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Everything posted by Spatula

  1. I disagree with the collective> Imagine all my melted macross models. I'm guessing ALL of earth turned into a gooey state, not just human beings. On the other hands, I agree with shinji being a total weakling. Terrible. He's worse than Yamada in Densha Otoko. At least Yamada made an effort to stop the drunkard harrassing hermes. lso, I hate total arrogant people ie Asuka. Turns out the real winner is Rei.
  2. This must be a consipiracy with that Pokemon show a while back. 700 kids having seizures. LOL. No wonder of all the recent unreported earthquake activity in Japan. LOL!! Captain: I loved episodes 1- about 23 ish. This is about where the last angel is destroyed. After that they should have just showed the last two episodes with Nerv rejoicing they defeated all the angels, Commander Ikari dies of a drug overdose (I hate his ambition to become god). Ritsuko busy in her cell cage doing some knitting. (why did Ritsuko get jailed again...why did Ikari kill her? I don't get that. Perhaps she wanted to destroy Magi, but Gendo needed it to ...oh whatever. The more I think of it, the more depressed I get =/) Misato and Shinji getting freaky... Rei taking some sociality classes.. Asuka taking some anger management classes... THAT would have been an excellent ending.
  3. But of course, Asuka treated him like crap, even though she was fighting her own inner demons about her mom etc. That's no way to treat a nice kid. Though, what a crappy future. We all are family...a pool of LCL. Crazy. I don't think I like this series as much anymore. I don't hate it, but I don't quite like it.... Yeah, just to let you know, I watched from episode 1 all the way to 21 for Sunday, and finished up with the rest of the series and movies Monday night. I'm glad I finished it ASAP so the "lingering" feeling wouldn't be so harsh, instead of watching 1 episode each week and actually care for the characters. ( I felt bad for Misato though, what a waste of a babe). =/
  4. Strange thing is: I know Death is the hour long recap of all the 24 episodes before the last 2. Rebirth seems to be EXACTLY the same thing as the redone Episode 25 from End. I'm missing something here. Well, Wikipedia seems to clear some stuff up, again, well one can dispute how "objective" or true information is on wiki. But without further adieu, I sorta understand End of Eva a bit better now. Even though... well...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neon_Genesis_Evangelion#Plot_summary Still, I don't understand exactly what these Angels are.... Still don't get it... Perhaps they were manmade by Commd Ikari then turned on him? No, that can't be. Back in 2000 he was probably still researching stuff, and wouldn't have such an ability. He wanted to be a God. I think. You know what? I might actually start to make a thread (even though I bet there's thousands upon thousands of End of Eva threads on the Internet). Sigh.
  5. Well, I guess that's a better "Ending" than End of Evangelion. I just watched that movie last night. I need some therapy, NOW. (so yes, I don't mean to hijack this thread, but wth happened at the end?) EVERYBODY DIES? =/
  6. So...is this black hole thing actually official of the ending of Misa etc? Strange. =/
  7. Sadly, all of Ichijo's kids ended up as lawyers; not a single fighter pilot.
  8. At least they got married to let the good times roll, or what was left of it.
  9. I expected them to do some sort of action figure, on part by BanDai. Wayy.... too much. It looks pretty small too.
  10. Well, I knew this day was coming that since I decided to put the landing gears up on the Valkyrie, that somehow I'd have to prop it up. I've thought of going to a trophy shop and getting a wooden plaque and then getting a glass rod, but I think that's beyond my capabilities for now. A much cheaper and quicker alternative is to use the Hasegawa 1/72 Valk Stands. My question is, how nice do these look? I know they'll do the job of holding it up, but are they steady and well crafted? Do they complement the look of the Valkyrie of just get in the way? I'll probably order from Hobby Link Japan sometime. This one...when it's back instock. http://www.hlj.com/product/HSG12 I'll probably prop up my Super Ostrich on one of these as well. The custom display base will have to wait for sometime. This is my reasoning: I don't really want to start drilling holes into my valkyrie and forever glue the display flight stand to it, sometimes I might want to take the valkyrie off the display and look under it etc. Before I thought it was a great idea to permanently glue the Valk to the display stand, but now I'm thinking a bit different. Surely I'm not treating them as a toy...but ya know.
  11. I see, so just wondering if you've ever built this exact kit...
  12. Oh a vinyl kit, I see I see. I never touched resin so I guess I wouldn't know the difference. Yeah the legs and pretty much everything is hollow... will Das clay work?
