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Everything posted by Spatula

  1. LOLOL and I like how I didn't even touch the anime yet.
  2. No, we should see a brokeback version of Tae, Reika, and Rei.
  3. HOLY SHHHHHh111111111111TTTTTTT ladies and gentlemen, never would I have imagined that I'd get addicted to something MORE addicting than Bleach. ALL 226 CHAPTERS CLEARED! Fuk, I love this manga. It's hard to believe that 6 days as already passed, but god damn, what a hell of a ride. PEOPLE, IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE SO ALREADY! READDDDDDDD THIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSS MANGA!!!!!!!! To whomever started this thread and also posted the stoptazmo link: I AWARD YOU ONE FREE INTERNET AND A DATE WITH REIKA, REI, TAE, AND THAT LARA CROFT CHICK. Also thanks to Chrono, you've "supported" me through, no matter how much stupid babbling I've done. Thank you man, You're my Kaota.
  4. 224. So heart breaking. Tell me guys that this isn't over. How often do they come out with the release???? 1 chapter a week? Damn.!!!
  5. 217, best chapter ever. So god damned heart warming. It makes you want to say YES!!!
  6. ITS NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, actually some parts make ya go, "DUDE!!!!!!!!" Yeah, sadistic comedy, this is
  7. Lots of people died...
  8. This is making me sad. The plot's not going to end anytime soon.
  9. Okay, I seriously don't know if I can continue. This is just too gross. Chapter 200+ . I mean, I could EASILY see thousands of severed arms and legs and heads, but THIS is over the top. You think Tetsuo morphing around because of AKIRA's power was bad? Yeah, you ain't seen sh!t yet. FOO.
  10. Well...197, crazy stuff happening. What's weird is just I find the pace way too fast now. Most of the character build up is in the fight scenes, and there are MANY. I'm surprised that Kurono isn't like super exhausted by now. Seriously. Those alien dudes popping out everywhere. What is this Resident Evil 4.
  11. 184. I'm ... just at a loss of words.
  12. 179. Sh1t this is not good. This is probably one of the most cruel chapters, thanks to the plot. Man, I actually feel sorry for Kurono now. Reminds me of Sagara Sousuke from FMP.
  13. Yeah, Tae just found out in 170. Sh1t Kurono, nice going.
  14. I'm up to 169. WOW! Kurono got asked out by the idol??!?!? If I were him, it'd be a VERY difficult decision, especially what would happen if the idol were to die because of you? Plus, imagine all the BAD publicity that would circulate with a hottie mixed up with this "dopey" Highschooler. Weird. I'd stick with Tae. No wait, I'd hit the idol, but then break up after VERY quickly and talk to Tae again... It's rare for me to be interested in such love-girl/guy friend relationships, yeah soaps definately aren't my thing...but theres always a nice side of me.
  15. LOL the Galoob APC has more detail on the bottom than the Aoshima one. LOLOLOLO! Actually, I shouldn't be LOLing.
  16. Yeah Gundam W in Bahasa Malay. This was perhaps last Sept when I made a trip home (KL) then to NYC for a week. LOL, I'm surprised that the opening theme Just Communication wasn't altered. I've seen the entire series here in Canada dubbed in English thanks to YTV like ...what 6 years ago? Along with that....stuff like Star Ocean EX or something like that.
  17. What does HLJ about lost packages? I definately want to know since I've got a big order coming in with SAL shipping. My lonely APC made it to me, but I'm worried about this one since you said your thing was lost there, considering Canada is farther than down-under.
  18. Watching Gundam W in Malay was hilarious, to laugh at, that is. It's just weird.
  19. That's just too funny.
  20. I'm thinking that Viz comics had some issues translating from the original text of the Battle Royale novel to English, and probably had to use more basic vocabulary to keep to the meaning. However I do agree that the style/tone was a bit on the elementary side, seeing that the nature of this story is geared towards young adults/mature audiences.
  21. As well, anime in Japan isn't really cheap. I remember seeing the first DVD of GITS: SAC with episodes 1-4 (subtitled only in Japanese and Chinese with Japanese dialogu) for about 4500 yen at the HMV in Ikebukuro. This would be about 3 years ago. It's probably now down a few yen, but still.
  22. Born there, raised here. TUAN TUAN DAN PUAN PUAN, SELAMAT DATANG!
  23. I remember getting my first few anime series (very old ones...like Kenshin, Gundam X... and a few others) in these "original" boxes which had the Malay import sticker declaring them as "Japanese Cartoons". My cousin finished these VCDs up, so I watched some of them. *CRAPPY* quality control, and most were subbed in Cantonese, so that didn't help. Heh Keranamu Malaysia, I can't proper anime there....lol Even here in Canada, I still refuse to buy anime unless they're selling it like dirt cheap *and the orginal original*....
  24. It's not so much the GURO that I'm after, it's the GURO that adds to the story. I've read the Battle Royale manga and it's TERRIBLE! The Novel is WAY much better, because the characters don't look so dorky. No seriously. And the blood is much too overdone in the manga. When you have to imagine what the blood is like when reading the novel, I find it much more satisfying.
  25. Holy God Fuk do I HATE IZUMI! He's probably one of the most cruel characters I've ever witnessed so far in Gantz, well, in quite a few animes now. Seriously. I WANT HIM TO DIE in the next Gantz battle.
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