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Everything posted by Spatula

  1. You know what, I was thinking about that while taking a shower last night. But then I'd probably put the money towards the Hot Toys marines instead. $140 USD some with the shipping for EACH isn't exactly cheap, but then again most of the 1/6 figures (well the good ones) are about that range anyways. This is getting just about as expensive, (would be more if you want to add the price of the APC) as the Gundam Fix 0013, I got it in NYC for about $140 USD.
  2. Just found an AWESOME SITE about a Japanese collector who has A LOT of spare time on his hands to put his 1/6 figs in various situations. Pretty interesting, even if you can't read Japanese, like myself. EDIT: More JIN ROH goodness.
  3. I want the Kerebros Panzer by both Medicom and Dragon. !!! Man I already blew a whole wad of $$$ on the Aliens thing and the macross...as well as Kaneda's bike. It'll be like summer until I get the Panzer, if I can find it for decent price on Ebay or something, that is.
  4. GOOD LUCK! I was winning the Dragon Internatl Version until someone sniper bidded me in the last 20 seconds and I couldn't log in fast enough. See my first post. I'm thinking of getting the Medicom Movie version, I think by RAH, is on Ebay now. The dragon version is supposedly better than the Medicom version, see here: ALEN YEN'S TOYBOX DX - Kerberos Panzer Corp Stray Dog Review. The Aliens figures are going to be on the back burner for a bit. After ordering the Aliens dropship, I think I've got my fix for a little while.
  5. Takara Cy Girls should make Lenneth Valkyrie, but too bad Cool/Cy girls works more on the "Girls of the future"...
  6. HOOOOOOOLLLLY LIKE 4 1/2 month BUMP! People, I just went to HLJ and ordered one. Why oh Why didn't I do this prior to Christmas? Oh yeah that's right, I already ordered like $500 other things already.
  7. OKAYYYYY!!!! Just placed my order for the STANDARD edition dropship and the APC with the Marines in it. I think I'm going to die now. EDIT: OHHHHHHHH poo! Did I get the right colour APC? I know there's a black one (the one I want), and the green one for 02. I ordered the STANDARD dropship and STANDARD APC. I hope I got the colors right!!!
  8. I guess it'd go well side by side with Mr. Solid Snake, but I got my monies put for somewhere else, I'll let you know via PM. Why? What happened to our Sexy Cyborg? The hair right? So someone having problems trying to keep it straight? Tell ME! (jeez, I bet I'm going to get it by mail tomorrow I think). These Medicom Eva Dolls are EXPENSIVE! Well, each of them is about how much I paid for Solid Snake about $120 USD, if you go to Evangelion Rei/Asuka. . Precautions for taking care of your beloved 1/6es. Tell me. One thing I know right off the bat is probably don't put it near any halogen lamps or anything. If my basement was the land of Toy Story, "WOODY! I'm BURNING!!!" For those of you still interested in SOLID SNAKE MEDICOM (basically the same one I posted above) GO HERE! I got mine for 1/2 price at $124.00 USD just before christmas, but now it looks the price has gone up $20.00. Also note that SHIPPING IS FREE (pretty damn good shipping from Hong Kong too, I got mine in about 10 business days). This is probably the best opportunity you can go for. I even wrote a review for it. What's even nice is that they'll mark it as gift for like $20, so you can get it right at your postal box. About the Aliens Dropship, I'm just minutes away from ordering one. I think I want to go for the 01 Dropship. The picture posted in HLJ isn't the final product, cause I doubt Aoshima would EVER produce something that ugly and call it finished. It was a rough prototype just for display. I saw pics of the 01 in the dropship thread. ZOMG...nor eally...ZOMG!!!!!
  9. Indeed, since it doesn't look like there's a 1/6 thread around, we'll keep this one bumped from time to time. But first for the aliens: CHECK THIS OUT! (Okay I know it ain't 1/6, more like 1/72), but...AOSHIMA- 1/72 Aliens DROPSHIP! As well as the "lovely" APC. Check out this Japanese fan site as this toy-fan has taken some very nice pics of the dropship and happy little APC. The Aliens dropship is on the 3rd row, extreme left.
