won't sell unless it is a female lead of sorts., whether this is peter jackson's doing or the people of mirimax's doing shall forever remain a mystery.
  14. well remembet that nice little narative bout how the ring was lost and found at the beginning of fellowship? they may do something like that to tell the aftertale of the survivors.
  15. much sympathy goes out to you vostok. People suck these days, I hope the guy who clipped ya got a nasty paint scratch too.
  16. hey weltall where'd you get that cool stand for that 1/48 in fighter mode???? that is the custom unicron stand from Unicron.com I think
  17. part of my theory is that transformer fans of the new generation, those who buy armada and energon are not used to shelling out. Unlike most of us who are full aware that quality costs money. When a transfan see's a quality toy he will say oooooooh but be turned off by the price and his view shall be colored negativly. Look at the response to the alternators toys, the japanese Vs American. Its all about price for them, they don't understand, its not just a matter of price it is quality. Transformers new fanbase is a group from 8 to 15 who are not mature enough to truly understand the good stuff IMHO. (for all those who are also macross fans and transfans, no insult to you as you probably know a quality toy when you see one)
  18. What!?!?!?! Gads transfans are dumb. I break all ties with them!!!! I collect transformers but am nolonger a transfan. How can they say that bout the car robo bros? A viper, a a lambo, and a whatever forgot what brand x brawn was but all were real cars. Hotshot..... vaguly resembles a real car....... <_< I shall now be a gobofan who occassionaly buys a transformer, not a transformer fan who buys a ton of gobots as well B)
  19. Was thinking, wonder if prowl will be a prowler Seriously though I hope they make him a police unit, and not take some flashy sports car and stick lights in him, I want a real car that is in reality used for official police duty.
  20. Personally I think he looks more like cyclonus than a valk.
  21. Hey I think Patlabor is way better than Runaway, I am just drawing the parrallel of the theme for a police force formed to stop rogue bots.
  22. unfortunately it cannot be converted to a normal valk due to the non-removable radar attachment WTF? Man, that is WEAK! Thanks for the lowdown, Toonz. You just saved me $80. hmmmmm thats odd. Still not stoping me from getting it as IMHO its the armor that makes it special so I wouldn't be removing it anyway
  23. man..... that stinks with the animego only costing round 175 I think.
  24. I liked runaway, but patlabor had the same idea and did it better A police division made for rogue technology
  25. I still like it, but the Smokescreen is better.
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