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Everything posted by leeboo1211

  1. Same here... Wonder if they actually have stock, or go hunting for it afterwards.
  2. Since the YF-29 Alto was reissued like this, what are the chances Bandai will reissue some of the VF-25 Renewals with similar matte finish? I just started collecting a couple years ago, and missed out on all the Frontier releases. I just really want an Ozma and Alto, particularly Ozma with armored parts.
  3. Same here, I was so happy to see the prototype shown off... It just feels weird only having the YF-19. I can't stand the skinny Yamato legs, so I'm happy the Bandai version is beefier proportionally.
  4. Thanks for the link! I nabbed one. Saw it earlier but forgot that they show the prices inclusive of tax until you checkout. Now I can give my super pack to Roy instead of incorrectly putting it on TV Hikaru lol.
  5. leeboo1211

    GBP Roy

    I don't care if it's canon or not, I think the Roy colors look the best! A bit less cartoony...Maybe if it's just a recolor they'll release it TWE?
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