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Everything posted by Spatula

  1. Yes! That's who I wanted to say but couldn't get the name out. Gara...lol.
  2. The crazy Aluminum Falcon.
  3. Omg, Talho is now just soo....ugly. And I hope Eureka grows her hair back. Her short hair just looks weird. Why is all the aesthetic elements going down the shitter? The 3rd OP sequence sucks ass. What the hell? I still like the story though...
  4. I can't believe you haven't clicked on the link in my signature if you want to know more about the original Gunbuster. 372841[/snapback] U SCARY! THAT'S Y!
  5. The SD turns me off COMPLETELY. I never seemed to see what the big fan base or fuss was about Gundams being "cute". They are war machines. Even more blasphemous: SD Super Valks. I'd rather go for Valkyrie Profile 2. Oh wait, it's not so much of a "rather", I bet my sweet @$$ I'd go for VP2 (as many others who've had the opportunity to play such a "God Sauce" RPG.)
  6. This Cat's Eye, it interests me. Who would be a vendor to get this kit from? I'll probably not buy it anytime soon, as I already have the VF-4 to work on, as well as 10 other MacPla/PatPla stuff.
  7. Nono's body was too distracting for me to read ANY subtitles.
  8. This kid needed a:
  9. Free membership? I'll check it out! Copy and pasta a story outline/synposis please (I'm VERY lazy today).
  10. http://www.kontraband.com/show/show.asp?ID=3229 lol... scare those Lynn Minmays.
  11. Okay, MANGA NOW. (moar sauze/linkz plz)
  12. Is this spoiler material. THANKS DUDE! But, herm strange, I find Nono just about has "attractive" as ... I dunno, some other cutesy ditzy anime chick? LYNN MINMAY! Yes, even though she's a robot and could split me from nave to chops, I'd still hit her.
  13. Good sex or bad sex? Good sex = gets your blood pumping downwards like a 5 star quality porn movie. Bad sex = gets your stomach tied in a knot after seeing guro pics in /r/ of 4chan.
  14. Talho, dude, I justed finished seeing some *pics* of her on 4chan. Yum. Oh wait, I forgot I'm in MW. *BLUSHY TIME*!
  15. Nanashi I s'pose? Good, I'll watch it back to back with Bleach 70.
  16. So I heard this was a pretty bloody series. How's it stack up to say Elfen Lied? I know that more guro =/= better story, for sure. But I'm always curious about the content of blood whenever it's prominent in an anime series. I consider it somewhat of a "perk" of the series.
  17. Casshern, I heard about this. Was this some dude that looked like a mecha-ninja? It was a Japanese live action/CG production if I remember correctly?
  18. Don't know the series, but the front elevation looks like the VF-11B. Yukikaze ... snow wind...heh.
  19. I don't know what this is, but it wins. (how ignorant of a statement is that! ) Well, actually, I still think the VF-4 wins WITH 100% God Sauce.
  20. Most excellent, Smithers. Why does Nono make me want to fap? The mind boggles.
  21. What's "B&"? I've been seeing this around 4chan lately. Sauce plz.
  22. So I recently finished up to episode 4 of 6 for Top o Nerae 2. Dude, Nono's got some issues (getting all raged up, how???). But that aside, this is perhaps one of the most hilariously "abused" scenes where EVERYTHING blows up in a spectaular fashion. I like things that go boom. I liked episode 4 a lot, even though it's cliched that nono goes beserk. Dude, the Death Star's got nuttin up against this. Well actually a lot of sci-fi anime I've seen can easily own the Imperial Fleet. Send Lucy and Minako onto any Star Destroyer and they can pretty much walk around laying waste on the storm troopers. Back to Gunbuster 2. What relation (if any, besides the busters) does this have with the 1st series? I've never seen GB1/Top o Nerae 1. Give me some 411 (wiki doesn't say too much). Some1 guide me into the gunbuster world, plz and thx. Also send me links for the GB1 torrent.
  23. See what 4chan does to Macross? sauce: sauce: http://www.starshipmodeler.org/gallery10/r..._sturmvogel.htm
  24. Enlighten me on the whole of Gundam Seed: Destiny. I've only seen like 15 or so eps of the 1st season of GS in English dub over here, so I really didn't bother. GS got a huge positive reception around the world, but where did Destiny fall? So I hear the last bit was ripped right out of SW Episode 6. It's that bad huh?
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