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Everything posted by cheemingwan1234

  1. Darn! Really wish that Macross can try different idol groups have different music genres since it could be useful in showing music and how it changes and how it's used in different cultures.
  2. Do you think that the idea of Macross series featuring different idol groups that have distinct music genres in the same show could work? It could give each idol group a distinct flavor. You can have classic J-Pop idols, and other music genres such as a Zentraedi military choir (under an all Zentraedi unit in the NUNS to boost their fighting spirit)*. Plus, just imagine the final song for a movie of that theoretical series where one group sings a segment with their own instruments before switching over to another group who sings their own segment with the finale being the different idol groups singing together, showing the different aspects of music and how it brings everyone together. *I can picture the Zentraedi military choir sounding similar to this.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy6AOGRsR80 And speaking of asteroid mining, okay, are asteroid fortresses built from an asteroid a thing in Macross? I know that the Fulbtzs-Berrentzs Class Mothership exists, but that just looks like an a very large asteroid.
  3. Though of course.....do they blow up just as good as terrestrial fuel depots? Me wants big boom!
  4. If I remember correctly, Macross did try experimenting with music genres in Plus (electronic), 7 (a rock band) and Zero (tribal), but does anyone wish they could try experimenting with different music genres more often? Here's my personal bucket list of music genres that Macross could experiment with. Classical orchestra. Japanese enka (traditional music) Scottish inspired music (bagpipes and all) Sabaton inspired heavy metal...(for the antagonists) Choir
  5. Fingers crossed that they're putting the VF-19Kai and YF-21 for next year.
  6. So, yeah, the YF-21/VF-22 is gonna to have some balance abnormalities when walking compared to a more 'traditional' VF. Point noted, still wonder if the tech could be pursued further since this would be good for combat. Bust the limbs of a VF and this could screw with how it transforms.
  7. And that's before the nebulas start screwing with your sensors.
  8. Back onto the topic, will the belly plates have hardpoint to mount plyons on?
  9. Well, that explains why the VF-19F and S have different shoulders from the VF-19A.
  10. So, are there official walking/running speed stats for later model VFs? I can picture the later models outrunning a VF-1
  11. I really wish that there was a VF-22 style canopy option for the DX YF-21 included so that you can have a 'what if?' version of the VF-22's early prototype*. That and a canopy cover that fits on the inside of the cockpit or pilot compartment to hide the pilot.* *Bandai included an option for a conventional cockpit with their VF-27 and SV-262hs toys. *Seriously, none of the toys of the YF-21 that are perfect transformation include an option to cover the pilot up?
  12. Okay, the YF-21 introduced a lot of technologies, many of which such as the BDI/BDS had to be toned down or in the case of it's composite material wing, abandoned....but the idea of the legs being separate from the engines was an idea that was'nt pursued further after the YF-21/VF-22. Why is it so? Especially since it makes it more resilient to damage that way since in more traditional VFs (such as the VF-19) , take out the legs and you can screw over the pilot a lot. As seen with the YF-21 against the Ghost X-9, it was still able to fly and fight (and it was helped by Guld disabling the safety systems of his VF to keep up with the Ghost at the cost of his life) when it's limbs were shot off thanks to the legs being independent of it's engines Surely the additional durability of keeping the legs separate from the engines that the YF-21 pioneered would be something worth developing for future Variable Fighters?
  13. So, how does manufacturing and copyright work in Macross with the colony ships and planets? I can see some colonies with detuned VF-19s and others with VF-31As or tuned up VF-11s and SV-52s due to schematics provided by differing manufacturers.
  14. Even if the palletes and bays are roomy enough.....well, there's gonna be issues with space compared to just hanging bombs on the centerline/underwing.
  15. And speaking of which, I wonder if the YF-21 has issues with ordinance options compared to the YF-19, since well, it has that morphing wing which would cause issues with underwing pylons and well, the only place to put stuff like bombs and rocket pods would be the belly....which is also the place to place the gunpods and the FAST Packs.... meaning.. either ordinance and gun pods , FAST Packs with gun pods or gun pods on that belly. Possibly the reason for why the VF-22 does not have the morphing wing besides cost. Since the VF-22 is a strike fighter, having the option to hang underwing stores like bombs might be a good idea when stealth is not required. At least the YF-19 can hang underwing ordinance which would make it another winning point for it in Project Super Nova.
  16. Okay, if I remember correctly, the YF-21 has a caseless gun pod (2 of em), but why does it seem to be protrayed as a energy weapon in Macross Plus rather than having a conventional muzzle flash Did the animators get their wires crossed?
  17. So, what's the maximum lifespan of a Zentraedi? What do the Zentraedi fleets do with Zentraedi too old/ worn out to fight? (Shuddering at the implications especially with that quote from the Human Hive in Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri when you develop recycling tanks)
  18. Okay, do Zentraedi/Meltrandi suffer from genetic degradation issues a la Warframe's Grineers? I think it might be a possibility in some Factory Satellites, given how the Zentraedi do not know how to repair them and they also rely on them for cloning. Also, do different fleets have their own dialects of the Zentraedi language given the distances of the fleets plus millions of years ? How do they prevent language drift?
  19. I know that in real life, the reason for why the VF-1 looks a bit like a F-14 is because Shoji Kawamori used the F-14's empty space between the engines to place the arms for a more aerodynamically convincing fighter mode but in universe, the VF-0 and it's VF-1 descendants are mentioned to inherit the F-14 development group, indicating that the F-14 Tomcat was used as a experimental base that was selected to be developed into the VF-1 Valkyrie. Why select the F-14 over other fighters like the F-15 to develop a variable fighter from?
  20. Good for Oktoberfests...now with Variable Fighters
  21. I wonder what music genres that Macross does not cover. I think the idea for an classical /symphonic metal style orchestra for the idols would sound good for a future series.
  22. Actually, the A-6 Intruder and it's variants use it as well together with the A-10 Then again, I wonder how much dummies the UN Spacy went through before deciding on the most suitable way to eject people out of VFs in all modes.
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