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Everything posted by GobotFool

  1. Unless it had explosions, hot scientist chicks, and the virus turned people into icky mutated zombie/vampire monsters, I think a readaptation of the andromeda strain would put modern audiences to sleep.
  2. They do have alot of kibble, but still they look rather cool. I'd say the only must own among the group is prowl. He has the least ammount of kibble and is fairly easy to transform while looking fairly cool in both modes. Sideburn can be a PITA to figure out at 1st, but once you get used to him he's not that bad.
  3. Either that or they went with a less realistic sci-fi mode with the body. The thing that drives me nuts about jetfires fighter mode is it looks like a F-14 with Skyfire's nose, or Skyfire's nose with a F-14 body, take your pick. Two very different aesthetics that, IMHO, clash. As far as I'm concerned I have my ultimate version of Jetfire with yamato's VF-1s. I really really wanted a homage to Skyfire. Which I did sort of get with classics jetfire, its just that they tried to homage two very different looks in one toy. Classics was kind of our last hope for a true skyfire toy, unless they decide to do a MP for him, but I figure he'd be pretty far down the list in terms of characters they'd pick to make an MP out of.
  4. Well the beast looked very slick/wet in the movie, that mixed with most of it being filmed at night, with it being illuminated by explosions, nightlights ect, I think gave it a redder tint on film. This is just speculation, regarding the color they could just have messed things up with this figure. I went through and counted all the possible points of articulation on the figure, and I can't see how they managed to count 70. Unless the tail is articulated with 50 extra joints or something.
  5. Whose design was very much a fusion of a VF-1 and the classic G1 Skyfire. I really like Classics jetfires robot mode. I just wish his plane mode wasn't so... lazy.
  6. Classics jetfire is 1/2 good. If they ripped out the valk influence, and went for a 100% G1 cartoon influenced look I would have been happy. As it stands classics jetfire is the unholy love child between a VF-1 and G1 Skyfire.
  7. Seeing it from a ground eye perspective probably helped make the limbs not seem so thin. Seeing all the limbs in relation to the rest of the beast makes it seem lankier than what you saw in screen. At least thats my guess.
  8. Really? thats disapointing to hear. I've only seen photos with him sitting on the bike and they looked really nice, but if its that hard to do, and the toy is as fragile as so many people say, well I don't think I'll try and force it.
  9. It seems that the leader animated megatron has a face that can change expressions. I'm really loving this line.
  10. Considering stick can't ride his bike, and the way the leg peices attach in armor mode, I'd call it far from perfect. I love my old gakkens to death, but calling them better than modern toys is silly. The CMS seems like it really would have benefited from a larger scale. Nothing seems wrong with the design itself, its just the fact that executing something this complex, this small just didn't seem to work out particularly well.
  11. Is there any lineart out there showing how the ride armor is supposed to transform?
  12. Yeah, that was what I was wondering too. can anyone snap a shot of the 1st and 2nd hot toy robocop side by side?
  13. ummmm yeah indiana jones, whips, hats and stuff. You know, I wouldn't put it past Speilberg to have them all enter the giant temple we see shown in the trailer and find out that the natives worshipped a crashed transformer.
  14. The whole ET as jesus thing was alot of people reading to much into that movie methinks. While some of those themes are there, I don't think speilberg said, hrm... I think I'm gonna make a movie about jesus, but make him an alien. His actual inspiration for ET came after making close encounters of the 3rd kind where he asked himself, "What if they left one behind."
  15. You too!?! ET scared me as a kid. He still does.
  16. I just hope its not the same stiff animation we saw in the preview a few months back. Stuff that makes Christianson's performance look dynamic.
  17. The paint job is different for the second version of robocop?
  18. Thanks, that would be great. Thanks!
  19. Well crud, that explains why the scene in the trailer looks like it takes place in the warehouse the ark is hidden in. Indy needs it to phone god, aka Xenu and ask him to stop beaming his signals into L. Ron Hubbards head.
  20. Wait, the Fraulein series is bigger than the regular revoltech figure? Can anyone take a shot of one next to a regular revoltech to give me a clue of how much larger it is?
  21. There is a famous, I think Aztec carving, that people often interpret as some kind of alien spaceship. Truth is it's just a collection of relious imagery that most archeologists familar with Aztec culture are familiar with, but the modern person, unfamilar with any of the symbols, tends to recode these images into into a spaceship. There is a really funny website debunking most UFOlogists intepretation of aliens in art that you can find here. http://sprezzatura.it/Arte/Arte_UFO_eng.htm I really wish Hollywood would drop the whole, well the gods were just aliens angle. If the head honcho alien in this movie turns out to be named Xenu I think I might just have to kill someone.
  22. Which is why I said, lets get back to talking about how lucas and speilberg are raping out childhood memories. Anyway back to the trailer. Some people have seriously sharp eyes. I wasn't really paying attention to the CG pants or shirt pocket 1st time around. I see it now that it has been mentioned. I dunno about it being some kind of anti-gun, someone think of the children thing (considering there are still plenty of guns in the background, why if it was an anti-gun thing not replace them with walkie-talkies? ). I suspects its more of a, "We didn't want anything obstructing the view of Indiana in his 1st big screen shot in almost 2 decades thing and they just badly removed the things obstructing the view. Edit: I take the above back. I looked at the frame again and can see alot of things were removed that were not obstructing the characters after looking at the comparison shots. Looks like it is 100% and MPAA thing.
  23. No offense taken. I actually enjoy this kind of debate and think it's an important discussion. However, most humans, and this goes for everyone across the poltical spectrum, have such a hard time keeping calm while discussing politics that the debate almost always degenerate into some kind of mud slinging contest, drowning out the important issues in all the noise. But yeah, as you said, this is macrossworld and lets go back to talking about Krystal Skulls, and how Lucas and Speilberg are raping our childhoods.
  24. Why? Indiana as a character is an American after all. It is an American Film franchise. I don't cringe when I watch Dr Who and I see a UK flag displayed prominently, or if I’m watching a German movie with a prominent image of a German flag. I understand to a degree that an excess of nationalistic imagery can be irritating, and US movies can go over the top, but I see plenty of national symbols used in non-us media that I just accept such imagery as a product of the culture/country that produced the flick. Edited: for posibly to much political commentary.
  25. A full theatrical release for an animated star wars. A feeling of anticipation mixed with a strong feeling of dread just ran through me. Will the animation be true theatrical animation quality, considering how long it takes most really good animated movies to be made? Or will it be the soso/okay tv cg quality that we saw in the clips a few months back?
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