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Everything posted by Spatula

  1. Also, I just ordered this ARII figure kit of Lynn Minmei from animecastle. http://www.animecastle.com/catalog/models/...arii-76356.html how is this? Good quality? Bad? Well..kinda too late now, but suggestions?
  2. I believe "frosted" would be better than "frosty". Yes, Future does magical wonders to your canopy* This is not 100% guaranteed
  4. I finished watching this a while ago, and episode 12 - special was pretty fun to watch. I've also finished Orange Days just about a week ago. Now I'm waiting to see Great Teacher Onizuka. Yes, Itoh Misaki, I'd hit her. Anyday.
  5. Er? Reissue Elintseeker? Are you talking about Hasegawa? They've got plenty of those on ze internetz! However sadly Patlabor 1/35 are hard to find, and the EX are well, next to impossible. Probably even if I went to Akihabara - Tokyo I'd be outta luck.
  6. Well..how much would you pay for a 1/35 Patlabor command car or the EXLT Spider Tank? >_> I'd go about $50 USD for any of the Ingrams. I can get then for about $50 CDN at my local Chinatown, but they're the flak armour types. The regular ingrams go for about $80 CDN at other hobby shops around town.
  7. I am such an idiot for not bidding higher. ;_;
  8. Well this really isn't on specifically Macross model kits, so I hope this doesn't get closed, but... How is Bandai like for doing a production rerun for a particular kit? I'm specifially looking for the MG 1/35 Patlabor kits ESPECIALLY the EX Command Car and the EXLT Tank. I bidded on the Tank on Ebay but lost when I was asleep. Checking with Hobby Link Japan, they mark these kits as DISCONTINUED, and that makes me sad, but they say some companies will rerun their production every few years... So what is your experience with Bandai's rerun for their production. How long will I have to wait? >_> Erm, some of these kits were produced about 2002, and I'm guessing they do a run every 5 years? Ouch.
  9. That's the mighty Detolf. Comes from Ikea and is quite affordable (40 Euros here). Looks even better if you invest some time and paint the fake wood white. -i- 344461[/snapback] But then it wouldn't really match the other furtniture now would it. I want a longer display case to go in the middle and put the Valkyries there, along with some other stuff....
  10. Yes, indeed this was my first Valkyrie. It's definately not my first model, but then again I've only done models for about 1/2 a year now. Not that much in terms of models I might add. I'm pretty into the Japanese type anime mecha stuff, so Gundam - Gunpla is definately no mystery to me.
  11. For me? I already stressed I use Tamiya acrylics. I tried out Vallerjo but it turned out horrible and got all spotty on my VF-1A. I know Tamiya does take about 1 week to fully cure, however usually overnight does the trick when you want to do a enamel work over the acrylic base coat.
  12. Those pics are of pure unadulterated awesomeness. Damn, now I want to break out my Super Ostrich kit.
  13. What's interesting is that I actually wanted to keep the VF-1D as clean as possible, and thought that using black Testors for the panelling would do the trick for crisp lines. It surely worked better than the Humbrol for the VF-1A, however it smudged along the sides even with using the Testors thinner to clean it up. Also: http://cgi.ebay.ca/Yamato-1-100-Macross-Ro...bayphotohosting Sneaky B@st@rd, putting the price so low, but putting a ridiculous amount for shipping...gee. >_>
  14. Well, here are the two birds. I think I like the VF-1D a bit more since the panel lines are more pronounced and has a much more better finish. I'm learning!!!
  15. It's from Macross TV episode... er...17? About the time where Minmei goes big time "Hollywood". Don't you notice all those little Minmei dolls on the table?
  16. Well I finished doing most of the wash for panels here. Some parts I didn't do well or clean, like the wings etc. I think the legs turned out the best. I need to find a better paint/thinner ratio with my testors.
  17. Meh, this really has more toys and figures than model mecha. This shot was taken before the VF-1A was done. Now the VF-1A is sitting nicely by Alphose and the Bandai Valkyrie. I WILL post up a picture of the few boxes of model kits. Not many though. I thought I'd throw that in since some others put some Gundam related stuff there.
  18. Meh, this really has more toys and figures than model mecha. This shot was taken before the VF-1A was done. Now the VF-1A is sitting nicely by Alphose and the Bandai Valkyrie.
  19. I normally head for Tamiya and Testors for the wash, but the shop guy told me that Vallerjo was like "SUPER DEE DUPER!" and didn't require thinning at all. I tried it out but it was terrible, since it was really clumpy, and didn't really conform to the surface. This REALLY screwed up the panel lines and such. For the VF-1D, I already noted I used Tamiya White instead of the Vallerjo off white. It makes a WORLD of difference. Also, some updated pics. I did the panel lines using flat black Testors. I know normally grey should be used, but this time I saw they used something much darker on the box art, so I'll give black a shot.
  20. I'd hate to sound like an idiot, but I've never heard of "Sentou Yousei Yukikaze" before. How old or new is this? Those mecha have just instantly impacted something in my "mechanical-loving heart". I've seen those things before, but never knew they were from some series. Please share some light here ^ ^.
  21. Don't worry peoples, I'm actually happy with my 1st Valk. It ain't pretty, but it's good enough to display with the rest of my models. Plus I want to keep it as reference. For the white base, I used Vallerjo off-white, however, I personally will not use it next time. It's very clumpy and just made these small dots all over the place with the air brush. Yes, I do have a paasche double action internal mix VL - and it's awesome, and I'm just learning the basics right now. Well in time hopefully I can use it better. I should show you some of the old pieces of paper I practiced doing various techniques like in the instruction book. For this VF-1D here, I used Tamiya Flat White XF-2, which works MUCH better than the Vallerjo. I keep hearing Vallerjo being “better†especially from the shop owner that kept saying he prefers Vallerjo, but perhaps its more for other projects, or I don’t know how to use it properly. I found the Tamiya much easier to work with, even though I had to thin it with the X20 thinner. Also: LOL! Sorries.
  22. What I like is how you manage to keep it so clean looking, even during the building process and pre weathering. I'm just wreckless abandon with my paints and don't really hold back with the paint. So how much work in terms of hours to get up to this point, Ido?
  23. I see, well I did the final coat as future floor and thought that's how it should be finished, before the dark wash. I see I see... Also, here's just a quick in progress of my next Valk: *P.S> I know I stole the front top intake markings off Cheng, but they look so damn cool! So I had to try it on this one here.
  24. This kit was actually done about 2 weeks ago but I didn't get around to do a decent photo shoot. Somethings you'll notice: 1) Very dirty appearance. Yeah I was very washy-weathery happy on this one. I pretty much douzed the whole cockpit cone with grey Humbrol and I did do some paneling, but the problem was just that I wasn't really patient to leave the oil wash alone overnight. I was afraid that the thinner wouldn't take care of the residue. 2) Some poor fits in areas. I admit to rushing a lot of areas, and the ugliest part is the right engine where it meets the fuselage. 3) Inconsistence paint markings. This was the first major project that I did with an airbrush, and I'm still very new at using an airbrush. So most of this stuff was trial and error. As well, the water from the decals rushed and washed away some of the oil Humbrol, interestingly enough. It took me 3 nights to get all the decals on. Plus you'll see some decals not where they ought to be. But at any rate, it's done. But anyways, I'm about 60% done my VF-1D and it's much better in appearance than the one right here now.
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