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Everything posted by HKBEN

  1. It seemed that Bandai and most toy companies are running out of ideas. This silver metal finish cannot take my money. They should consider to add more details into the DX line. I was amazed Bandai from the 70s upgrade the plastic model to PG level as today, very impressive to see such improvements. Just my 2 cents.
  2. Ordered one from Okini-land about a week ago, total US$399 with DHL Express. It arrived in 3 days from Japan to US. Happy customer
  3. I would like Brandi to release Robot Spirits for Macross (non-transformable is ok), which it's similar to current Gundam series. Indeed, they are not as good as metal but the price is highly affordable and joints are very flexible.
  4. Me 3 here, they do not care their business. Last reply from one of the members said, they are moving the warehouse causing the delay - what a shame to choose the "right" time and piss off customers
  5. Hi team-mates. Any words from Nin-Nin game for shipment? Thanks.
  6. Thank you so much for the others and your comments. I probably just order from Nin-Nin game because not much time to keep eye on.
  7. Based on the links from JVM, only Nin-Nin-Game has open to pre-order, the rest of them seemed no stock. It is about 39K for combo, do you know any others shop cheaper for the combo? Thanks.
  8. OMG! Love Bandai more Where is the best place to order the whole set of VF-1J and its GBP armor? Is Nin-Nin-Game ok? Thanks
  9. good catch my friend. It is not noticeable, very cool! Thanks.
  10. Love all, but cannot spend too much . My thought is, Bandai could sell different "heads", after wearing the GBP armor, except for the number on chest, color, they look the same
  11. Wow, thank you so much for your clarification and pictures. I recalled seeing some of these boxes when I was a kid in model shops. I heard that the last VF-1J release with a "01" error, not sure Bandai will fix it in this new version or not?? Thanks.
  12. Hi Macross fans, In Macross movie(s) or TV, I only recalled VF-1J with GBP, but not the VF-1S (Roy) GBP?? I saw VF-1S GBP in black and yellow. Please help to recall and verify. Thanks. Ben
  13. Anyone know when the similar GBP for VF-1S will be released? I am looking for that! Thank you.
  14. I am interested to the 1/72 and the HMR, and probably to order one of these (in MSRP). Never in toy show, are those toys allowed visitors to try (all in case)? Thanks for your sharing. Ben
  15. Hi everyone, Love my DX VF-1S. My previous Macross toy was Bandai, plastic and transform-able kit few decades ago. This DX is so much better than plastic (very scary to make the first transformation, it created crack sounds I have a thought and not sure anyone had done it before or not. Is it possible to modify the DX and add LED, say inside the head skull and light up the 'eye'? It could be pretty cool. If not, any thought about Grow-in-the-dark paint? Just my 2 cents. Ben
  16. Good idea. I also have a thought if Bandai considers it. I have 3-4 Gundam Robot Spirits, they made with plastic but pretty details and highly flex in joints. Most of them cost about $30 - $50. I do not need it transformable, but giving the same quality as Gundam series then I am happy - my dream
  17. Thank you for your time to share your collection. I stared similar situation in my airplane collection. Told myself just to buy F-14 Jolly Rogers only (because of Macross Roy ), then I ended up with over 800 boxes of airplanes, and now selling them off. The GBPs on the top shelf look awesome! I hope Bandai will do the part set GBP for the DX VF-1S, probably with those missiles firing (like the Robot Spirits concept) as option. Ben
  18. My problem is not much to spend . I collected diecast airplanes which it maybe more easy to decide what scale to start from (1/72), it is similar theory to HMR (higher variety) vs DX (fewer). I am happy with my DX and it has very high profile and standard. For myself, I think, probably just stick with 1-2 DX is enough. I will try to find a way to physically try a HMR on hands, probably the best is going to Toy show. Thanks for your sharing. Ben
  19. Appreciated for your comment. It is true that HMR has higher variety, and this is one of the reasons I wanted to know more about this HMR. For HMR, in term of quality (such as the joint tightness, gap, parts fitness etc...), is it closed to DX? Maybe use the DX vs HMR VF-1S? Thanks.
  20. Wow, many info and I will read those links. Thank you.
  21. Hi, I loved so much my DX Chogokin VF-1S (Roy) bought from eBay. DHL shipping speed is crazy FAST! From Japan to US, take about 2 days. At this moment, I stick on Bandai (brain-wash during kid era) toys. Could someone comments about the differences between the Hi-Metal (1/72?) vs DX (1/48)? I know the DX has more details, but the Hi-M could be cheaper with more accessories?? Pro and con, or something can share. Your comments could help me or others to make future buy decisions. Thank you. Ben
  22. Thanks to let me know.
  23. Hi, New here for few days. I am pretty much like you guys during in kid era, love Gundam, Macross and anime. Recently, just bought the Roy VF-1S. I have several Gundam. Robot Spirits from Bandai. They are probably in 1/144 scale. Most of these figures are pretty good, highly flexible joints for different postures. Although they are plastic, they cost about $20-40 range, pretty reasonable. I really would like Bandai to consider a new line for the Macross. It does not require transformable, at least with detail levels as they do to the current Gundam series. Hope my dream will come true Ben
  24. Deleted.
  25. New here and trying to buy the 2021-4 weapon set. Could you please let me know which one is more reliable? 1. Hobby Genki https://hobby-genki.com/en/#footer 2, Okiniland https://okini.land/en/23222-dx-chogokin-super-parts-set-for-vf-1-tv-edition-bandai-spirits.html Any shop(s) to avoid. Thank you. Ben
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