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Everything posted by Spatula

  1. I will eventually build all the kits I buy. At this moment, I've built 3 out of 4 of the Macross Hasegawa kits. The latest one built is the Elintseeker, and it's decent looking now, since that whole putty disaster occurred. I still have the Super Ostrich to build up. I think keeping them in the box is a waste, it's like buying a good quality video game and keeping the factory wrap still on. It's ironic that something wrapped up is worth more monetary wise, but yet not used to it's full potential. I'm seriously vesting money on 2 kits of the VF-0D and the Strike Valks as well. As well, I gotta get Valk009's VF-4 soon!
  2. In Japan, anime is serious business.
  3. Blah, I still hope there are some left. Though money is REALLY tied up right now. January will take a hit with the VF-4..bleh. I'm still waiting for my Solid Snake figure from Medicom.
  4. So floppy. So funny.
  5. Well with your 2nd point, it's pretty much starting ground for a fourth season (perhaps called the Third Raid) to explain more of that. To your 6th point, I think this was explained in the 1st season as she could somehow have a special ability to use the Lambda driver more effectively thank Sousuke. I think...
  6. Quite like what I feel. What's funny is I was busy eating dinner 5 minutes ago thinking about that STARSHIP SIZE comparison chart and wondered about if they should include the EVA units as well as the angels. Then EOE popped into my head. WTF... I also was quite entertained by much of the series up until Shinji kills Kayozu or whatever his name is... blah. Then it just didn't quite work for me. Oh well, I'm glad I watched the Patlabor series to cheer me up.
  7. What's funny is I think before I had this weird idea that the SSD was over 40 km. I'm not too sure why. Perhaps it was when I watched ESB and put the VHS on pause to take a tape measure and compare that of the SSD to the ISD, and the ISD was tiny. But what I didn't consider was that the ISD was perhaps way NOT directly underneath the SSD, therefore that measurement was absolutely flawed. Oh wait, did I just mention one level of my .... on never mind. And the SDF-3. Is this that megaroad thing. Oh god I forgot.
  8. I feel somewhat guilty looking at these... (zomg Spatula you some weird geeky nerdish freak or something? whenever people walk by my office computer). >_> Still, my <3 goes to the Imperial Class Star Destroyer. SUPER <3 (Would I say something sacreligious, especially on MW, if I like it more than the SDF-1?)
  9. ...right....
  10. Dude, what's with the music with the 2nd video. ZOMG! THIS IS TOO INTENSE~!!!!
  11. Yes, I meant when the circle reaches 100%, it's seems quite hard to reach it now...strange. But then perhaps since my guys are about level 6/7 that the first dungeon, Artolia, has extremely easy guys, so maybe I tend to kill them easily, maybe that's why the computer will know and adjust accordingly. I usually go: Lenneth --> Jelanda --> Arngrim --> Belenus. I go by the order of how many attacks they have in their combo. Lenneth has a lot so it will refill back to 100 easily, same with Jelanda's fire storm, arngrim's final attack does a few hits, hopefully to get it back to 100, then finish off with a one final hit from belenus. Also, is there any reason to do a 3 or 4 link chain attack even when the target is already dead? Unless you REALLY have a beef with that litte small fry.
  12. I think I should stop reading this thread. I feel now a majority of my enjoyment is spoiled. I'm only almost done chapter 1. A few questions about the first game: 1. I seem to only be getting a max of 54 hits when I use the combo of Arngrim, Valk, and Belenus. When Jelanda comes into play, her Fire storm attack helps with a 40 some hit, and reaching 100 is easier. Basically, I've timed my attacks to coincide with when the enemy is about to fall I set them off. I must be doing something wrong. I've gone through the pratice mode to see which combos work, but I'm having a hell of a tough time. Also, that Llewelyn is a real wimp, even after getting his traits over 40 and his Attack strength stats up. He barely does much....herm. 2. I've only seen Valk do that SUPER attack once where once she's done her regular routine, she then jumps in the air and flies with her wings, and shoots a mighty arrow into the enemy. Now that is cool. How to do that? I guess that was the final 4th chained attack, but now I can't remember. It happened when I was fighting the first real boss. Herm... (Sorry for derailing...gomen ne...)