  10. Also, how good are these bracelets of zoe? I transmuted I think a golden egg or something. Also, I try to keep a decent supply of spells ready for new mages to learn, especially sap guard/attack. Meh, you just already said it.
  11. Recently, I've been through the HUGE hype of collecting 1/6 figures. I remember probably 6 months back I wouldn't really have considered, since these things can get VERY expensive ($200+). However, I just received in my mail yesterday the MEDICOM Real Action Heroes Solid Snake (Snake Ver). After getting probably one of the most awesomest things in the mail, that being Solid Snake (or what I think is Big Boss in MGS3, though I've not played MGS3:SE yet), (better than my High School Diploma, mind you), I'm absolutely hooked on pretty much most things 1/6th, especially military-like or a dude with guns, take for example the Real Action Heroes (From now on denoted as "RAH") Special Air Service Ver 2.. For now I'll have to use stock pics since I'm too lazy to pull out the digi cam. I know there's quite a few sites devoted to these one-six-wonders. onesixthwarrior.com is one of them, amongst many more. Also, I did order the Takara Cool Girls - MOTOKO KUSANAGI (Ninja Version) just recently and am waiting for that one through the mail. Unfortunately I'll have to stick with stock pics again for now. What got me pretty ticked was some dude in Germany sniper bidded my 1/6 Jin Ron - Panzer Corp Stray Dogs made by Dragon. 20 seconds to the end he got me, this was three days after I sat patiently and everything was fine. Check it out here. Amongst other things, Hot-Toys recently released their ALIENS collector kits which so far include Cpl Hicks, Apone, and Vasquez. Those look absolutely sweet. As well, I'm keeping my eye on the Terminator T-850. Jeez, just when I only wanted to do some simple plastic modeling with my Macross 1/72s, and now this. So what 1/6th stuff have you got or are planning to get?
  12. Nice that's what I've been doing lately. Especially when I know I have 7000 next for one guy, I fight a dragon (easy peasy with the dragon slayer) and get 6000 exp. I then make the dude wear the necklace and use the 1000 from the party menu! WOOT! Extra 100 some CP right there! I usually max out these skills with top priority: TOP: Counter 1. First Aid 2. Guts 3. Use Item 4. Survival 5. Attack 7. Fight 8. Whatever else...traits and stuff
  13. Oh I see, I thought if you collect 40 some of them for any one character, it would make their CT permanently reduced by 1 or something. Also, it seems Valkyrie can do 2 attacks now, either she can shoot two rounds of three arrows, or she can double cut with her sword, do a slide dash, and attack from the other side. I wonder if I could do this with her at very low levels, like at the 1st dungeon. Also, starting a game on hard, how could it be "better" according to one gamefaq that your Einherjar all start at level one? I know this might be part of the increase in difficulty, but your team pretty much has to advance onto the more harder dungeons say in Chapter 5, while your guys, besides Valk are at level 1. I guess you could put Arngrim and another high level and the newb to tag along. Meh, I guess I'll have to play to find out. So basically the nice XP gems are the ones to get since they carry on for experience at the end. Oh I see...
  14. With the CP gems, strangely enough I've seen enough battles where I got a whole slew of these, say like 5-6, and I see them float up RIGHT ABOVE the guys heads. I'm thinking now...okay, so am I rewarded with these things? I mean, most of my guys are busy running around hitting the enemy and I'm hoping that these CP are collected and just don't disappering into the abyss of the time-space continuum.
  15. Well I bit the bullet and in turn paid about $130 CDN for VP on Ebay. I'm actually very glad I got the original, simply because there are CERTAIN things which just are too damn good that it's actually worth it. I know $130 WTF!?!?!?! But I mean, it's not going to get any cheaper right? Plus I'm terrible at technology. A mod chip is $140 with labour, and I can already see the arguements that it pays off with future games, however, I personally like getting original games, rather than bootlegs. However, the same thing can't really be said for all me current anime. Freya, a character in the game, will help guide you in the first dungeon and teach you battle basics. Once VP2 comes out, I can boldy show them side by side!
