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Everything posted by cheemingwan1234

  1. Okay, we know that in Macross, before Frontier, VFs have conventional bullet spitting autocannons as their gun pods, but later on with the VF-27, they switched to beams. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using conventional projectile gunpods and beam gunpods?
  2. Over 24 hours.... Given that Gerwalk operates at low attitudes....would a canopy destruct system be needed for a Variable Fighter? I think it is necessary if something goes wrong at the attitudes that Gerwalk operates, there might not be enough time for the canopy to jettison if something goes wrong with a VF in Gerwalk mode.
  3. By the way, differing proceedures from standard is how you start an accident, eventually. *Gestures to that one airliner accident (Flight 191) where the maintenance crew did not replace the engines of that airplane involved in the accident as according to the instructions, resulting in premature cracking that leads to eventual structual damage in flight.
  4. But it does factor into increased costs since the YF-21's design compared to other VFs, including its competitor, the YF-19 is quite different in configuration from other more conventional designed VFs in layout since I'm pretty sure that mechanics might have trouble unlearning and then relearning how to service components such as the engines and the legs.* Not to mention more newer jigs for maintenance that cannot be used for legacy VFs compared to the YF-19 *Especially since in the YF-21, the engines and legs are separate from each other unlike other VF designs.
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but was one of the reasons for why the YF-21 was passed over for the YF-19 (ignoring BDI/BDS) was that the way the YF-21 transforms makes it a maintenance nightmare* despite the fact that it was the most combat effective when compared to a traditional VF since it can fight with it's limbs blown off? *Imagine having to unlearn your muscle memory and re-learn it again since the YF-21 transforms so differently from a typical UN/NUN variable fighter.
  6. So, let me get this straight, there is a Commanders R'Us factory satellite somewhere. Which gives me a mental image. "Special delivery, one lieutenant for your main fleet' Complete with a deliveryman wheeling in a replacement Zentraedi clone for some random Zentraedi main fleet.
  7. Okay, so how do Zentraedi replace leaders then? Do they have some sort of dueling system between commander type Zentraedi or just ring up a factory satellite to get a new leader?
  8. Considering that Breetai was able to shrug off a VF going kaboom point blank without armor whereas another subordinate further away from the kaboom in full armor was killed and survive being spaced for a limited period of time without a spacesuit, well a regular Zentraedi might be harmed by jet blasts from a VF. And what's the logic of the Protoculture making their commander Zentraedi tougher that the 'regular' Zentraedi. What's the point if in a battle, when the commanders generally get personally involved it means that the battle is lost?
  9. Breetai's a Commander type Zentraedi. He's made of sterner stuff. A regular Zentraedi taking a boot trust to the face however.....let's just say they are going to have trouble identifying him or her once it is done.
  10. Well, if we also take into account other parts of a Variable Fighter's design...well, I'm pretty sure that a Valkyrie can ruin a marcloned Zentraedi's day in melee if the Zentraedi does not take into account the differences between a VF and marcloned OPFOR infantry. Especially since organic body parts don't take kindly to having thermonuclear reaction turbine plasma fire off when the VF is kicking a Zentraedi in the torso or the head. Put it kindly, while marclone Zentraedi and Valkyries are equal in strength in melee, the Valkyrie has more options for a nasty death to it's opponent in a brawl
  11. Zentraedi are not plants, they don't have cell walls for overall support. Unless if the cell walls are also there during the marcloning process to help Zentraedi support their large mecha heights.
  12. Well, considering that (space) metal is harder than flesh, bone and blood and field motors go a long way....I think that a regular Zentraedi (not a CDR type Zentraedi) can be a victim of having a Mortal Kombat style fatality pulled onto him/her by a Variable Fighter.
  13. So I was wondering on something. Okay, if the VF-1D is ' just' a two seater VF-1 variant , why does it need the extra firepower of a second head laser?
  14. Okay, how did the J variant of the VF-1 ended up being assigned to squadron leaders? Given that the main manufacturer is located in Japan, should there be more VF-1Js assigned to grunts relatively speaking in Japan? And how strong is a VF compared to a marclone in a fistfight. Can a VF literally punch holes clean through a Zentraedi with just their bare hands?
  15. The themes kinda supplement one another in a sense. Music and other cultural commonalities can bring cultures together...but there will be people looking for a chance to start a punch up that will undo the peace that music brings.
  16. A Fold Fault that has centuries pass for those inside of it, enabling more time for our NUNS society to from the Clans ? That works...
  17. I have a feeling that the Clans from BattleTech would make for better antagonists for Macross than the current Macross rogues lineup because they are humanity (and for a Macross cross, they would incorporate the children of the Protoculture such as the Windermerans into their group as well) that due to interstellar distances, lack of resources on their home worlds and isolation managed to evolve into a culture completely alien from their progenitors, making them a fresh take on the human-like aliens in fiction that Macross is fond of. This would also play into the culture theme that Macross has as the Clans are biologically human (or Zolan, Zentraedi, etc in this cross ) but due to the cultural drift involved in interstellar colonization and slowness in travel due to the length needed to prepare for fold space travel , they evolved a culture that would be considered alien to mainstream culture in the New United Nations government such as the Clans' honor code (zellbringen, bidding down and issuing batchalls.... you get the idea ) being considered a violation of common sense by the rest of the NUNS but evolved due to the relative lack of resources in Clan space. Moreover, it allows for the original idea of music being a tool of culture that is used to bridge cultural/communication gaps between different groups , more similar to that in Frontier and SDF Macross rather than in 7 or Delta where the music theme is used to handwave things such as Sprita or treating Vars Syndrome. Here, music would be used to bridge the gaps between the cultures of the the New United Nations Government and the Clans but military force still has to be used to stop the Clan Invasion once enough knowledge of how the Clans work is gained from them.
  18. Okay, what weakness does the Minmei Attack has and how would you hard counter a Minmei Attack if you are a Zentraedi Main Fleet commander? Well, if you are trained to ignore/resist the effects of such an attack....I'm pretty sure you can trace the transmission of the music to the source *and then blow it up as a viable option. *If the enemy get into your comms,..it is possible to trace said intrusion back to the source and then counterattack.
  19. .....how would you organise them militarily ? I can picture while they may be placed into the air forces of a country, I think it may be an incentive to merge the air forces back into the army due to the versatility of the variable fighter allowing for easily accessable organic air cover. Alternatively, I think that it might cause issues relating to interservice rivalry within the air force and the army as variable fighters can serve as mobile ground assault units in addition to the role of aerospace combat
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