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Everything posted by Spatula

  1. Hey guys I got the Gundam Fix 0017 Zeta Gundam. I want to get it to the C1 bst configuration, but having a hell of a time putting together the giant beam cannon (see the left most picture right underneath step and it says to attach two pieces to the rear of the beam cannon which later attaches to the arm. What part am I looking for here? I seriously can't find it amongst all the other stuff I took of the regular zeta. PLEASE HELP! This is harder than putting together the 0013 deep frying pan.
  2. I have Walther's Decal solution and applied it to all the decals.
  3. Then that means there are two Noa Izumis. This is delicious.
  4. Alphonse fighting Alphonse. How is this even possible!
  5. Hey guys, I'm done with the decals for my VF-1S Valk, however, I want to know how to use the airbrush to spray onto the decals to get that nice painted on look, since the decals are way too shiny. I'm guessing you use some very highly thinned base coats and just spray very lightly around the decals, but I want to ask you guys before I start doing something I've never done before. I do have some Tamiya flat base, some future floor wax, paint thinner, and the appropriate coats. Help me please. ;___;
  6. I just happen to use raw umber #2006 by Model Master, and it works great. Make sure you use the Model Master enamel paint thinner, and NOT the paint brush cleaner, as I have mistakenly done in the past. ::thinner eating base coat like wut::
  7. Er, nevermind, scatch that idea.
  8. Um, what's the best camouflage you can come up with for either a F-15A-D variant or F/A 18 (any 1 seater variant), using mainly the colors of white, black, and purple? This may become a project modelled after the Suigintou doll from the anime Rozen Maiden. Oh god no... I know....
  9. I guess. Yeah. I've seen an A-wing with Marine Corps markings, at first I was ..meh...and now, I'm still quite meh to it. What if I don't like the name of the pilot? I guess I could just open up MS word and get out some decal paper....
  10. One thing I've done with most of the macross kits is done a lot of artistic licensing. I'm not really a stickler for dead on markings and accuracy. This has gotten me somewhat more minded about modeling for actual fighter jets now. What if I like a paint scheme but it's not used by a certain squadron or wing or what have you? What if I want to make up my own ficitious squad or even copy pasta from another source, say, Ace Combat? What if I wanted a desert scheme for my F-14D which is with the VF-34s? What if I wanted a few tiger stripes on my F-14 and made up VF-300 or something like that. Is this allowed?
  11. Alright, a bit confusing as it is, but I guess I'll just ask here before buying the kit. Me reading this is like "NAH, IT'S JUST SONY RELEASING SOME GAMES FOR THE "GAMEBOX 360" which REALLY is from Nintendo". LOL, I relate almost anything to video games.
  12. So I'm guessing at one point Revell and Monogram merged but then divorced? I keep seeing them together and then seperated from time to time. LOL SquareEnix.
  13. Guys, I'm going 1/48 and up. I don't like the smallness of the 1/72, which my Macpla offers me more than enough of "smallnes", so 1/48 is a nice size. Would you care to post the box art for the F-15E by Revell? Are the Germany Revell kits the one with the blue box with light blue horizontal lines in it and like 6 different languages written all over the box? LOL that might be the one, cause in Americaland, they only speak American. EDIT: Hey guys. is this the one you're talking about? It looks pretty nice with the tiger scheme going on.
  14. Looks like I'll see into Academy the next time I get my next kit. Is $30 CDN for a 1/48 Academy F-15B-D okay? It's scary how much the price jumps up when you get into the 1/32 scale. It gets about "Perfect Grade" price level, so that's sorta nerve wracking. You mean...garbage trash? Or just salvaged it for spare parts? Ouch either way...