  16. I agree that's at least a hell lot more than what I have, however I'm not really into the character, disney, WB, stuff, albiet quite a few nice DC, Marvel characters. As you'd probably know by now, I'm more of the mecha/anime type..
  17. Wayyyy....baccckkk when I was stilll in HS...this is like 5-6 years now, 357839[/snapback] Chris 357910[/snapback] Trust me, even though I'm only 21 makes me feel like I'm in the fourties already. Somethings just don't seem.... the same. Ya young whippersnappers....
  18. You know what, I'm too lazy to look through all 9 pages at this moment, but can anyone hook me up with a torrent link blah blah blah...much appreciated.
  19. Nah, I found this was one of the few Kubrick films I could actually enjoy (for the first bit). Yes it seemed slow as hell, 15 minutes just for a docking shot, and like 30 minutes or so of apes running around prior to. I liked it up to the point where I think one of the astronauts gets back onto the Oydessy or whatever that ship is called to take out Hal. WHAT ARE YOU DOING! DON'T TOUCH MA MOTHER...board....let me sing you a song...lalalalalaal. After that I found it just ...egh.
  20. Quoted for truth. Wayyyy....baccckkk when I was stilll in HS...this is like 5-6 years now, so we did this film study for our English class and we had to do a "disection" of a 30 second part of a film. So we all did ours, and finally the teacher at that time raved all about this Citizen Kane movie. Thank god she only showed the first five minutes. What's funny is this exact movie was what I wanted to put down the first moment I saw the thread title.
  21. Oh...double post. Too lazy to edit here. From the preview posted by Black Valkyrie, it looks like the PSP version will have new cut scenes in CG and real actors, LOL the Cos-play valk looked rather goofy. But I liked her slaying those skull spirits in the Weeping Meadow part. I did that in the 1st chapter. "Why are these spirits near this tomestone?"...or something of that effect. Thinking of it now. VP isn't exactly portable friendly. You've got 1 save point somewhere at the beginning, and then 30-45 minutes later, another save point for this game, so unless you're in the backseat of a car for a long time, I'm not sure about the feasibility of playing a long type RPG on a portable console, again I don't have a PSP and I don't know really what type of games are on it. Plus, VP looks better (well most any other games) on a big screen, so the huge PWS actually look cool and not dumbed down to a small screen. Hmph.
  22. I'm following one of the gamefaqs very closely and printed off like 30 some pages back to back. my seal rating keeps popping up since I keep transfering 1 chara per chapter. I killed brahms which was a real waste since you don't get any exp, and lezard as well. Dude, Lezard's tower wasn't exactly a walk in the park on normal difficulty, even my dragon slayer got busted, and I'm keeping the other tucked in safely. The Beast slayer is good too, but I keep that for reserve. yeah the real problem is getting the seal rating down... since it pops up everytime you transfer someone. Even taking off the Nieblum ring doesn't really do much, besides -2 to seal rating each time you see Odin. I'm at about 78 some seal rating and just completed Lezarts tower. That crazy HORNY HARRY POTTER WANNABE.
  23. Seeing as I'm going to be entering Lezard's temple soon near the end of chapter 4, and recruit the new mage, I'm pumped. I'm glad I've got the chance now to play the original, since I flipping love this game. Yes $130 CDN in total was HELL to pay, but in the end, I'll have to stick with it. Now I'm looking forward to the new games even more. However....why oh why won't they make Lenneth for PS2 as well. ;_; It'd sell a hell of a lot, but then I guess my original would be redundant.
  24. Years 2000 to 2009 are pronounced, "two-thousand, two-thousand-one...two-thousand-nine" from what I know. Years 2010 to 2099 will probably be pronounced, "Twenty-ten, twenty..fifty".
  25. Well I guess while everyone else is getting sobered up from beer... (Happy New Year, Give me Beer!) Just wishing everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR, and what's great is I made a trip to NYC earlier this year to check out the Times Square. Wish I was there when the ball dropped down!
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