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Everything posted by End3r000

  1. Well thanks for the advice and the help. I ended up finding some cheaper DVD versions to tide me over, though I can't find Macross 7 subbed nor dubbed anywhere. Only Blu Ray I found subbed, outside of Delta, was the long out of print special edition of Plus and the only copy to be had was $500 so I'll settle for my old DVD of it. Thanks again.
  2. Yeah that’s what I was afraid of. The price was the same and I was really hoping I could go with the new BD rather than the used DVD. What about the rest of the series? Any best formats for each one?
  3. So I’m trying to confirm whether or not any of the JPN Blu Ray releases for the original series have English subtitles. I seem to be getting conflicting answers and I wanted to be sure given the number of bootlegs and fansubs.
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