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Everything posted by cheemingwan1234

  1. I can picture a system where the head is blown off by explosive bolts in battroid mode for the VF-1 before the ejection and the VF-19 using it's battroid mode egress hatch as the ejection path for the ejection seat but how does it work for a VF like the VF-25 Messiah or the SV-262hs since I can't picture how the ejection seat would fire off safely.
  2. Speaking of which, I wonder if the Nousjadeul-Ger played a form factor in how the battroid mode of the VF-31 looks like. They share the same back mounted fold out cannon silhouette
  3. Macross: Clan Invasion Okay, because time to do a BattleTech: Clan Invasion in Macross since the plot bunny has been nagging at me and because I think that the Clans from BattleTech would make a suitable enemy for Macross that is familiar to us as humans in that they are mostly humans (since Macross does have human-like aliens which will be incorporated into the Clans in this cross) but due to their conditions in the worlds they call home, they have evolved morality and values that would be considered 'alien' to us and the need for music to bridge the gap in something that the average NUN citizen and a Clanner can find in common. Story Synopsis: In the years following Space War One, many colonization fleets left to ensure that the fate of humanity would not be dependent on a single planet. One of those colonization fleets was led by General Aleksandr Kerensky, leading the Megaroad 06 colonization fleet. Unfortunately, it was presumed lost when it encountered a fold fault in it's destination, cutting off communications with the UN government on the fleet . Until now in the year 2067 (that's the year in which Macross Delta takes place, so yes this does butterfly away Macross Delta) when a chance encounter by a NUNS explorer ship a few months ago in what is now called Clan Space resulted in the Clans; the descendants of the Megaroad 06 fleet invading the rest of the NUNS . With Destroids, Power Armor, Battle Pods and Variable Fighters that no one in the NUNS has ever seen before, they cut a swath through the Brisingr Cluster, starting with Windermere IV which was razed by the hands of Clan Smoke Jaguar and worse, when NUNS forces tried to do the Minmei Attack (exposing them to culture through music) onto a Clan Jade Falcon force, it backfired on them when they realized too late that their Clans have their own culture and they have their own singers called Warsingers to boost the morale of their own warriors . Only the intelligence by the Wolf's Dragoons (a former Clan scouting unit disguised as a PMC gone native) on Clan forces given to the NUNS has managed to wring out a few victories by the NUNS. However, all will change when a PMC unit known as Xaos encounters a life pod after a pyrrhic victory for the NUNS against Clan Smoke Jaguar bearing the insignia of Clan Smoke Jaguar containing a live but unconscious Warsinger and bring it in to their headquarters, the Macross Elysion. Central Theme: The main central theme would be cultural drift in this story. Since the Macross universe has quite slow FTL due to the need for a long time to prepare and recover from a Fold (FTL travel), it would result in a lot of cultural drift that can be aggravated by the distances involved in colonization and fold faults , resulting in completely new cultures such as those in the Clans. In addition, the music in Macross would be involved in helping to bridge gaps between Clanners and individuals from NUN (New United Nations) space once one of our protagonists in the Macross love triangle (a Clan Warsinger) encounters NUN culture for the first time. Also, music would be used to keep morale up. Unlike Macross 7, Frontier and Delta, music is not magic and military force still has to be used as the deciding factor to stop the Clan Invasion. Other Notes: Mirage as main protagonist and one that the Clanner protagonist falls in love with as part of the love triangle (She's underused in Macross Delta.) The Timber Wolf is called the Cerberus for it's New UN Spacy reporting name instead of Mad Cat unlike in Battletech because for two reasons. 1: The targeting computers for the Macross universe would try to tag the Timber Wolf as a Glaug and a Destroid Phalanx at the same time instead of Mad (Marauder) and Cat (Catapult) and GlaPha does not roll off the tongue as well as Mad Cat and 2: like the three heads of the hellhound from Greek mythology, it's fast for it's weight class, it packs a lot of firepower and armor and when something is in it's sights, it usually dies. Include 'You dare refuse my Batchall' reference from the BattleTech cartoon. i.e "I am Galaxy Commander Hang Metha. We are a Galaxy from Clan Smoke Jaguar. One of our Warsingers is missing. We believe that you from the mercenary company called Xaos has the Warsinger that we mentioned. Hand her over." "And if we refuse?" "Identify the forces that you will bid in your defense of one of our Warsingers that you took from us." "What's this, an auction!?" (laughter) "Language! You dare to refuse our batchall!?" "I'm sorry, what did you Clanners mean by a 'Batchall' ?" (more laughter) "You have sullied our language and honours, you dezgra freebirth Zentraedi halfblood * and refused our batchall to fight honorably . We will make sure that when we eventually catch up to you, filthy Xaos mercenaries , you will beg for a fast death!" *Galaxy Commander Hang is refering to the captain of the Macross Elysion; Captain Johnson who is also a half human-Zentreadi hybrid similar to Mirage and not Mirage herself
  4. Ah, I see. So something meant for one thing that proved useful for other things.
  5. Battroid mode for a variable fighter was implemented to fight macronized Zentraedi in hand to hand combat, but post Space War 1 with most Zentraedi bar the occasional rouge fleet living peacefully with humanity which would not result in a need to usually fight macronized Zentraedi bar a rogue fleet, so why do variable fighters post Space War 1 have Battroid mode?
  6. So, the above picture is a lot like night fighting? And okay, if the differences in heads and colour are quite minor to the point where the CDR might not be singled out unless if they know where to look at the typical engagement speeds , that what's the point of the VF-25G aka that sniper VF?
  7. Yes, the CAG is in charge of the planes attached inside a carrier such as the SDF-1. Command variants of VFs might make sense for the Windermereans due to their chivalry thing but for the UNS/NUNS or the SMS PMC , it does not as it makes officers more obvious as targets. A VF may be peanuts when it is lost, but an officer represents a major cost in terms of investment when he/she is killed or captured.
  8. Yep. While the differences in heads would not be obvious at the speeds of a typical Macross engagement, colours should be more visible.
  9. While it's a common trope in anime for mechs to have custom variants for the heroes and commanders to distinguish them from the grunts, what are the in universe reasons for variable fighters having specialised variants for commanders of air groups and squadron leaders? Would'nt it make them a easier target and result in loss of specialist personnel?
  10. And back to the topic, I wonder how the rest of the roadies loathe having to service the rest of the Sound Force VFs since their controls are so different from the factory standard. And speaking of which, I think that General Galaxy 's SV line would be known to be a giant pain in the arse to service.
  11. You would hate that guitar control scheme. That thing is a pain in the butt to service because it is so different from conventional VF controls. Not to mention earning the wrath of Basara if you accidentally botch the maintenance.
  12. To quote the designer of the PPSH SMG, "It is very easy to do complex things, but to keep things simple, that's very difficult." I sometimes appreciate the engineering genius of Russian military hardware because they make their stuff easy to repair with easily accessible compartments. Speaking of which and back to the topic of VF and maintaining them, I wonder if the VF-19 is loathed by crew chiefs and their ground crews. That high performance has a tendency to wear down parts faster.
  13. Which Variable Fighter you would love to maintain and which Variable Fighter you would not like to maintain? For me, I would be happy with maintaining the VF-25 Messiah family because the linear actuators used in the design would help reduce wear and tear of the transformation mechanisms. I will loathe maintaining the SV-262 Draken III family because of the way it transforms.
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