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Everything posted by Spatula

  1. Now I wonder if I should even bother with a LE for Gunbuster. I'm not very familiar with the series, so perhaps I'll get the regular one. I've only seen like 3 or 4 episodes of Top Wo Nerae 2/Diebuster with Nono (what a cutie, I'd hit her), so that's basically all of Gunbuster I've ever seen. Sorry Noriko.
  2. I guess some people like paying extra for anime. Patlabor 1 & 2 is indeed ranking at the top tier levels of my anime movies, but then I have to be reasonable here. The movie itself is great, but if you're going to pay at least $60 on top of the movie (judging from the regular edition) for the Archives book and Storyboard, then either you're filthy rich or you just like to spend extra or you are giving out of your benelovence to already a multimedia giant - Futureshop/Best Buy that really will just piss on a $26 lost revenue, seriously. $26 is a lot to me, and well, I could have used it for my weekly gas bills, but instead, got more DVDs LOL. What would be a real kicker is someone getting caught shop lifting the YOU'RE UNDER ARREST DVD box collections. LOL.
  3. What ever. It's my money. Also for the Deepdiscountdvd. The $59 is USD, but for some reason the canadsian site shows $74, and that's where I got my Pat 2 from.
  4. Man O Man. The more I look at that, it blows my mind. Crazy stuff man. Keep collecting. This reminds me of that other guy in Hong Kong... leeme see if I can dig up the link. At any rate, I had the SW trilogy saga once on VHS, until the damn VCR ate them all ;__; I've heard mixed review for the collectors Trilogy. Also, I think Danny Choo would like to meet you. It'd be nice if he popped by in his Storm Trooper suit.
  5. I WIN! Well, I thought I was all happy when I bought Pat 1 for $95 CDN with GST. But today as I was shopping at HMV, I was just gonna get Pulp Fiction and Perfect Blue for $15 each, for the 2 for 30 deal. So I head to the back of the room where they have the box collections. AND WHAT DO I SEE. Patlabor 1 LE, selling for $65.99. HOLY SMOKES. I quickly buy it, and ask the clerk if I take off the price sticker if that's okay, since I was gonna get it as a gift (LOL), he said sure, as long as the packaging is still intact. So I drive like a crazy maniac to Futureshop and get out my receipt, peel off the HMV sticker, and say that this was a gift for a friend, but he didn't want it, so that's why the price sticker is missing. $95 refunded onto my Visa. Of course what did I do with the extra $26 in savings? You guessed it, got more anime. WINNNNNNNNNNNN IF YOU'RE GONNA GET PATLABOR 1 - 2 LE, GET IT AT HMV AND MAKE SURE YOU DON'T PAY MORE THAN $75 OR ELSE YOU'RE GETTING RIPPED AT ANY SHOP You DID pay for it, right.
  6. Better than coughing up $150 a shot on Ebay in 2 years time.
  7. I don't mind, and no wonder I thought you lived in calgary - where I am. At least my mom didn't freak out at $160 some just spent on like 2 movies. LOL. It's an LE, so price doesn't really have a huge impact, unless if its for $200 a pop.
  8. Oh poo.... some how, my wallet feels very happy right now.
  9. I would suggest holding off Episodes 5 and 6 of the original OVA and watch it RIGHT BEFORE you watch Patlabor 2, since much of the elements of Patlabor 2 are based from this. After reading the Patlabor 2 archives book that came with the LE of Pat 2, it shows so much contrast and similarities. I personally would go: OVA Episodes 1 to 4, 7. Patlabor 1 - The Movie TV Series Patlabor New Files OVA Episodes 5 and 6. Patlabor 2 Patlabor WXIII. But that's just me. Also, this is the best English Patlabor fan site that I've come across. It's from some mate in Australia. http://members.iimetro.com.au/~mwhitley/index.htm EDIT: And for the love of God, how FREAKING UGLY is this cover. Worse than the North American ICO cover for PS2. This is one of the main reasons I upped to the LE. Seriously. Notice how who ever just did a piss poor job of photoshopping the 1/35 MG Alphonse in the background. That doesn't even look like Noa Izumi. LOL Fan art.
  10. I win. LOL Manga Entertainments versions...man, those will NEVER get played again (maybe for LOL purposes). Total damage: $95 CDN for Pat 1 (future shop) $79 CDN for Pat 2 (internet)
  11. Holy hot damn. <3 Alphonse
  12. Meh, it looks pretty pokey, and I think I'd rather make up my own diorama and fit my dropship in that, rather than have that plastic thing. Those army men plastic figures don't look too good.
  13. Ya know, it's been forever and a day since I last saw Gunbuster 2, and that was episode 4 out of 6. Any news of episodes 5 and 6 coming out on any torrents and such?
  14. Okay, I want to cry. I've built 3 Macross 1/72 kits so far and now I'm working on a super ostrich. So much time and effort was put into the air brusing part. That was perfect. Now comes the part of detailing using enamels over acrylics. This time I remembered to put on Future floorwax, just like my previous three kits. But now I'm fed up, my paints are FREAKING MIXING while I'm doing the panel lines and now my base coat is so Fuked up I'm prety pissed. What did I do wrong this time? The last three times it worked like a charm, and I used Future for those as well, with the exact same paints (Tamiya Acrylics and Testors Enamels). I've not have had trouble with Testors before, but I don't understand what's going on now. Seriously help me please. I think I just threw away a good week of vacation and $50 of supplies.
  15. Okay, where were you for the past 20 some years. >_> Yes, it's enjoyable to watch.
  16. I just got Subsistence yesterday but have never played the original Snake Eater, so I'm busy with the solo campaign. Perhaps sometime when I get a network thingamajig.
  17. What is this. War of the Worlds mixed with FFVIII Disc 4. Seriously now.
  18. I don't get how there was only one potion left, and at the end there are two potions. ::duplicate item command::
  19. Oh, I think I see now. Cool. NU(DE) GUNDAM ATTACK!!!!!!!!!11 I put all twelve parts of the wing funnel thingamagigs on. Okay now.
  20. Man, some of these are getting hard to find now. I got the Nu 0009 just recently and really don't know anything about the story. So what's the purpose of these "wings"? They look cool though. I've been looking for 0020 Mudrock, 0007 G-Armor, 0015 Heavy Gundam and the 0018 NT Alex. I'm not going to get these anytime soon, as I'm saving up for other items now, but where is a good place to get these for cheap besides HLJ? The 0017-b is probably the next one I'll get. I have 5 so far: 0009 0011 0013 0022 0026
  22. What's wrong in this picture.
  23. Damn, and I wanted something for my PS2.
  24. It's worse than heroin, holy sh!t.
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