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Everything posted by Spatula

  1. Is it just me or does 131/132 not unzip properly for me? Ah, I just taught myself of the rebuilt functions with WinRar. WOOT!
  2. Ladies and Gentlemen, you don't know "massacre" until you read chapter 123+.
  3. LOL I like how I already commented there.
  4. This is the new drug, my mind already has tolerated Elfen Lied as pot. Gantz is MUCH stronger, HEROIN. lolololol...
  5. It's quite interesting now, it looks like the series has moved to a new cast of characters...around 110. My question is...will Kei show up again? (Actually don't answer to that...I'll find out sooner or later) Also, has the Manga ended this series yet?
  6. I'm up to 106 now where the stupid alien guy is at the school. I don't really like pig tails girl. I WANT THAT SHORT HAIRED HOTTY BACKKKKK!!!!!! ;_;
  7. Ah!! now I see what he left his big stuff back there... actually I thought of it, but I sorta forgot about it!
  8. WTF? Is Kei just plain stupid? chapter 95 just proved this. He jumps to the other building without his big guns. I'd just snipe the fuker and lure him with my BIG GUNS!
  9. Dear lord, NEVER have I been so engrossed in a manga like this. I'm simultaneously getting the mangas while reading each one, then going back to this board like every 3 minutes to see if any of you updated this. SPOILER! HOLY FUK I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY'RE ALL (....silence) God, that Tomb Raider chick / Lara Croft wannabe was DAMN hot.
  10. Indeed, Xenosaga was crap. Xenosaga the ANIMATION? What a joke, more like the lack of any good animation. The lips weren't in sync with the dialogue, terrible animation, just god awful basterdization of the original story line and events of characters, and very little reason to watch this once you've beat the game. I didn't quite like SR in the first few episodes because Tenma-chan had a SERIOUS case of ADD. No really. I just can't stand characters who's faces change every nano second that you can't even visualize in your mind what her normal face looks like. Harima Kenji was no better, what you'd call no brain, and fake brawn. Some episodes were hilarious, as when they visited the beach and Harima was "accused" of raping Erika. LOL. Also, worst DAMNED ending ever. I mind as well spoil it now: basically the ending has a lot of "what if" scenarios, and in the end we have to assume Tenma confesses to the turtle boy, since the camera pans out and her confession is not audiable. The 2 OVAs after that didn't help AT ALL. WTF.
  11. lol
  12. King Bad@$$ lololol loli liek woot.
  13. Yeah I saw it, 70 that is. Actually this bound/t thing really isn't that bleachy anymore. I mean, when was the last time we saw a good Shinigami vs Hollow fight? I miss that now. It's like the Hollows don't really play a big part anymore? Perhaps Aizen is controlling them and he's holding onto them to horde at all one go.
  14. chapter 87. DAMN! That 10 armed freak is da winning. I think the gem and lantern are the weak points. Dude, that long haired guy pissed me off but now I'm actually liking him. Too late for the short haired hottie! (Actually, I think it's done over for her. DAMN!) This is about as sad as seeing Misato take the bullet.
  15. 77. OH SH1T, this doesn't look too good. Let's hope that they finished off those buddha bad-asses before it's too late!!!!!!
  16. I've seen it a few times on ebay, but the APC doesn't fit inside, so no. Plus it looks like a creepy martian green with orange panel lines. WTF? At least the Aoshima dropship has a olive/military green paint scheme. See why it didn't sell too well? God, it looks like something the Aliens would transport themselves in. Eeeck. Also, this line was produced in 1996 but cut very quickly because of sales, or the lack of.
  17. You know what Gantz reminds me of now? Battle Royale + Shadow of the Colossus. No really. You don't know who's gonna die (well actually you kinda do know), but as well, you have to wait and see which is the next alien they have to defeat. I'm at the 3rd battle now. PURE AWESOME. Let's see Wanda take that ALIEN FAGGGGOTTYYY FRAG DOWN!
  18. Holy sh!t. chapter 59, dude that kid's a real pro getting the chick down in like what.. less than a minute. "Nice shoes, lets' Fukkle-duckll...dooie..doo" I can't stop fapping at all the hot chicks. ZOMG...
  19. Whuzzup with the Tomb Raider - Lara Croft wannabe chick in 58? Lol I like how she claims the dude's an OTAKU!!!WAPANESE (well actually, he's the real mckoy Jap).
  20. Lol 57...I like how the Priest seems he knows what's happening. Let's see him transform into some Shinto-Shaolin skillz...perhaps this Jap monk/priest trained in CHINA for a chance. No? Lol ...we must chant to drive away these scary beasts!!!
  21. Ah another Danny Choo fan, I see. I want to say it's from one of Miyazaki's works, but I'm not. Bleh.
  22. Lol.... B1tch got 38 ptn? NO wAI!
  23. Chapter 47, Big birds the word. God, everytime I see that chick on the cover, I fap (what's her name again?)
  24. This is what the Flak Jacket accessories are for. Also, if I were the Bandai marketing manager, I'd probably release it in a different order. Alphonse goes out first, but then probably one of the construction labors after. I'd probably only release perhaps 6-7 of them in a year. This way, at least it keeps on the scene for about 3-4 years time, just like how the current GFF is doing. 373807[/snapback] Ahhh... but when has Bandai ever released an accessory pack for their GFF line when they know they can make a customer buy the same package over and over again only to end up with 2-3 different mechs and a ton of leftover parts? A neat feature for the PFF line would be realistic weather sheaths over the joints. IE- Thin, tough, material that is actually creasing instead of being molded that way. 373986[/snapback] If we're going to "dream" about "dream toys", then having accessories is my dream.
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