  13. WOOT! Thanks for your reply. Just wondering, exactly how difficult would it be to somehow make my $16 model into the $100 model shown on the second picture. I know there's well...A LOT of work... >_>
  14. YES! I got my Lynn Minmay resin kit today from animecastle. After a week of shipping and such. You can check out the picture here: http://www.tisinc99.com/ma16scnolymi1.html. I didn't get it from Tisinc, but that picture is supposedly the final product. I COULD pay $100 to get a nicer version, found on here: http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php?products_id=1677 But I don't want that kit just yet..especially when I'm a total newb with resin, and still quite novice with plastic kits in general. Well, so I open up the box and well, we've got about 9 different parts that definately will need some work on. There's these LONG bits of resin, I guess these are the excess molding which will have to be cut. Seeing as this is the first time in my life touching resin, ...so I have a few questions: 1) After the nightmare of the melting elintseeker, WHAT DOES RESIN NOT LIKE AND REACT POORLY WITH? 2) What do I use to glue the pieces together? Testors? Tamiya? 3) What kind of paints do I want to use for this that will leave a nice finish? 4) Do you need to wash this with like some soap or something before getting started. 5) I've never primed anything in my life before, what exactly will I need to use to "prime" this to get it ready to paint? 6) What should I use to cut the excess resin? A regular hobby knife? 7) What do I use to do the putty work because I know there's gonna be a huge gap between the parts that I have to glue together. I should look at some of those 2 part epoxies you kept talking about in the other thread. Any other special secret tips???? Ie... well perhaps how much sanding is involved..stuff like that. Anyone who's built something similar please do post. I'm well... quite lost and wanted to try something new: resin. I will post post pics soon...whenever my home PC is up and running again...
  15. DAMAGE REPORT DAMAGE REPORT! Well, I went a bit crazy yesterday, and mom wasn't pleased. What I got: Patlabor 1,2, and 3 INGRAM for a total of $255 CDN. Crazyness. Plus I already won that Ebay item, the EX tank for $70 CDN... This won't even include the Macross resin figures for about another $70 CDN... Then the Valkyrie VF-4 I'm gonna get from Valk009 ...another $100 CDN My mom is going to kill me.
  16. Thank god now. Well I did use Das modeling air dry clay for the Elintseeker nose to see what I can salvage here. How does air dry clay work? Is it okay with plastic?
  17. As stated above, I had not much clue of what it really was, so I used squad white/green putty with reckless abandon. Now I know.... >_>
  18. Well it turns out that: 1) Animecastle doesn't have Ingram Type 3 instock, so instead I ordered the Ichijo and Misa resin statues. 2) Mandrake web site doesn't have Type 2 instock, but the guy there emailed me saying they have Type 3 selling for $30 CDN or 3000 Yen excl shipping and charges etc. 3) Seeing as I'd rather get this Type 3 intown, so I just returned from Uncle Bill's Hobby with the Type 3 for $78 CDN. This sounds expensive but: 1) I get the kit in my hot little hands now 2) The $30 CDN excludes shipping of about $25CDN plus any customs charges, plus there's a chance of getting it lost, plus there's the wait period, which drives me nuts. 3) Almost instant gratifcation. Hopefully this Ingram won't melt away like my Elintseeker.
  19. One time when I was buildling the USS Enterprise Carrier, I was trying to scratch build some blocks supplies as props etc, so I took shavings off the tree and made some cylinder blocks. I put on testors glue and sanded them immediately, just by the heat of the friction of the sanding and my heat of the hands, it started to already melt! Good thing this was just a part of the tree, not the real model. TAMIYA/ TESTORS GLUE + IMMEDIATE SANDING = MELTED PLASTIC!
  20. Yes, lesson learned the hardway. How does epoxy work? Is it as "corrosive" or adhesive as the squad putty? I want to avoid using that now, just for small cracks and such. Yes, the Zendrati forces are now using beam weapons to melt away armor, oh wait, they've always been doing that.
  21. YES! White Glue. I'm intending to somehow salvage the Elintseeker with some good parts. The FAST Packs, wings, and the main fuselage are all still okay, as is the front engine intakes. Those are detachable from the S part. I'm intending to mount this on a base for flight mode. Note to self...use White Glue. What type of white glue do you recommend?
  22. Do you ever have those dreams where your precious kit which you slaved for 12 hours on a Saturday is placed nicely to dry ready to work the next day, then you come down with great anticipation, just to find that your kit...well...melted? Yes, this is a terrible nightmare, but also it was to my horror to find in reality that my Elintseeker just... melted. Here's what happened: I wanted this valkyrie in flight mode, therefore the bottom antenna proped down, and the landing gears up. I thought this would be an excellent idea and since Cheng did show some detail of how to do it, I thought it'd be great! Instead of putting the gears in, I flooded the whole cavity of the bay with squadron putty. Now, this seemed like a great idea so I could just easily paste the bay gear doors on it so I didn't have to worry about it caving out or anything. The thing I didin't know is that this putty is very acidic in large quantities. This leaked right into the engine and the cockpit. To my horror, whenever you poked the bay doors or the cock pit, you could actually put a finger nail mark on it! The plastic turned pretty much into gooey mess and I was crying. OMG. Please tell me your horror stories, or what putty/epoxy to use so I never run into this again. I didn't follow Chengs method since my computer died on the weekend and I'm using a different PC now to type this. I'm forever sad.
  23. I remember dreaming about the Gundam Fix 0013 for the longest time ...about 4 months. When I was in NYC, I finally got it at about $140 USD, but then once I got home, it's pretty much just collecting dust. Yeah it was cool for about a week, but I find models having a longer appeal since you get so "intimate" with it eh?
  24. I'm not sure but at least $20 CDN just for shipping and $35 CDN (there is a $5 handling -admin charge) for the kit. ALSO! EBAY!!!!!!!!!!! I just got the second chance offer to BUY IT NOW for the EXLT Tank! I WON! kITA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. YOOOOSHHHH!!!!!!!!! Notice the "SOLD OUT" --> Guess who did it? That's RIGHT! Thanks a bunch Chas!
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