  13. And I thought I was late with Dragon Quarter... I've had all 4 of those PS1 titles for years. All good choices, of course. I strongly recommend leading with VP. tri-Ace is God. And because I got a toy, I have to play... "You WILL reveal the location of the autobot base. One way or another." 355066[/snapback] I don't mean to derail this thread here ( Merry Xmas..oh wait, its already the 26th in my time zone). With those PSX games, better late than never, especially VP. Valkyrie Profile is a good game, though a bit rushed in my mind. This does help make the game feel urgent to get your Einherjah's act together cause, ya know, the end of the world isn't something to joke about, but then with most RPGs I love to explore around. I'm just wrapping up chapter 1 now. "I was a slave to circumstance" I love that, I should use that every time I can't come up with a good excuse. "Why didn't you take out the garbage?" "I was a slave to circumstance..."
  14. Sadly, I buy my own presents. At least I get exactly what I want. So here we go: 1. Valkyrie Profile for PSX 2. Xenogears for PSX 3. Vagrant Story for PSX 4. Front Mission 3 for PSX 5. Ace Combat 5 for PS2 6. GTA: San Andreas for PS2 7. Solid Snake 12" action figure from MEDICOM 8. Star Wars Action Fleet Tie Bomber 9. Star Wars Action Fleet Tie Fighter 10. Star Wars Action Fleet T-16 Sky Hopper 11. Star Wars Action Fleet B Wing 12. Star Wars Action Fleet Landing Craft Did I miss anything? Also, sadly no sight of anything "Macross".
  15. Still got kits around?
  16. **Outta no-where.** BANDAI makes a Valkyrie that can change into Hikaru. blol....>_>
  17. Well, I like how the highest bidder at this moment is some 0 feed back dude. LOL.
  18. I've only played Tales of Phantasia for SNES emu. It was fun, though, I really didn't get very far. I should pick up on it some time (most likely after beating VP for like the 5th time). Still some of the best lines ever: "Arche, I bet she fu©ks like a tiger"
  19. This is even whetting my appetite more for the first game. I hope my VP1 copy starts shipping off soon to ME!!!! Most expensive game I've bought so far...$100 USD. I always like to play the "origin" game of any series to see how the game develops not only in story line, but as well as new ideas and concepts brought into sequels.
  20. Just if anyone is looking for the first VP game, I've bidded on this one, but I bought another one instead at a cheaper price. PLEASE bid ($101 USD) so I don't have to pay twice for this game and get 2 copies. >_> http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8241809738
  21. I hope you mean ugly at the transformers wannabes! ^___^ Here's my small collection of the action fleet stuff, 2 snowspeeders and an A-wing aren't pictured. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...e=post&id=27416
  22. This is what I mean: http://www.oohyeahzone.com/collection/cb/c...tion-fleet.html ^____^ BEST. STAR WARS. TOYS. EVER. PERIOD.
  23. I thought Star Wars Galatic Heroes was bad enough. Jesus. Where ma Galoob/Hasbro Action Fleet ships yo.
  24. I agree with you on that one. Why is it that MANY anime episodes just wanna fill in space to recap what they've gone through. I mean, if people are just starting the series, doesn't it make sense to somehow start at the beggining of the series? I supposed the only real thing is that in Japan, many school children have busy night schedules with extra curricular stuff and may miss some episodes, so this is to recap, but then I'd just use the VCR to tape the episodes I'd miss. This goes with Patlabor TV series as well, "Kanuka's Report" was pretty much a recap, but at least it had a small plot where the SV2 try to throw a bday surprise. Gundam is probably the worst offender for doing recap episodes. Dude, my brains not that bad with it's memory, now is it?
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