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Everything posted by leeboo1211

  1. What I remember seeing on the forums is that they got pulled from PayPal due to the number of refunds and disputes they had. So while tempting, I'm gonna stay away.
  2. I mean, how else are you sustaining this hobby where you are compelled to absolutely buy 6 copies of each release? J/k But yeah, that's a new concept I've never seen before.
  3. Heh, I never liked the idea of backpack/base jabbers, especially for close combat oriented suits like justice. All the other 2nd?3rd gen Seed suits fly around just fine without. Just seems bulky and would get in the way. I was on the fence about Justice and this may just put it on hold for me.
  4. Well at least they know they need to put out more strike frames to go with all the backpacka they're pumping out lol. They did do the naked strike as a TWE exclusive before so it's just a rerun. From a cursory glance can't tell if the decals are different?
  5. Gonna be patient. Patient. Please Bandai?
  6. Same here! Actually I hope the VF-25S gets the same painted update. Probably never going to happen given Bandai is focused on the 31s now.
  7. Oh damn, I didn't know this was a thing. Otherwise I would have jumped on it as well! Love the show!
  8. I'm in the same boat, I like the backpack but don't care for a pink strike. Prolly gonna skip this one. Hopefully they'll do a separate release but if they don't, meh.
  9. I'm just pointing out the relative prices. I was looking at the Motoko Kusanagi statue that was going for 1200 and has no moving pieces, and realizing that that kind of price is not uncommon for statue and figure collectors (which I'm not). It's unlikely that MoShow will do anything Gundam related since they've moved on to licensed homegrown Chinese IP like their Progenitor Effect. I saw rumors Daban is working on a copy of the MS Nu in kit form... But I don't build Daban kits due to their lackluster fitment.
  10. While I agree to a certain extent (I have all of MoShow releases and absolutely adore their work), if you reframe the MS Nu in the context of large statues with limited to no posability the original MSRP ain't that bad. I puke when I see how much people are paying for static polystone statues/figures. I do think it's dumb the fin funnels were separate though.
  11. I know right? I couldn't wait and already picked up the Metal Robot Robot Spirits version with hyper Mega cannon... At this pace we won't see it until next year.
  12. How much /where did you find the Yamato display stand if you don't mind me asking?
  13. @borgifiedHaha yeah, the box was beat up but everything inside looked like it was barely touched, instructions and stickers still sealed. I was more concerned with the risk of plastic cracking but I think that's also standard for Mandarake with older items. I asked for as compact shipping box as possible so it was 16K yen, total 38k yen so about 345USD. These guys are hard to find nowadays, and the box so big I doubt I'd even want to stick it in luggage even if I was in person it'd take up so much space. It's the one color scheme out of all the Yamatos that I really love so... I guess I just jumped at it! Glad to be one of ya'll too!
  14. Thanks! I'm looking for a second set of the Fext hobby background so I can get a bit more space to spread out... And add some maintenance crew figures. Right now the VF-1s barely fit lol.
  15. I got one just cuz I only have the Messer 31F. The only other versions I would want are the Arad and Kairos and both are crazy expensive now. I did pick up the Armored parts so will eventually want to slap them on someone... Hopefully that new, darker Arad color in the movie preview will be released.
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