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Everything posted by leeboo1211

  1. I have no idea why they decided to do this stupid design with the front shoulder armor split and attached to the biceps of the SOC RX-93FF Nu Gundam,,,paint scratching waiting to happen. Makes me want to skip this, even if I could get it at reasonable price. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?! (timestamp 10:15)
  2. Oh well, at this point I don't care. If I can find one for reasonable price great, if not then not gonna stress about it. Hobbies are supposed to be fun.
  3. Screw that, that price is crazytowns...I'd like to have it to pair with Nu, but not that much. At the current exchange rate it should work out to $1400 RETAIL...so that's a $600 premium. This isn't a P-Bandai exclusive, so distro price is lower than retail. I'm personally not going to encourage scalper-ish behavior from these stores.
  4. How much you guys think shipping for this thing will be? The Nu is about a large PG box size, Sazabi is likely 1.5 times larger or thicker m
  5. NNG was moving warehouse earlier this year so there was a period when they were slow to respond. They still came through for my orders, sometimes just had to email about things that were released. Hopefully they are more responsive after the move, but can't tell you from personal experience.
  6. Saw in a Facebook group that a guy who PO with LunaPaek and paid full in advance had his order canceled without notification... Still waiting to see if they refund him. Hope you have better luck, but given their track record I doubt they'll honor it especially with the higher MSRP than they listed it for.
  7. Yeah at this point I'd bank on two months or more after JP release. USAG has gotten big, and even ordering in-stock items can take a week or so for things to ship out. They will deliver, but just like BBTS it will take time.
  8. MB Strike Noir coming soon .... Milk that mold Bandai! Probably Astray Noir not far off.... https://www.instagram.com/p/CfbRvUDLfu7/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= Bleh. I'm getting tired of this.
  9. Yeah if I remember correctly for now it's a Fukuoka exclusive, but eventually they might release it through P Bandai just like the Yokohama one... Regardless I'm not buying it at that kind of price. The MSRP is basically 200 usd.
  10. Chogokin RX-93ff v Gundam up at BBTS for $449...is it just me or that's quite a markup. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/209334
  11. Up at USAG, EE, and Sure Thing Toys as well, about the same price. FYI EE charges upon shipment, the others pay up front. https://www.usagundamstore.com/products/code-geass-lelouch-of-the-rebellion-r2-metal-build-dragon-scale-type-02-f1z-guren-s-e-i-t-e-n-eight-elements https://www.entertainmentearth.com/product/code-geass-lelouch-of-the-rebellion-r2-seiten-guren-type08-elements-metal-build-dragon-scale-action-figure/blfbas63459 https://surethingtoys.com/collections/bandai-metal-build/products/bandai-metal-build-gode-geass-guren-type-08-seiten
  12. I see what you did there 😃 OK she's a looker...I'll take a Kallen figure! I'm glad I didn't jump on the MRS releases. Lancelot Albion next, then Shinkiro? That will have to come with figures of both Lelouch and C2.
  13. I've got both, they are just different. MC has better detailing and paint, a bit more traditional Kshatriya styling, but plastic is a bit lighter/brittle. SL is more stylized and angular, much larger binders, heavier, but more robust and playable.
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