  15. As luck would have it, today while I was waiting for my new prescription of eye glasses, I decided to take the hour of wait time and head down to the hobby shop. It's been a while since I've been to this one (PM hobby and craft, for those of you who live where I live, on 32nd ave in Calgary), but I just wanted to see what they had in stock. I've already had more than enough projects (READ: Macross/Patlabor kits) to work on, but I was just starving for something real this time, that is, models of real military hardware in todays day and age. It's been forever and a day since my last "real life" kit, so I didn't want to get any thing expensive. It's funny how I've only worked with Bandai and Hasegawa kits for Macross, and a Wave kit for the Tachikoma, and really haven't had much exposure to other companies. So here's a very very small list of manufacturers I just happened to take note of: Academy Models Trumpeter Revell Hasegawa Italeri Tamiya At any rate, I managed to spot a F-14D (you can stop rolling your eyes now) from Revell. It's a 1/48 kit and was selling for $20, so why not pick it up? When I opened up the box, god, was this modeling for dummies? A total turn about in difficulty that I'm used to from the VF-1 Strike Valk I'm working on right now. No wonder they say this is for 10 year olds. LOL, well time will tell when I'm finished with my Valk. http://www.revell.com/catalog/products/1_4...mcat-586-7.html I guess I bought this out of pure nostagia. I remember my dad and I working on the F-14A kit when I was like 7 years old. What was this.... a good decade and a half ago? This time I want to do it all by myself (LOL, daddy can I try??? LOL) At any rate, I'm not too sure how the quality is like for Trumpeter (MADE IN CHINA) and Academy (MADE IN KOREA). Perhaps whenever I think of especially China, I think of well, cheap quality. Things from South Korea are picking up in quality, especially how I love Samsung products now. I personally find Revell's quality a bit shakey, perhaps its in the molding where I don't see as much details as say, a Tamiya kit of the same model and scale, but maybe I'm looking in the wrong places. In this thread, just tell me what you think of these companies, as I'm interested in the military jet fighters (not really a tank person now), and their pros and cons.
  16. Mainly gamingforce.com, I've been there for some time now, and it's a nice place to a "variety show".
  17. Eeuuuuhhh.. okay, PC it is. That's what made the original so good, with the keyboard you could basically make JC do more than your like 12 buttoned controller, or however many bloody buttons those things possess.
  18. Memories AHH! Memories. What a great game, sure this game has shown it's age, but still, the ability to go around most problems with many different methods was just pure awesome. What happened with the sequel? I heard it wasn't so hot. Imagine Deus Ex 3 for PS3/Xbox 360. WIN!
  19. That looks more like Saya with long hair from Blood+ than anything else. LOL, and I like how it's both from Production IG.
  20. If you're just starting out airbrushing, go to walmart and get those big paper board for like 70 cents each or something. Get a few sheets of white paper and just spend maybe 2 to 3 hours just experimenting on how the airbrush reacts to certain pressures and movements, especially if you're using double action. I did that for some time before doing my first kit. Damn, it was a BLAST!
  21. What! Your wife can model? I mean...do plastic kits? If she's a model, damn, double bonus! And for the sake of the thread, when I got the 1/72 VF-0D, I said to myself, damn, I wish I was only good enough. As I'm building more and more kits (see my in progress VF-1S), I think I can realize this more and more, and I've only been building kits for like what, a year? Even that?
  22. You sir, must have won the lottery or something. I know this is supposed to be a single one shot purchase, but my Patlabor 1/35 Master Grade kits (Alphonse, # 2, #3) were bought in 1 day at 2 different shops at $80 a piece, so $240 for the whole lot. For a single anime related purchase, I guess maybe the Gundam Fix 0013 Deep Striker for about $140 USD. Still, though, that seems like a sane price now that I've seen some crazy stuff around here. My Aliens Aoshima 1/72 Dropship was still expensive 12800 JPN Yen so about 125 CDN then the shipping ^___^
  23. Good Smile Company? My wallet won't be smiling. Aliens 1/6 Figures....Xbox 360...Macross Kits....Patlabor TV series....God damn man. I need a 4th job or something.
  24. Oh god, I'm both overjoyed and saddened at the same time. how the hell am I supposed to pay for my next order at HLJ now ;___; My Gundam Fix Figurations are hurting.... will they be delayed because of this???? ;____;
  25. Thanks for you input Cheng. Yeah the gun vents were a pain, and I didn't know about tiny files. I'll remember this the next time. It looks real ugly for this one because it's magnified like lots, but when you're looking at a distance it's not so apparent. Of course it'd be nice to get them down nicely, since this is all in scale. The wheel well shot there was still when it was drying so it still looks wet. I did some more dry brushing with a silver color enamel to give it that chipped look, and will probably put some white in it to get it back up to a more cleaner look.
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