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Everything posted by leeboo1211

  1. GN Arms up on Madarake for 80k yen: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1234052091&ref=list&keyword=Metal build Good luck on the shipping! Mine is getting delivered by PBUS this week!
  2. Prolly just a popularity issue, the piece looked quite good in person. The Dragon Scale side lines don't have the same demand as the Gundams so usually I find them for decent prices after release, especially if it's not a must-have I just wait and see.
  3. Did the matte finish give you any trouble when panel lining/cleanup?
  4. leeboo1211

    Hi-Metal R

    Went on sale today at the Tamashii Nations World Tour exhibit in Akihabara.... the line to purchase anything in store was long so I didn't partake. But I did get a free swag bag for posting and sharing on Instagram.
  5. Just some pics I took of the MB Astrea II display prototype at the Tamashii Nations World Tour exhibit in Akihabara. Honestly in person the color is a bit very light mint green...I hope they make it a bit more gray and military in the final release.
  6. EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see the part circled initially. That being said, I think that plaque was referencing the original release date, which was mid-December 2019. The re-release was also teased on one of the Tamashii Nations social media posts a couple of months ago, so I do think it is legit. Hope people who want it can get one! (I have mine already, still unopened).
  7. Welp, EE just emailed to say they cancelled my Metal Structure Sazabi PO. It was worth a shot. Unfortunately, we're sorry to report that the manufacturer has notified us that we will not be receiving any additional shipments of the Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counterattack MSN-04 Sazabi Figure (Item BLFBAS61361) you ordered, because they have discontinued production of this item. No additional information was provided to us by the manufacturer as to why this occurred. Sadly, that means we will not be able to ship it to you and have cancelled it from your order. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes.
  8. Yeah these are all passes for me too. Hope they release Strike Noir as a regular or P-Bandai soon. Saw it in person and it looks great, but I'm not paying the upsell price for the exclusive.
  9. We'll I guess that gives me time to think about if I really want it that much lol. EE is slow but they've always delivered, I've purchased a bunch from them the past couple of years. It was just surprising to see their PO pop up suddenly.
  10. We'll there's always the 3rd party funnel set. I might get one to to put on the display stand behind the Nu, as I was lucky enough to snag one Bandai set. Also, good luck sneaking that thing home, it's the size of a small TV lol. Let us know if you survive.
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